Observation and Research
this chapter, we shall review the substantial, and growing, body of literature
relating to research on and about language classrooms, keeping in mind as we do
so Sten house’s (1975) stricture that there is no telling it as it is. This
chapter is principally concerned with the following questions; What is the
place of the formal experiment in classroom research?, What is ‘simulated
recall’, and how is it employed in classroom research?, In what ways can
observation schemes facilitate classroom observation research?, How has
interaction analysis been used in classroom research?
of Classroom Observation and Research
Formal Experiment
experiment has been widely used as a means of collecting evidence on language
learning and use. The major reasons for carrying out formal experiment is to
control those variables which may intervene between the independent and
dependent variables and thus render the result uninterpretable or, at the very
least, make it extremely difficult to guard against threats to the internal
validity of the research. Such control is extremely difficult to achieve in
most classroom settings. The scale of
the study was enormous or large-scale. The researcher have to be aware of the
importance of collecting data on what actually go in the classroom, and build
into the study systematic classroom observation procedure. The fact that
language classroom are complicated places makes life difficult for the
researcher who wants to carry out this experiment to establish a relationship between
the dependent variable of language proficiency and independent variables such
as innovative methods and materials.
recall is a technique in which the researcher records and transcibers part of a
lesson and then gets the teacher (and, where possible, the students) to comment
on what was happening at the time that the teaching and learning took place. It
is a particularly useful technique in collaborative research because it enables
teachers and students as well as the researcher to present their various
interpretations of what is going on in the classroom, and for these
interpretations to be linked explicitly to the points in the lesson which gave
rise to them. This technique of inviting the teacher to reflect on the lesson
and comment on it in retrospect provides insight into aspect of teaching which
would be difficult to obtain in any other way. It also enables the voice of the
teacher to be heard.
the years numerouqs schemes have been developed for documenting clasroom
interaction. Chaudron (1988), extending an analysis originated by Long (1980),
identifies twenty-four different schemes which hve been developed over the last
twenty-five years. In selecting an observation scheme, it is necessary to match
the scheme to the purpose of the research.
such sophisticated scheme is the Communicative Orientation of Language Teaching
(COLT), which was developed to enable researcher to compare different language
clasroom (Chaudron 1988 identifies 84 different categories in the COLT scheme).
The aim of the scheme is to enable the
observer to describe as precisely as possible.
COLT consists of two parts. Part A focuses on the description of classroom
activities and consist of five major parts: the activity type, the participant
organization, the content, the student modality, and the materials. Part B
relates to communicative features, and isolates seven of these: the use of the
target language, information gap, sustained speech, reaction to code or
message, incorporation of preceding utterance, discourse initiation, and
relative restriction to linguistic form.
Analysis is a method for the investigation of the interactions of human beings
with each other and with the objects in their environments. Or in other words a
system for describing and analyzing between teacher’s verbal and studen’t
interactions in classroom learning. It refers to a technique consisting of
objective and systematic observation of the classroom and the process of
interaction going inside the classroom.
this particular approach has been used for classroom research for nearly twenty
year’s its case has become widespread only during the last four years. It has
found its way into many different kinds of educational programs-both research
and developmental. Basically, Interaction analysis has been usef of to help
quantify teacher verbal behavior. The system can also be used to study the
relationship between teaching style and pupil achievement.
- What do you know about formal experiment and stimulated recall after you read above? Give an example of the both.
- What are advantages and disadvantages of classroom research?
Assalamualaikum wr wb.
BalasHapusWe are from the fifth group will answer the question above.We are six girls are including :
Ariana Amir
Raihani Awaliah
Deswati Maharani
Yuliana Ibrahim
Ananda Rahmadana
Rezki Amalia Kadir
1. Formal experiments are the control of variable variables that are likely to result in results will be difficult to interpret through the logic of a person because of a certain discipline that prevails so that the result will be difficult to understand by some people who do not know what the purpose of the discipline used. One example of formal experiment is the practice of laboratory tests conducted by several instructors who have advanced in these disciplines who then teach it to students the right step in experimenting using a tool so that the results of the experiment does not cause things that are difficult to understand.
Stimulated recall is the process that recearcher record the lesson, plays it back to the class and ask the teachers and students to comment on what is going on. The application of stimulated recall in the classroom during the teaching and learning process is that the teacher not only dictates to his students to analyze things, but through the recording of the results of the teaching and learning process in the classroom so that the teacher can know the students' skills through the recording.
