Jumat, 15 September 2017



To become an effective teacher, undertaking classroom research is such a good way, or a crucial thing. Because, research give contribute in learning and teaching process. It can help teacher to get insight about this pedagogical process. We can have more knowledge and experiences by see the real condition in research. It gain us to understand about many interrelated factors in learning process. Research can give more contribution to improve learning and teaching process. Undertaking classroom research for teacher will give a good experience for them, specifically in learning scientific process and can thinking critically. It is because they form some research question, and try to find the best method or the best answer for those research question. They will analyze some data and try to get conclusion. Another good point, teacher will be more sensitive to the situation in classroom. But however, sometime some teacher just focus primarily on how to teach, examining how to specify learning objectives, design lessons, and assess learning. Little or no attention is given to training teachers to rigorously investigate. Perhaps because of many reason. But remember that by undertaking research we will get more professional and effective teacher.
To provide a more comprehensive view of research we examine research from the perspective of what Richards (2003) terms. First, research paradigms: basic versus applied research. The purpose of basic research is to acquire knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Its main goal is to contribute to a fuller understanding of the world. Often basic research is undertaken in disciplines like biology, physics, astronomy, and geology. While applied research deals with human and societal problems in the hopes of finding solutions to real-world problems. A great deal of research in the field of TESOL is. Second is research tradition, Qualitative Versus Quantitative Research, quantitative research, a researcher typically begins with a research question or hypothesis that is quite specific. Qualitative research is typically starts with the assumption that classroom learning must be studied holistically, taking into account a variety of factors in a specific classroom
There are four method that can be used to study the belief, attitude, and behavior of teacher and students. The first method is, action research, it begins with teacher identifying a concrete problem they have. They then gather data to help solve the problem and after carefully analysis this data, undertake changes in their classroom to hopefully solve their initial problem. The second method is survey, divided into two ways, you can use questioners or interviews. The third method is introspective research, in this method, teachers and learners reflect on their thinking processes on their beliefs and experience. There are two types of introspective studies. They are verbal reports and diary studies. In verbal reports, learners typically verbalize their thought processes while engaged in a reading or writing task.  And in a diary studies, teachers or learners keep a detail record part of their diaries. And the last method is qualitative research. This method divided into two type. First, case studies, and ethnographies. ,researchers use case studies when they believe contextual features are highly relevant to their research question. Second type is Ethnographies. Which the researcher tries to interpret what is happening accordingtotheviewsofpeopleinthatparticularcontextorculturebyhaving prolonged engagement with the participants and context.
This is about Research Questions and Design. First, Examining Beliefs. Researcher's beliefs about L2 teaching and learning will influence the framing of the research question and your choice of research design. To make researcher be sure about his/her beliefs, they should review the study done and identify authors' assumptions which related with the research, whether support or no. second, Specifying a research question Before make a specific question, begin it by make a general question, and then read some write or issue more about the general material which related with the topic of the general question, and last try to find out the exist studies of the write to determine specific question.
            To undertake a research, the researcher have to adhere the ethical research. In the research it is extremely important for researchers to respect the people they study and to consider how they can share their findings so they benefit the participants. Before conducting research, researchers need to consult  and follow constitutional guidelines, for example, what conditions researchers must get info consent from their participants. The researchers must gaining access and permission or consent to obtain data from the participants.   

Questions :
1.      Why does Undertake research can give contribute to the teacher? And give an example in areas of English language teaching.
2.       Why does in undertaking research we must adhere the ethical research?  Explain it.

16 komentar:

  1. Assalamualaikum. We are so sorry for any grammatical error in our text above.
    for every group, you may answer all questions now. thank you :)

  2. Waalaikumussalam. We are from the third group will answer about the first question that :
    1. Why does undertake research can give contribute to the teacher because the research become innovation to the teacher in teaching learning process, such as always try to change, develop and increase their model or style in teaching so that the teacher be able to plan the model of their teaching learning process that compatible with the era. In other hand Undertake research facilitate the teacher to develop their pedagogical knowledge in repairing their learning. Thank you

    1. thank you for the third group. it is nice opinion. let me underline your sentence above. "develop and increase their model or style in teaching so that the teacher be able to plan the model of their teaching learning process that compatible with the era."
      it is great because you mentioned that research will help learning process "in that era". Because in every era might have different problem in learning process, therefore undertake research continuously, is best way to solve and fix the problem in learning. I think that is our opinion. thank you so much.

