Discussion 4
A case study is an
empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its
real-life context; when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not
clearly evident; and in which multiple sources of evidence are used. Basically, case study
research aims to understand the object of the research specifically as a 'case.
Yin (2003a, 2009) states that the purpose of case study is not only to explain
who/what is the object of the research, but also to explain how it exists and
why it can occur. In other words, case study research is not just answering
research questions about the 'what' is the object of research, but more
thoroughly and comprehensively is about 'how' and 'why' the object occurs.
This research uses
numerical analysis of elicited data, especially questionnaires, and structured
interview schedules. Other instruments, such as coded observation and factual
logs, will make use of prespecified categories of information.
The study of cases plays
a role in many diverse disciplines for example the following.
- Clinical uses/health studies: medical practitioners hold case conferences to look at the sympcoms and treatment of individual patients; these cases contribute to broader etilogical study and conversely, known phenomena are invoked for specific dignoses.
- Law cases law where individual cases are used in the interpretation of future cases, is an integral part of many legal systems.
- Sociology and anthropology, social scientist study whole culturs, particular subgroups (the elderly, drug addicts…), or individuals, sometimes by constructing biographies and life histories. Education: practioners study schools or groups of schools, curricula: the effect of innovations; the implementation of materials; classrooms; teachers; students. Much of this work comes under the heading of ‘evaluation’ putting it firmly within definitions of research.
- Language learning: researchers often study mother tongue acquisition and L2 development by looking at individual learners and at what they have in common.
According to Stake (1995), case study
research has two central elements as follows:
- Themes. Subject matter, information, topical content ( e.g. ‘what are the typical academic programmes taken by these students?; ‘what do the parents want from the music programme?’; or ‘How do teacher deal with latecomer ?’). To a degree those question are amenable to descriptive data.
- Issues. These are not themes. Rather, they constitute the research’s ‘conceptual structure’. They are the problematic scaffolding on which research questions built and which move them on to the next stage. (for example: ‘ is [ ] at risk? why was she identified by teachers as a subject for study, and what is the institutional responsibility?’ or ‘what are the triggers for the varying learning styles exhibited by this student?’)
There are six principal
advantages of adopting the case study as a method of research. in the first
place, in contrast with other research method, it is strong in reality and
therefore likely to appeal to practitioners, who will be able to identify with
the issues and concerns raised. Secondly, they claim that one cab generalize
from a case, either about instance, or from instance to a class (we shall
consider this particular claim in the next section when we look an issues of
reliability and validity). The third strange of the case study is that it can
represent a multiplicity of viewpoints, and can offer support to alternative
interpretations. Properly presented, case studies can also provide a database
of materials which may be reinterpreted by future researchers. Fifthly, the
insights yielded by case studies can be put to immediate use for a variety of
purposes, including staff development, within-institution feedback, formative
evaluation, and educational policy-making. Finally, case study data are usually
more accessible than conventional research reports, and thereof re capable of
serving multiple audience.
Whatever the entity
chosen for investigation, case studies can be classified in different ways, and
the type preferred will depend on the objective of the research and probably on
the paradigm underpinning.
Stake (1995) look at case
selection from the point of view of the purpose informing the initial choice,
and distinguishes between:
The intrinsic case study, where the interest
is in the case for its own sake (a teacher looking at problematic student, or a
single course)
The instrumental case study, selected to
help in the understanding of something else (looking at a teacher to see how he
or she marks students work, for example)
The collective case study (coordinating data
from several teachers. Or several schools).
Case Research
case research represents a special type of study. Single case research is
similar to experimental research in
that some type of intervention usually occurs , that is, the researcher
generally does something to the subject being investigated , and measures what
happens as a result. The difference
between experimental research and study case is experimental research, involves a single individual or
group, and does not attempt to set up experimental and control groups. In
single research, the behavior of the subject is measured at two or more points
in time. Single case research has been employed for therapeutic purposes in
areas such as psychology and speech pathology. In education, studies have been
carried out to alter the classroom behavior of children who are disruptive or
who have specific learning or attitudinal problems.
Questions :
After reading the text
above, could you explain the case study research based on your own opinion?
2. What
are the advantages and disadvantages of case study ?
3. What
is the difference between experimental research and single case research?
BalasHapusI am Susilawati(20400115036) as a member of sixth group will answer the first and the third questions.
1. After I read the explanation above, I can explain what is a case study research in some sense.
The first is a case study is a research methodology that has commonly used in social sciences.The second is a case study is a research strategy and an empirical inquiry that investigates a phenomenon within its real-life context. The third is case studies are based on an in-depth investigation of a single individual, group or event to explore the causes of underlying principles. The fourth is a case study is a descriptive and exploratory analysis of a person, group or event. The fifth is a case study research can be single or multiple case studies, includes quantitative evidence, relies on multiple sources of evidence and benefits from the prior development of theoritical propositions. And the last is case studies are analysis of persons, groups, events, decisions, periods, policies, institutions or other systems that are studied holistically by one or more methods.
