Experimental Method
experimental method is one form of
research with a quantitative or objective approach and includes into
positivistic understanding. According to Nasir Moh (2011: 63) experimental
research is a research conducted by manipulating the object of the researcher
as well as the existence of control.
Factors that have an important role in a study is
variable. Variables are all things that will be the object of observation in a
study. This variable will determine how the research process is run. Variable
come in for kinds:
a. Moderator Variables (MV) : usually a
diferrence between the participants which may systematically or
unsystematically affect the result. In a questionaire study, interest might
focus on the way two dofferent kinds of pupil. E,g girls and boys answered the
questions. Here, sex would be a moderator variable.
b. Independent Variables (IV) : the crucial
variable being manipulated which the hypotesis concerns. Argument about
experimental techniques often concerns the validity of the releationship
between the IV and the hypotesis.
c. Dependet Variables (DV) : these are the
measures of the effect of the manipulation of the IV. In our example, tye
intreraction level presumably some measure of amount of talk, number of student
turns of speech and so on.
d. Confounding Variables (CV) : often it is
difficult to separate out variables from one another satisfactorily. In the
present case, the researcher would help a difficult time sorting out difference
between a groupwork task and a groupwork seating position. These two variables,
which might be impotan, are so far confounded. Of course, coinfounding
variables are underserable features experiments.
The Logic of
Statistical Inferences
In general, this
study uses the concept of statistics so that it refers to quantitative
research. However, it does not mean that this approach can not be used in
social research, including educational research.
research is also a deliberate study by researchers by
providing treatment of certain subjects in order to generate something that will
be examined how the consequences.
Experimental research is a causal (causal) research that
the proof is obtained through comparation / comparison between:
a. The experimental group (treated) with the control group (not treated); or
b. Condition of the subject before treatment is given after treatment.
b. Condition of the subject before treatment is given after treatment.
The use of experimental research methods on social and
educational research will be faced with problems related to research subjects.
In this case, the use of this experimental method will be very complicated
considering the object under study concerning human interaction with the
environment, or interaction between humans themselves. In addition, it is not
easy to find people willing to volunteer to be the subject of experimental
research ("guinea pigs").
On the other hand, experimental research conducted in the
classroom by the teacher of the students or as a classroom study, will also
face the question of the validity of the research results. In this case, the
teacher as a researcher will be faced with the question of whether he can be
objective, considering as a researcher he is also as a human who interacts with
the subjects studied, in his own students.
The Types of
I pointed out that it was not always
feasible to carry out a true experiment- that circumstances such as the
impossiblity of randomly assigning subjects to experimental and control groups
saometimes dictated that a quasi-or pre-experiment rather than a true expriment
be conducted. (of course, it is also possible that a quasi-or pre-experiment is
carried out because of ignorance on matters of research design on the part of
the researcers). In this section, I show describe the differences between these
three types of experiments. The different design are ilustrated by Cohen and
Manion (1985), who describe and critique three experiments reported in the
literature= the Newzealand Book Flood Experiment, the Bradford Book Flood
Experiment, and the Understanding of Eletrical Circuits Experiment. (I shall
only describe the forst of these studies. For an account and critique or the
other to studies, see Cohen and Manion (1985).
Types of
Experimentation and Characteristics
1. Pre-experiment = may have pre- and
posttreatment tests, but lacks a control group.
2. Quasi-experiment = has both pre- and
posttest and experimental and control groups, but no random assigment of
3. True experiment = has both free and
posttest, experimentral control groups, and random assigmant of subject.
The formal experiment and its
varians, the pre-experiment and quasi-experiment, are important research tools
in language study, and they have added significantly to our knowledge of
language learning, teaching, and use. experiments are designed to collect data
in such a way that threats to the reability and validity of the research are
minimised. expperimental researcher are particularly concerned with the issue
of external validity, and the formal experiment is specifically designed to
anable the researcher to extrapolate the outcome of the research from the sample
to the broader population.
Questions :
- What do you think about the experimental method? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method?
- Give an example about the experimental method in education !
it seems to me all of you are very late to give comments
BalasHapusI don't know why. This is the last notification because all you have already known the way of discussion
BalasHapusOtherwise, I would put zero score in this week
BalasHapusWe are really sorry sir. We are on process to conduct our opinion about the questions above
HapusWe are from the fifth group. Including: Ariana Amir, Ananda Rahmadana, Raihani Awaliah, Yuliana Ibrahim, Deswati Maharani and Rezki Amalia.
BalasHapusThese are our answers below :
I. Experimental research method is a method that we can use to prove a theory whether it is appropriate or not. We think this method is also very effective because it can be measured based on real numbers. In the use of this method the researchers can also compare which methods are appropriately used under certain conditions and situations. This makes the researchers also able to produce a proven acceptable by the oembaca because it is supported by the real evidence.