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  5. Name : Susilawati
    NIM : 20400115036
    Class : PBI 2

    Well, i will answer the question number 1.
    In my opinion of view, about why does undertake research can give contribute to the teacher?
    Because research give many advantages to the teachers such us get new teaching methods, new teaching materials, and new tricks to make students feel comfortable, interested, and active during the process of learning.

    1. thank you, nice idea susilawati. you gave some examples about the beneficial of doing research. I do hope our friends can get clear explanation from your examples above. thank you :)

  6. Wa'alaikumussalam,
    We are the fifth group will answer the questions.

    1. Why does Undertake research can give contribute to the teacher? And give an example in areas of English language teaching.
    Doing research is one of the most useful things for teachers. Because with the research, teachers can see or know the actual facts in the classroom. The teacher can have more knowledge and experience by looking at the actual conditions in the research. Research can contribute more to improving the teaching and learning process. Beside that, undertaking classroom research for teacher will give a good experience for the teacher, specifically in learning scientific process and can thinking critically. It is because they form some research questions, and try to find the best method or the best answer for those research questions. And it is also important that teachers will be more sensitive to the situation in the classroom.
    The example of teacher research that can be applied in the area of English language teaching is the teacher do research about effective methods in memorizing English vocabulary. Teachers can do research to their students about various methods that can be used, until finally the teacher can find a metode that is really suitable and effective for students.

    2. Why does in undertaking research we must adhere the ethical research? Explain it.
    Obeying the ethics of research is very important, because as a good researcher we must respect the participants and follow the rules.
    Before doing further research, the first thing that we must do is get permission or approval from the participants , therefore we can be responsible with the results of the research. In addition, we should also consider whether the results of our research can and deserve to be published, and whether it will provide benefits to others.

    Yhank you.
    The members of group five:
    1. Nurpatima
    2. Subhan Rahmat
    3. Jamila
    4. Fadliah
    5. Jusnidar
    6. Reskianti
    7. Nur Insani

  7. Name : Nis Musfirah Pulana
    NIM : 20400115016
    Class : PBI 1
    1. Why does Undertake research can give contribute to the teacher? And give an example in areas of English language teaching.
    Because teachers who are innovative, creative, and productive are teachers who are always looking for new and up-to-date things for the benefit of learning in the classroom. This ability can be seen from the teacher's efforts in improving process quality. Like the teacher, of course we still want to overcome the problems found in the classroom. And to overcome that is through a Research activity,right?
    2. Why does in undertaking research we must adhere the ethical research? Explain it
    Because most social research uses people as a source of information, as respondents from surveys, the subject of observation, or participants in the experiment questions this question becomes important, so a researcher needs to protect the subject from things that harm him, especially to keep secrecy as well as privacy.

  8. waalaikumussalam..
    Name: Megawati
    NIM: 20400115023
    PBI 2

    1. Why does Undertake research can give contribute to the teacher? And give an example in areas of English language teaching.
    Because, research can be one way to make the teacher easy on teaching. Talk about research there are many benefits that can give contribute, that are the teachers can understanding their student. Because, we know that in the classroom there are different background of every student, therefore if the teacher know about their background and also their way to learn. the teacher can know and choose about some methods that suitable to their learning process. On the other hand, doing research can train the teacher to always make them improve their learning style, so that their student will be enjoy it. With research, it can give an experience to the teacher to make them convidence.
    2.Why does in undertaking research we must adhere the ethical research? Explain it.
    Because, ethical research can help the teacher held research with good manner, of course start from planning. With ethical research, the teacher really give an attention about their needed to know and they can easy to organize the problem that they have and result or conclusion that they get of the research.