3. What is the different between exlerimental research and single case research?
The difference between experimental research and study case is experimental research, involves a single individual or group, and does not attempt to set up experimental and control groups. In single research, the behavior of the subject is measured at two or more points in time. Single case research has been employed for therapeutic purposes in areas such as psychology and speech pathology. In education, studies have been carried out to alter the classroom behavior of children who are disruptive or who have specific learning or attitudinal problems.
The member of sixth group :
1. Wiwi Satriani
3. Muslimin Hamdani
4. Al Amini Indah Sari
5. Nursaidah Nasrul
6. Nurul Magfirah
7. Andi Fatmawati
Thank you
Thanks for answering the questions Susilawati, I do hope you really understood about Case Study. ^_^
HapusNurpatima, member of group five.
HapusMy name is nadia azmi hafidzah ,from the third group i just wanna give you a question of the third number it is about " single case research has been employed for therapeutic purpose" what the therapeutic mean?
HapusWell Nadia, i will answer your question about what is therapeutic means?
Accourding to source that i had read, Therapeutic is causing someone to feel happier and more relaxed or to be more healthy.
walaikumussalam Nadia.
Hapus"Single case research has been employed for therapeutic purpose" this statement mean that single case research mostly investigate about case that has relation to the therapy.
like psychology and pathology. therefore when you might see some case to identify the damage of brain, or another case, this is called single case research because the purpose is to find the cause of brain damage, and how to solve it. it almost to do some therapy. so mostly the result of the single case research, will be solution to therapeutic in particular case.
i do hope you could understand it. :) thank you Nadia.
Name: Al Amini Indah Sari
HapusNim: 20400115037
I am a member of group of six will answer question number two.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of case study?
1.Case studies allow a lot of detail to be collected that would not normally be easily obtained by other research designs. The data collected is normally a lot of richer and more than can be found through other experimental designs.
2.Case studies tend to be carried out on rare occasions where the samples of similar participants are not available.
3.Within the case study, scientific experiments can be conducted.
4.Case studies can help experimenters adapt ideas and produce novels hypotheses which can be used for later testing.
1.One of the main criticisms is that the data collected can not be generalized to the wider population. This leads to data being collected over longitudinal case studies.
2.Case studies are generally on one person, but there also tends to be experimenter collecting the data. This can lead to bias in data collection, which can influence results more than in different designs.
3.It is also very difficult to draw a definite cause / effect from case studies.
Thank You...
Thank you for your answer al amini.
HapusBut, could you please explain the third point of disadvantages, why is case study very difficult to draw a definite cause/ effect ?
Thank you
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah
HapusI am Ajeng Hariani (20400115004)
Actually that is the good explanation Al Amini about the advantages and disadvantages of case study. But from your explanation about disadvantages of case study above, it make me want to know about, how to overcome the deficiencies described above in this case study while conducting the research?
Thank you
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BalasHapusassalamu alaikum Wr.Wb I'm Nurhalima (20400115018) i'm the third group. i just want to give a comment about question number two that has been available above. in question number two states What are the advantages and disadvantages of case study? from the discussion there is no disadvantages study case discussed above. my question whether we are looking for other references to find the disadvantages of the case study you have described?
BalasHapuswaalaikumussalam, my name is Megawati and i would like to try to give an answer about nadia's question. that is about therapeutic. According many sources that i found. Therapeutic is one approaches to treating mental disorder and this term usually used in psychology. Therapeutic actually come from "therapy". the source explain that There are two major types of therapy for treating mental disorders.Biomedical therapyis the use of medical interventions, most often prescription medication.Psychotherapy has been found to be just as effective and involves a mental health professional who is trained in the therapeutic approaches in psychology.
HapusBut, this material just give an example about single case has been employed for therapeutic purpose. Therefore the main focus in the statement is single case. thank you, i hope the member of fifth group will give an addition or comment if i make a mistake.😉
yes I agree with you Mega. to make you understand about the word therapeutic, just remember the word therapy. why does this word discussed in this chapter? because therapeutic is generally the example of single case research.
HapusThank you
But Megawati, I think you need to answer Nadia's question in above column. :)
Hapusbecause in here, it seems like you answer Halima's question.
may be it just a little problem.
Assalamu Alaiku
HapusThank you mega for answering nadiya question
But I have a new question about therapheutic.
Why does therapeutic is used in that research and does the researcher has that science(therapeutic)when they conducting the research?
Thank you
I mean does the researher has knowledge or the science about the therapeutic before?