The advantages and disanvantages of experimental research
The goodnesses of the experimental researsch design are:
1. the ability to prove the presence or absence of a causal relationship that the experimental research is stronger or even strongest than non-experimental research. that is, the bound variables that occur or appear in the experimental research are only caused by independent variables and are generated on not by other factors
2. the ability to manipulate exactly one or more veriabel desired by the researcher
The weaknesses of the experimental research design are:
1. Experimental research is difficult to eralize in everyday life. This is due to the condition of highly controlled (artificial) experimental research, so the situation is not like in everyday life (artificiality of experiments)
2. Implementation of experimental research generally takes a relatively longer time.
3. Unethical That in experimental research, especially in real and apparent experiments, is on the subject of knowledge, psychology, and morals (control group) as not being given the same treatment as the less-favored experimental group. Meanwhile, the researcher who gives treatment to a particular time experimental group is less likely to pay attention to the needs of the research subject, so that the physical and psychological subyek of research can be impaired in the long run condition and needs of research subjects, so the physical and psychological subject of research can be disrupted.
II. Example of this method :
One example is when a teacher wants to do a needs analysis to their object, then they will use objects that can support them to collect the data they need. The selection of objects can researchers do in accordance with students who have, still, will be dealing with the material to look for needs analysis. From the results obtained oersentase with various approaches, then the researchers will be able to find aoa material that is needed by students or teachers object in teaching a discipline.
thanks for your comment, we appreciate about your own opinion and can understand what we needed
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusAssalamualaikum. I really appreciate your opinion and agree it. But we know that there are three disanvantages of the experimental methd. So my question is, how to solve the disanvantages?
BalasHapusWaalaikumsalam, thank you so much of your question Mandala, let me answer it by my own knowladge as i know. As we know before if experimental researsch is a quantitative research, so it is served bt ststistic data or real data. And than, to cover the weakness of this method that's way there is another method research. It is covered by qualitative research.
HapusI'm Raihani Awalia, maybe I can help answer the question of Tri Mandala on how to overcome the weaknesses of the experimental method. From the information I have read, There are several ways to overcome the weaknesses of the experimental method:
Hapus1) The teacher should be clear about the outcome so that he knows the questions that need to be answered by experiment.
2) Teachers should discuss together with students about the steps that are considered good for solving problems in the experiment, as well as the materials needed, the variables that need to be controlled and things that need to be recorded.
3) If necessary, the teacher helps the students to obtain the necessary materials.
4) The teacher needs to stimulate that after the experiment ends, he compares the results with other people's experiments and discusses them if there are differences or errors (Sagala, 2005: 221).
Thank you very much for your answer
HapusYou are welcome Mr. Mandala
HapusYou are welcome Mandala.
Hapusthanks for your Additional @raihani
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
HapusMy name is Munawarah (20400115076)
HapusThe fifth group say that the disadvantages of experimental research is the ability to manipulate exactly one or more veriabel desired by the researcher and i will give additional answer from Mandala's question, how to solve it. The answer is that's where we as a researcher must pay attention and supervise really well at the time of research.
BalasHapusMy name is ahwandi riswanto nim 20400115073 From the second group. I would like to ask....
As we knew every method has debility.
So what is the debility of experimental method.
thanks for your comment, but your question is officially answered by your Group, as the question of my Group above.
HapusExcusme, maybe what hardiana means is the question of ahwandi is the same with the question of group 3, so your question must be answered by your group
Hapushehe thanks for your understanding
HapusAssalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh. My name is Deswati Maharani (20400115058)from fifth group.
BalasHapusI would like to ask for third group as the presenters. From the book I have read about the experimental method. On the book, according to Nana Syaodih (2010) says that the experimental method is purest quantitative research. Well, my question is.. can you explain why the experimental method is said as purest of quantitative research ?
Thank you
Walaikum salam wr. wb ... My name is Partiwidyaningsih from the third group...Thanks for your question, the experimental method is the purest quantitative research because all the quantitative research rules can be applied to this method.
HapusI am Desy Harfani Hakim. I go with Partiwidyaningsih. She said that All the quantitative research rules can be applied to this method. And, my addition is,not only for rules, but also all of the norms and principles can be applied to this method.
HapusThanks for your additional and I agree with you
Hapusassalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh, am Syahraeni Fitriah Arsyad. for the conclution that i got from the material showed me the reflection about the answer of your question, personally i argue that experimental method is purest quantitative research because experimental method is one of research method which is including rules action of the method
HapusOkee, Thank you Partiwidyaningsih, Desy Harfani and Syahraeni for having answered my question
Hapusyour are welcome Mrs. Deswati Maharani
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusWe are from the six group. There are 7 people including :
BalasHapus1. Intan Oliyana (20400115053)
2. Nurul Hidayah (20400115059)
3. Ulfa Lis Adhayanti (20400115078)
4. Mirnawati (20400115045)
5. Hidayanti (20400115063) .
6. Desi Harfani Hakim (20400115069)
7. Tri Mandala Putra(20400115071)
1. The experimental method is a method used to indicate the presence or absence of a cause effect relationship of a variable by providing certain treatments and providing control for comparison. This method also the most scientific method of all methods.