2. Adventages : The existence of cooperation in research that provides an opportunity for the birth of mutual respect. Can encourage creativity and critical students in interacting. The existence of mutual fix each other for the results obtained in accordance with the wishes. Agreement on results based on what happens in the field and the theoretical basis.
Disadventages : Lack of knowledge and skill on the part of the researcher because of familiar with practical situation. Difficult division of time for researchers because this research should be done regularly and continuously in order to get valid results. The existence of collective work makes not all parties can be actively involved. The existence of innate traits that are difficult to change.
Thank you😊
assalamualaikum Wr,Wb i am Salmawati from PBI3 (20400115048) i have read your answer and it's nice explanation i think. but, i have a question for you in the example of formal experiment,because i'm confused.
Hapusok. in your explanation about the example of formal experiment you said that the right step in experimenting is using a tool" so my question is how about if the researcher didn't using a tool?? is it have an impact on the result obtained?? thank you before and i hope you can make clear my confusion :)
Waalaikumsalam wr.wb thank for your question.
HapusI am Ariana Amir (20400115052) from the fifth group will answer your question. Personally I am sorry to make you confuse about my answer, but let me tell you more as I know. Talking about a tool, the researchers should have a tool when they wanna do research, because the tool is used for measuring what the researcher want to measure. A tool not always a real tool but also can an abstract tool. But if the research does not have a tool they cant meausere the objects. So, about the example of formal experiment, I prefer to serve it in a simple case, like when we are at the laboratory and gonna do a research, we need a tool to measure and to know the result, and also we need an instructure to guide us for getting a correct result.
Do you get my manner? I explained it carefully and simply so that I can make you understand about my mine. I hope that you can get my point.
Thank you Salmawati😊
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Hapusok i get it, actually i just don't understand about your explanation before, but with your answer i can get the point. thank you :)
Hapusassalamualaikum Wr.Wb. I'm Devi Safitri (20400115055) PBI 3
HapusIf we would like to do a reserach we need some instruments or tools for measuring. there are abstract tools and real tools. could you give me explanation about abstract tools and which is the example of it?
Thanks in advance
Assalamu'alaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh, hy i'm Syahraeni Fitriah Arsyad (20400115054). i just need you to make it clear about those explanations state "control of variable variables that are likely to result in results" in the first point. Thank you.
Hapusi'm Hardiana, before i'm sorry, about abstract tool and not abstract that what like? because I am less tactful with it there may be more explanations, to equate our own perceptions?
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
HapusFor Devi Safitri and Hardiana, I am Ananda Rahmadana (20400115044) from PBI 3 will try to answer your quetions, include: A real tool is a tool that is concrete, can be felt with the five senses of human, can be touched, kissed, seen, and so forth. In general, we state that the real tool is any kind of tool that has a form.
HapusExamples of real tools include list of questionnaires, paper, pens, etc.
An abstract tool is any tool that has no form. However, this abstract tool has a very high economic value. Another term for abstract tools is services. Abstract tools cannot be felt with the five human senses.
Examples of abstract tools include the services of researchers and the rules used by researchers.
Thank you and I hope you can understand with my brief explanation. :)
Assalamualaikum wr.wb.... My name is Partiwidyaningsih from the third group, I have little difficulty understanding the inherent nature that is difficult to change, can you give me further explanation?
Hapus1. Formal experiments
BalasHapusAccording to our group, formal experiment is an action performed which results can not be interpreted first but must test and interveneable variables are dependent and independent variables. For example, experiments conducted by science majors.
Stimulated recall
Techniques undertaken by researchers to facilitate student conversation, by looking at collaborations between teacher and students and how a teacher's method so that students can understand the lesson given and explain it back into the class forum. Or can we say that subject is asked to recall what has been given by educator by giving certain stimulus. For example, giving facilities such as photos or video as a learning material so that the subject is giving respond, and this method is suitable for people who are visually.
2. The advantage and disadventage of classroom research
The advantages of classroom research is able to produce more real research results and can quickly evaluate the methods of learning conducted in the class because the researchers are other people / others not teachers involved in the subject.