  9. Wa'alaykumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
    We are from the first group will answer the question

    1. Why does undertake research can give contribute to the teacher ? And give an example in areas of English Language Teaching ?
    Answer : The Undertake reasearch can give contribute to the teacher because by “research” teacher will know what they do not know before. Especially knowledge and experience. In knowledge, contibutes research of English Language Teaching such as know grammatical, phonologycal, syntax, ect. While, in experience, contributes research of English Language Teaching such as know pronounciation, spelling, etc. Right direct research as knowledge or indirect research as experience is something which can not teacher get before doing research.

    2. Why does in undertaking research we must adhere the ethical research ? Explain it.
    Answer : In undertaking research we must adhere the ethical research because without ethical of reserach, such as should appropriate with fact and theory, intensive, good analysis, etc. We can not publicizing our research and form error reseach, where people can not believe our reasearch and judge it is fake research. As another areas which have ethical, they can not perfect without adhere the ethical of their areas.
    Thank You

    Members of Group 1
    1. Nur Fitriani
    2. Dewy Setyowati
    3. Ajeng Hariani
    4. Hardianti
    5. Alwi Suparman
    6. Muhammad Swandi

  10. Name : nurul magfirah
    Nim : 20400115039
    Kelas : pbi 2

    1. The conatitution of undertaking research in learning and teaching process. This research orders techers to access them selfes by forming questions and researching them which is intended to enrich teachers' self with a lot of experiences to force many kinds of situations in every classroom is difference and its situations are also change from time to time which affest very much to pupils self or their mood therefore the teachers need varied methods and to be ready for many possibilities that will be facied


  11. Why does Undertake research can give contribute to the teacher? And give an example in areas of English language teaching.
    Undertake research classroom is a good way for the teachers because they can know deeply about the problems which appear in the classroom and the way how to solve it. Doing research can give more contribution to improve learning and teaching process, because when some teachers find a problem for instance many students can not interested and they are lazy to study vocabulary course, teachers can try to analize what the main couse they are not interested. There are some methods which they can use depends on the problems ar situations, but for this case the best method is action research. After they can find the main problem, next is they have to give sollutions about that problem. Actually the main problem is they are bored to memorize a lot of vocabulary which teacher’s order to them and after they have done those vocabulary are lost in their mind because they just memorize them without impression. Definitely the result of the research help students in learning or memorize vocabulary effectively because the result of the research is the teachers have to involve students’ emotional experience and use their sense to memorize some words. For example teachers use pictures or by playing movies or vidioes as tools in learning process, that’s called visualization method.

    By 4th Group
    Nur Annisa Hidayat
    Ummu Rofikah
    Widya Nurfaradina

  12. Why does Undertake research can give contribute to the teacher? And give an example in areas of English language teaching.
    Undertake research classroom is a good way for the teachers because they can know deeply about the problems which appear in the classroom and the way how to solve it. Doing research can give more contribution to improve learning and teaching process, because when some teachers find a problem for instance many students can not interested and they are lazy to study vocabulary course, teachers can try to analize what the main couse they are not interested. There are some methods which they can use depends on the problems ar situations, but for this case the best method is action research. After they can find the main problem, next is they have to give sollutions about that problem. Actually the main problem is they are bored to memorize a lot of vocabulary which teacher’s order to them and after they have done those vocabulary are lost in their mind because they just memorize them without impression. Definitely the result of the research help students in learning or memorize vocabulary effectively because the result of the research is the teachers have to involve students’ emotional experience and use their sense to memorize some words. For example teachers use pictures or by playing movies or vidioes as tools in learning process, that’s called visualization method.

    By 4th Group
    Nur Annisa Hidayat
    Ummu Rofikah
    Widya Nurfaradina

  13. Name : nurul magfirah
    Nim : 20400115039
    Kelas : pbi 2

    1. The conatitution of undertaking research in learning and teaching process. This research orders techers to access them selfes by forming questions and researching them which is intended to enrich teachers' self with a lot of experiences to force many kinds of situations in every classroom is difference and its situations are also change from time to time which affest very much to pupils self or their mood therefore the teachers need varied methods and to be ready for many possibilities that will be facied




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