There are two advantages of the experimental method :
- Control
- Ability to demonstrate causality
There are three disadvantages of the experimental method:
- In research especially about experimental research is difficult to apply in everyday life. the reason is about the condition of the research so controlled that the situation can be able generalized.
- It takes a long time to do experimental research..
- lack of external validity
2. Example of the experimental method for example there is a teacher facing the problem of learning process in the classroom, students are difficult to understand the subject of a particular lesson, most of the students learning achievement is low, dare not express opinion, and motivation or interest learn less. The question arises whether the teacher has sought to overcome it? What should the teacher do? Does the teacher keep teaching as usual and the problem is ignored? Of course not, and it turns out that teachers generally have tried to overcome them by various Ways or methods / approaches through changes in teaching methods such as Contextual Teaching Learning approach, Quantum learing, cooperative learning, peer tutoring, local material learning. The results show that there is a change in the direction of improvement This suggests that the teacher has already undertaken professional development activities, but has not been written systematically so that there is no evidence for proposed promotion through professional development.
I am Ananda Rahmadana from PBI 3. I just want to ask you about your explanation, because I am not understand. What is exactly an external validity? And Why it becomes apart of disadvantages in experimental methods?
HapusThank you..
External validity is the causal relationship found in the experiment and can be generalized or how the results of the research can be applied to the subject, situation and time outside of the research situation. However, in experimental research more concerned with internal validity than external validity because this study focus on the causal relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. Research that has high internal validity will show low external validity, so it becomes apart of disadvantages in experimental methods.
Hapusthanks for your question,
Hapusexternal valiidity is related with the question if the fact about the treatment that is Given is different with the object or is the treatment working to the object.
Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.
HapusMy name is Aldrianti Dinar Basrun. I agree about ur example. If there is something wrong in learning process, I mean there is no satisfaction with the result of students. It can be caused by the method of teacher in teaching. The teachers need to use new methods that can be more influential for better result of students because basically, no stupid students. By using the right method, the students can show the amazing result.
Thank u.
Ok, thanks for your nice Question Ananda, I’m Intan Oliyana as a group six will be answer your question as i can, okey, lack of external validity is one of the part disadvantages of the experimental method, why ? because external validity is relates to the question of whether the fact of treatment (iv) and also related to the degree of accuracy. Therefore,the external validity is important in experimental method but if the external validity is lack . it is included in the disadvantages of experimental method
Hapusbig thanks for partiwidyaningsih and also Nurul sulastri for your addition in our group.
Hapusit very useful for us.
1. The experimental method is one of the methods used in the research. This method first appeared in educational psychology by Thorndike and Woodworth. The experimental method aims to examine causal relationship by manipulating one or more variables to one or more experimental groups, then comparing the results with non-manipulated control groups.
BalasHapusIn research, this method is strongest than other research methods, because this method allows researchers to control the relevant variables (desired in the study). However, this method requires precision and perseverance from the researchers, since the experimental method must use strict quantitative rules, primarily in data analysis.
2. Example of the use of experimental method in education will be examined by two different teaching methods/systems, those are lecture method and tour work with two variations of implementation time per meeting (90 minutes and 80 minutes). To see the extent to which the effect on student learning outcomes in improving their English skills.
By 1st group of PBI 3.4: Devi Safitri (20400115055), Putri Nurul Ifani (20400115072), Syahraeni Fitria Arsyad (20400115054), Nurfadila Sari (20400115064), Nur Hamida (20400115066).
And most important thing when we use the experimental method in our class is it can give a deeper impression for us because we do directly and involve our creativity.
HapusPutri Nurul Ifani (072)
And most important thing when we use the experimental method in our class is it can give a deeper impression for us because we do directly and involve our creativity.
HapusPutri Nurul Ifani (072)
thank you for the first group...
Hapusnice explanation and i got it.
This group has given us good explanation. This is recommandate for us to know more about the experimental method.
HapusAssalamu'alaikum, we are from the fourth group.
BalasHapus1. Munawarah (20400115076)
2. Jihan Alfaizah (20400115057)
3. Khuzaimatul Hafizah (20400115061)
4. Riska Dewanti (20400115051)
5. Nurhayati (20400115060)
6. Meldayanti(2040011070)
7. Muh. Iqbal (2040011043)
1. We think the experimental method is very good because it can answer the problem or test of hypothesis. The use of this method aim to enable students to find and discover for themselves the answers or problems they face by experimenting on their own. Also students can be trained in a scientific way of thinking. With the experimental students find evidence of the truth of the theory of something he is learning.