The Disadvantages class research requires quite a long time to get results more valid because they have to be done several times.
the third group:
1. Nurul Sulastri
2. Husnul Khatimah
3. Amaliah Syarif
4. Partiwidyaningsih
5. Wahyuni Ramadhani
6. Hardiana
7. Nur Oktavia Anugrah Asgaf
8. Salmawati
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
HapusAssalamualaikum wr.wb
HapusMy name is Yuliana Ibrahim from PBI 4(20400115077), thanks for the good explanation. I just want to ask a little explanation about the formal experiment, does the formal experiment always have to use test to collect data? or is there a more effective way to collect data in accordance with formal experiments as you describe?
i apologize for my question and thank you :)
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Hapusi'm Munawarah from PBI 4 has aguetion for the third group, "could you give me more explanation about the example in formal experiment? because i confuse about that.
thank you
I'm Mirnawati from the sixth group. First i really appreciate your opinion about stimulated recall. But there is little i want to add, not only teachers and students who collaborate, but researchers also collaborate directly by recording situations or circumstances that occur during the learning process (between teacher and students). Because this is the purpose of stimulated recall. And secondly, i want to ask from the section of the formal experiment. I'm confused by the example you mentioned. what is the meaning of experiments of conducted by science majors?
HapusAssalamualaikum wr wb. I'm Nur Oktavia Anugrah Asgaf would like to answer of Mss Nurhamida's question. According to my opinion, we must provide appropriate stimulus to the student depending on how the student learns what, whether they are visual, auditory, or the like, as the example already mentioned earlier that we giving facilities such as photos or video as a learning material so that the subject is giving respond, and this method is suitable for people who are visually. And and if it does not work, we may give other facilities needed by the students who have not been able to respond accordingly.
HapusThankyou :)
thanks for your question, yuliana Ibrahim and munawarah.
Hapuslet's make it simple, formal experiment is a test conducted by teacher in the classroom by using the tools that have been provided and the students must follow up his teacher's rules or we can say that formal experiment is an action performed or direct performed. for example: the experiment that the SCIENCE's students do in laboratorium.
thank's for your answer Nurul Sulastri
HapusI am Nur Hamida (20400115066) PBI 4
HapusAfter I read the answer from the third group, there is one part that I want to ask is in the stimulated recall, that is, in obtaining data between teachers and students there should be a collaboration between the two and one example is students are given stimulus. my question is what kind of stimulus is suitable given to students in the class and then if the stimulus provided is not successful whether given another stimulus?
you are welcome ara
HapusThanks for your answer mss Tifa
HapusAriana Amir (20400115052)
BalasHapusVery nice answer for the third group. But I cant understand clearly about "interpreted" which cant get the result first, but need to take a test from independent and dependent variable. Could you explain me what is the relation between interpreted and variable?
Hardiana (20400115056)
Hapusthank you for your question ariana amir, the relationship between interpretation and variables is very related, why? because this method of observation can be regarded as a very difficult and complicated method, therefore interpreatsi before taking a decision should give the test to the student or variable itself. it is needed so as not to result in misinterpretation between variables that will be in carefully. Researchers should be aware of the importance of collecting data about what exactly happens in the classroom, so it takes precision to get better results.
Thank you so much Hardiana for your nice answer, it is clearly enough
Hapusyour welcome ariana
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusAssalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh... we are from the fourth group consist by:
BalasHapusJihan Alfaizah (20400115057)
Munawarah (20400115076)
Meldayanti (20400115070)
Khuzaimah Tul Hafidzah (20400115061)
Riska Dewanti (20400115051)
Nurhayati (20400115060)
Muh. Iqbal (20400115043)
1. Stimulate recall is a classroom research design that focuses on searching strategies and thinking processes of teachers and students in the learning process by giving stimulus in the form of recording activities that have been done before to reveal strategies and thought processes.
Example : at the time of the learning process the teacher gives questions about the subjects that have been studied before and a teacher submits it again. As if showing old time, it means setting, and students answer the setting of time. And that's called the stimulus that teachers give to students.
Formal experiment is one of the methods in classroom observation research in which researchers collect data about what exactly happens in the classroom and make it a systematic observational study. As well as actions taken which the results can not be known before and must be done with the intervention of independent variables and dependent variables.
Example : In science teaching the teacher gives the task to the students to conduct research on plants and animals
2. Advantages : We can easily do direct observations in the classroom, helps us to investigate the questioner, can facilitate a teacher to know the actual task through the given instrument and to improve teaching practice and student learning.
Disadvantages : Approaches researcher second language is not control and the research need a long time to get results more valid because they have to be done several times.
i am Rezki Amaliyah kadir (20400115062), can you give me another example about stimulate recall?? because i don't understand with example above.
HapusJihan Alfaizah, PBI 3 (20400115057)
HapusLet me answer your question with my knowledge.