1. This method can make students believe in the truth based on their own experiments rather than just accepting words from teachers or books
2. students can develop their ability to do research on science
3. students can gain experience in conducting experiments
4. can use and implement scientific method of procedure and think scientifically
5. students can be directly involved in research
1. If the experiment requires a long period of time, students should wait to continue the lesson.
2. Will find some difficulties in carrying out experiments because teachers and students are less experienced in experimenting
3. Errors and failures of students who are not detected by teachers in experimenting resulted in students making the wrong decision
2. In learning every teacher first wants to know the ability of their students, then a teacher to free test to get a hypothesis. The results of free test teacher can get conclusions and give special treatment for their students in order to develop skills in the learning. To know the next result from the ability of students, teacher can do post test that teacher can get a conclusion from the result of teacher’s treatment given to their student.
"students can develop their ability to do research on science" as your statement above, i need to ask an important question, is only a science that can be developed by the student in researching? Thanks
HapusFor Ariana Amir,
HapusAdditional, actually not only on science but the students can develop their ability to do research on technology.
1. Experimental research is a research that manipulate or control natural situation by creating artificial conditions. Manufacture of this situation is done by the researcher. Therefore, the experimental research is a research that is done by manipulated the research’s object, as well as the deliberate control of the object of research.
BalasHapusOn the other hand, in research experiment there are three elements that have to be looked in doing the research, including control, manipulation, and observation. Control variable is the core of this research because it will be because it will become the standard in seeing if there are any changes or differences that happened because of that occur due to different treatment given. While the manipulation here is a deliberate operation in experimental research. In this study, the manipulation is an independent variable involving different treatment groups. After the experimenter applies the experimental treatment, he must observe to determine whether the change hypothesis has occurred (observation).
The advantages of the experimental method:
1. Makes students believe in truth or conclusions based on their experiments.
2. fostering students to make new breakthroughs with discoveries from their experimental results and beneficial to human life.
3. Valuable experimental results can be exploited for the prosperity of mankind.
The disadvantage of the experimental method:
1. This method is more appropriate for the fields of science and technology.
2. This method requires a variety of equipment and materials that are not always easy to obtain and sometimes expensive.
3. This method requires precision, tenacity and fortitude.
4. Every experiment does not always give the expected results because there may be certain factors that are beyond the reach of ability or control.
2. For the example, there is a class of research where the researcher applied stimulus-replied of behavioristic theory with the learning style of students in the class, but after the researcher applied the theory, the result is not as the researcher’s wish, so the researcher applied a new theory that is constructivism theory by using Jigsaw as a method where the students show a better result than the previous theory. With the prove that students are more active in learning process.
from Group 2:
Zulkifli (20400115041)
Aldrianti Dinar Basrun (20400115046)
Rizki Muthmainnah Amir (20400115047)
Syarif Hidayatullah
Ary Putra Utama A. (20400115067)
Ahwandi Riswanto
Assalamualaikum. "This method requires precision, tenacity and fortitude". This is one of your statement about disadvantages of experimental method. I think that Precision, tenacity and fortitude can make an accurate research. But, why do you say that this point included the disadvantage?
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
HapusWa'alaikumussalam wr. wb. Thanks for ur question, Desi. I will answer it as I know. The reason why we said about it because we looked by other side. Yes precision, tenacity and fortitude can make an accurate research, but the researcher that have no patient, would be difficult to do experimental method. Patient connected with the time and u can look our friends' answer about the disadvantage by experimental method, they agreed that experimental method need more long time. So, the researchers that have no patient would difficult to do it and by that action, it can produce wrong result. The wrong result can ease the accurateness of the result. Thank u.
BalasHapusPiuuu, could I comment? Although you do not give me chance, I will keep do it hihihiii 😝😜
HapusIn my opinion, actually you can not said that "the researcher that have no patient" because everyone has a different characteristic. Probably, they will try to be patient though they know that they will spend much time as long as the data can be a valid data. Therefore, I will more agree if the precision, tenacity, and fortitude include both of them. Thanks in advance 😉
Also about safety, the researchers that have no precision can make the subject and object of experiment in danger.
BalasHapusThank you Dian Aldrianti😍
BalasHapusThe experimental method used the quantitative research. Therefore its data is positivistic data. According to the Latipun (2000) the experimental method need to manipulate the data to know the effect of manipulating data from the object then it can be one of the disadvantages of this method. Thank you
BalasHapusi do understand that experimental method is the way we obtain data with quantitative research, and we all know, to reach the valid data specially for quantitative research it's need so much time, therefore i just confuse with how to solve this problem.