A simple example is the learning of narrative text in senior high school. Teachers explain the structure of discourse in hope that students understand the structure of the text being studied. When the teacher said "Watch the phrase 'once upon a time'. What's the translation?" and students answer it "zaman dahulu kala". This is where the teacher gives a statement in accordance with what is learned and the question that is a stimulus for the students.
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
HapusHi, i am meldayanti from PBI 4. I want to give an additional answer about stimulated respon.
HapusStimulated Recall can be viewed as a subset of introspective research methods which accesses participants’ reflections on mental processes and has its origins in philosophy and psychology (Mackey & Gass, 2005). Lyle supports this view “Stimulated Recall is a family of introspective research procedures through which cognitive processes can be investigated by inviting subjects to recall when prompted by a video sequence, their concurrent thinking during that event” (Mackey, cited in Lyle, 2002).
Example, Stimulated Recall using autophotography was used to recall learning and to facilitate participants’ conversations about their own technological practice.
I'm Munawarah from PBI 4 (20400115076) i will give additional answer from Rezki Amaliah's question "Narrative learning of a high school at the modeling stage. The teacher is explaining the structure of the discourse in the hope that the students understand the structure of the text being studied"
HapusAssalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wr. Wb. My name is Ary Putra Utama Akmas NIM (20400115067) PBI 4
BalasHapusI have a question, what is the difference between classroom action research, classroom research and formal experiment in terms of methodology and outcomes to be obtained?
thanks for the attention
waalaikumsalam wr. wb. I', Devi Safitri (20400115055) PBI 3
HapusActually I don't really understand about dissimilarity of classroom action research, classroom research and formal experiment. We have same question.
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HapusExcusme I am Zulkifly (20400115041) PBI 3.
Hapuslet me give an answer about the question of both of you.
as in my understanding, formal experiment and classroom action research are different.
Formal experiment is doing by other people (except the teacher of the class), while Classroom action research is done by the teacher. then formal experimental need to use analysis statistic while classroom action research does net need it. and the last is the instrument of formal experimental must be valid and reliable while classroom action research, Valid and reliable instruments are not considered.
thank you..!!
i mean in methodology not the instrument. i think methodology and instrument are different way
HapusAssalamualaikum wr wb, I'm Wahyuni Ramadani from the third group.
Hapusactually, I have understood your explanation but there are two question who comes in my brain and I need you to make me understand.
my questions are
1. Could you give me another example about Stimulate Recall because i don't really understand or maybe you can make me understand as a simple statement like that?
2. Is there difficulty in process of clasroom research?
HapusI am Nurul Sulastri from the third group, I wanna try to answer ari's question.
the different of classroom research, classroom action research and formal experiment can we see from instrument and it can make the methodology is different too.
-classroom research is doing by the other people (except the teacher of the class) for the goal of research.
-classroom action research is doing by the teacher of the class with the aim to improve the teaching methodology or sylabus)
-formal experiment is doing by the teacher of the class use some tools. like nanda's answer in fifth group about devi' question about real tools and abstract tools.
my thats all from me.
We are from first group PBI 3.4
BalasHapusName : Syahraeni Fitria Arsyad (20400115054), Devi Safitri (20400115055), Nurfadila Sari (20400115064), Nur Hamida (20400115066), Putri Nurul Ifani (20400115072), Nur Afifi, Muhammad yaqin syaputra.
1. Formal experiment is one of the research methods that has control to avoid threats or things that can make the results of the invalid study because of the interference between variables with one another.
Stimulated recall is a classroom research design that focuses on searching strategies and thinking processes of teachers and students in the learning process by giving stimulus in the form of recording activities that have done before to reveal strategies and thought processes.
2. Advantages : cooperation in action research has a sense of belonging. Cooperation increases the likelihood of change. cooperation in research increases agreement.
lack of knowledge and skills in basic research techniques on the part of the researcher.
Action research requires the commitment of researchers to be involved in the process, this time factor can be a major obstacle.
Weakness is about group process conception. Difficulty invites people to make changes.
I'm Jihan ALfaizah, PBI 3 (20400115057)
HapusFor the first group, I want to get more explanation about your statement "Cooperation increases the likelihood of change". My question is what is your statement include in advantage or disadvantage? because, I saw the word "likelihood of change" and your statement include in advantage. And I think it include in disadvantage and supported by the word "likelihood of change" and it make me confused. Can give me clearly explanation about it? Then, I ask more explanation about what change do you mean in your statement?
A'm Nur Fadilasari. I will try answer your question and I hope you can more understand after this. Cooperation increases the likelihood of change means Cooperation in action research projects may meet needs in modern needs. Cooperation allows creating new groups that encourage the birth of a sense of interconnectedness.
HapusThank you
Oke thanks for your simple explanation Nur Fadilasari and I understood with your expalantion.
HapusIm Riska Dewanti PBI 3 (20400115051) want to ask the first group, actually i confused with your answer in the number 2 about the disadvantage of classroom research, what do u mean about "change" in "difficulty invites people to make change" can u make it clear? Thankyou
HapusExcusme, am zulkifli f4om. PBI 3. May be group 1 can give an example about both of the method to make it easy to understand, as the first question require.
HapusHy Riska Dewanti, i'm Syahraeni Fitriah Arsyad from the first group will try to answer your question based on my surface knowledge, as well as i knew the disadvantage above that stated "difficulty invites people to make change" means, we get some problem to garner power than make a change on work team of something on the process of classroom research such as my group mantion above about the disadvantage of classroom research. Thank you.
HapusHy I'm Syahraeni Fitriah Arsyad (20400115054) from the first group. First i would like to say sorry because may group didn't put down an example about those researches. Probably we didn't see the last question of point one. Well, an example of formal experiment is conducting experiment with knowledge discipline, there are many rules, and not all of people can do that, like experimental at laboratory and the other with knowledge discipline. The second is about stimulated recall, i have read the a jurnal about that and if you want to know more please check this address " timulated Recall Using Autophotography - A Method for
HapusInvestigating Technology Education". I just want to provide you a brif explanation from that result of research. As we know and my group have already mantion in our explanation that stimulated recall is
" Lyle supports this view
“Stimulated Recall is a family of introspective research procedures through which
cognitive processes can be investigated by inviting subjects to recall when prompted
by a video sequence, their concurrent thinking during that event” (Mackey, cited in
Lyle, 2002). Slough (2001) credits Benjamin Bloom with the first description of
“stimulated recall” in 1953 which he described as a method for retrieving memories." And here is an example about the second major. six children were selected from each class as
research participants and all children were given a camera to record their learning and
activity in the classroom. This time they were instructed to photograph the things
they that thought might help them design and build their props and photograph the
important stages in designing and building their prop. They were able to ask another
person to take their photos if they wished to feature in them. At the conclusion of the
unit the participants were interviewed using their autophotographs to assist them in
the recall of their practice with the aim of gaining insight into their thinking,
understanding and decision making.
Thank fpr your nice question Zulkifli. We do appreciate it.
I'm Nur Fadilasari. I just want to give my conclusion about the answer from question number one. I have read your explanation and some articles. Formal eksperimental is a one of method to collect data by controlling then the result of the research can be valid and avoid the threat of combining one variable with another.
BalasHapusThank you
Assalamu alaikum wr.wb
HapusI am amaliah syrif. Can you give me example about formal experimental, so I better understand the explanation about it !
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
HapusWe are from the second group
BalasHapusZulkifli (20400115041)
Aldrianti Dinar Basrun (20400115046)
Rizki Muthmainnah Amir (20400115047)
Syarif Hidayatullah
Ary Putra Utama A. (20400115067)
Ahwandi Riswanto (20400115073)
1. By read the article above and looking for another source, we conclude that Formal Experiment has been done as evidence on language learning and use. Formal experiment is a process by which we learn new information to better understand ourselves, each other, and the world with which we interact. It has characteristics; systematic, organizational, questions, and finding answer. Example of this method is the research that is done in the class by the other people (except the teacher of the class), where the researcher follow the characteristics above in his experiment. While Stimulated Recall is a research method that allows the investigation of cognitive processes through inviting participants to recall their concurrent thinking during an event when prompted by a video sequence or some other form of visual recall. Example: Stimulated Recall was used to facilitate students’ conversations about their own technological practice by using photographs the students took themselves or arranged to be taken and self-selected for the interviewing purpose.
2. The second answered, the advantage of classroom research is that research can be done other than the teacher in question which teaches a particular lesson, in determining the research plan there is no need to involve the teacher. The disadvantage of this class research is that the results obtained can only be as archived for the researcher itself, and in this classroom research the teacher is only an actor and display in a study.
I am Ananda Rahmadana (20400115044) from PBI 3 will give you some questions related with your answer before (Stimulated recall). Who invites participants to recall their thinking? Teacher or researcher? because in the answer that your group has given there is no subject in it. And please give me more explanation whether it is a teacher or a researcher! Thank you.
BalasHapusLet me answer it.
HapusThe answer is the researcher because teacher and students are the instrument that be researched. Thank u.
Simple answer but easy to understand.
HapusHi, Iam Rizki Muthmainnah Amir. I totally agree with Aldrianti Dinar Basrun's answer. Then we can appreciate it.
HapusAssalamualaikum wr.wb.... My name is Partiwidyaningsih, I want to ask the sixth group. In your summary it is explained that interaction analysis is a system for describing and analyzing between teacher's verbal and student interactions in classroom learning refers to a technique consisting of objective and systematic observation. So my question is what kind of objective and systematic observation do you mean? can you give me an example? Thank you.
BalasHapusAssalamu'alaikum wr. wb. My name is Aldrianti Dinar Basrun from PBI 3.
BalasHapusI have a question about this material. Does stimulated recall include classroom research, classroom action research, or not both of them, or maybe is it a research that stand alone? Could u give more explanation about it? Thank u.
Hi, I am zulkifly, pbi 3 (20400115041).
HapusIn previous comment u have said that the researcher here is the other people except the teacher of the class. It meams that stimulated recall is different from classroom action research because the researcher of classroom action research is the teacher of the class.
Thank u. Hope u get my point.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.... my name is Intan Oliyana,from PBI 3 (20400115053),i'm from group six, will answer aldrianti's question, Yes, stimulated is one of the methods of Observation and classroom research.
BalasHapusand i will explain about the stimulated recall.
Stimulated recall is a technique in which the researcher records and transcibers part of a lesson and then gets the teacher (and, where possible, the students) to comment on what was happening at the time that the teaching and learning took place.
Thank you,
Thank you for the explanation Intan Oliyana. You make it clear.
HapusAssalamualaykum, my name is khuzaimah tul hafizah from pbi 4 (20400115061)
BalasHapusI want to ask sixth group about observation schemes, I do not understand about observation scheme, can you explain by giving an easy example about observation scheme?
Thank you
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh...
Hapusmy name is Intan Oliyana,from PBI 3 (20400115053),i'm from group six, will answer the khuzaima's question about the scheme observation.
so,schema observation is the purpose of a reseacher.
for the example is to examine a class, we must know what the purpose of the researcher because by knowing the purpose of the research then a researcher will be systematic.
thank you.
Hi, i am meldayanti (20400115070) from PBI 4. Here, i just want to add additional information about the difference between classroom action research and formal experiment.
BalasHapusClassroom Action Research is an activity undertaken by teachers to improve their performance and teaching skills in the classroom. They do it by evaluating their teaching approaches and then making improvements. By doing this repeatedly, they should improve their performance and skills.
A formal experiment has several fixed parts, regardless of what the experiment is about. First the experimenter must create a hypothesis, which is a testable theory from which the experiment is derived. Then an experimental population is chosen. This could be people or other living things, objects, or even atoms or molecules; the key is that no matter what the experimental population is composed of, is should be a reasonably large, uniform sample, and should be randomly divided into as many groups as there are levels of treatment, plus one for the control.
Assalamu alaikum wr. wb
BalasHapusI am Husnul Khatimah from the third group. And I want to ask the sixth group.
I have read the summary above. But there is point make me confused. In formal experiment there is statement “The scale of the study was enormous or large-scale” and my question is what kind of scale do you mean?
Thank you
Assalamu alaikum. I Nurhayati (20400115060). I want to ask for the six group. There is an explanation that the main reason for doing formal experiments is to control the variables that can intervene between independent and dependent variables. Can you explain what the statement means? Thank you.
BalasHapusAssalamu alaikum wr.wb.
BalasHapusI am amaliah syarif from pbi 4 .I am less aware of your statement stating that Formal Experiment has been done as evidence on language learning and use. Could you explain significantly about it!
Assalamualaikum. I am Raihani Awalia from PBI 4. Well, thanks for your explanation and after I read it, I still do not understand about 'recall simulation'. Can you give me another example about that? thank you..
BalasHapusMy name is ahwandi riswanto class pbi 4. A classroom observation is a formal or informal observation of teaching while it is taking place in a classroom or other learning environment. Typically conducted by fellow teachers administrators, or instructional specialists, classroom observations are constructed in their classroom management and instructional techniques. School administrators also regularly observe teachers as an extension of formal job-performance evaluations.