HapusI am the member of presenter's group.
HapusTo sister Nurhalimah, yes of course you may look for another source to find the disadvantages of study case. And I suggest you to read David Nunan's book.
my name is megawati, and that is the great question niar. thank you.
Hapuslet me answer, according some experts in Psychology and Counseling Guidance, especially I djumhur, Case study is a technique of studying an individual in depth to help obtain better self-adjustment.on the other hand according to WS. Winkel, A case study is a method for studying the state and progress of a student in depth with the aim of helping students to achieve better adjustment.we can see in that case, that self adjusment related to psychology. therefore case study appropriate employed in psychology. the second question, in my mine as a researcher, of course we have to know and have prior knowledge about it, because it can make easy to held the research, if we do not have knowledge, how do we conducting the research? and for your information. we can looking for sources about it in some web because i know that my explanation still not enough. thank you
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BalasHapusIam Arinda Nurul Widyaningrum
NIM 20400115008
1. After I read the text above, and read the passage from Ebook, I will conclude some ideas and explanations with my ways.
A case study, Typically observed the characteristic of an individual unit. The purpose of such observation is to probe deeply and to analyses the intensity of the multifarious phenomena that constitute the life cycle of the unit with a view to establishing generalization about the wider population to which the unit belong. (Cohen and Manion, 1985:120)
Based on the statement above, I am arguing that case study, is a research method involving a deep and detailed examination of a subject of study. When other research method sometime focus on the whole population, case study is different, it focuses of attention on the particular case. While most forms of research require many, even thousands of human subjects, case study are the exception. They may be about one person.
According to me this research (case study) in it process will be more specific and deeply which is may take long time. Because the researcher may not be generalized particular problem in his case by ignore the uniqueness and many stuff that can be indication of the result. For the time being, the researcher need to understand multifarious phenomena in that case that constitute the life cycle.
For example, in investigating the behavior of disruptive child. It would be noted over a period of time. And you, as a researcher need to investigate this case deeply, and carefully to see and noted some factors that cause that behavior. in the first time experiment, may be you give instruction to the teacher, for giving a reward to this children in classroom as one of experimentation. And, when finally this disruptive behavior is declining, you need to be carefully in identified whether it is because of reward that teacher give, or may be from another factor.
You need to see in extent field. From his family, friend, his media, socialize and other. Perhaps, this disruptive children is declining, because the problem in his family is over, not because the reward from the teacher. Or maybe because of this child getting happy because have a new friend, or another factors. Researcher need to investigate it widely, deeply, and carefully.
In another example, you want to investigate a problem in linguistics area, language acquisition in children. You need to get closer with your subject because this case must deeply investigate multifarious factors. And you need to probe it objectively. And It called case study. you study about one case, specifically, without ignore many factors that perhaps can be major reason of your study. you just not see whether x can affect y, while you ignore the variable z that may be cause the variable x.
Waalaikumsalam wr.wb
HapusI am Nursaidah Nasrul (20400115038)
Thank you for your detail explanation from Sis Arinda Nurul Widyaningrum. But, I have one question, you said that We need to closer with our subject because in this case must deeply investigate. But how about a subject who have a introvert character. It's difficult for us to get deeply information frome them. What is your solve about this problem ?
Thank You
Assalamu alaikum odah,
HapusLet me answer your question😊,
How about a subject who have a introvert character ?
According to me, there are some points to resolve this problem such as:
1. Respect their need for privacy
2. Let them observe first in new situations
3. Do not interrupt them
4. Reprimand them privately
Thank you
Assalamu Alaikum
HapusThank you A.maryam for answering oda's question
But I just want to ask you for the third point that is "do not interrupt them"
So how can we get information from our subject if he is always feel disturbed by our presence?
this is my next answer
BalasHapus2. The advantage and disadvantage of case study.
I will mentioned some of the advantage of case study, according to Adelman et al (1976) but not at all. First, it is ‘strong reality’ and therefore likely to appeal in practitioners, who will be able identify with the issues and concern raised.
Secondly, case study can represented a multiplicity of viewpoints, and can offer supports, to alternative interpretation. And third, case study capable of serving multiple audiences. It reduces the dependence of the reader upon unstated implicit assumptions and makes the research process itself accessible. Case study therefore, may contribute towards the democratization of decision making.
And according to me, the advantage of this case study is, giving new insight. I think, After researcher analyze a cases, it enable to give insight and it can be developed into new information. An example, researcher want study about the intelligent of children, is it cause from family, friend, or other? And how do every children have different behavior, intelligent, and habit even they are siblings?
The result of this case study, can be new insight not only for researcher but also to other. Imagine that this result can be reported in a book, which tell about particular case, and the effect of that case, automatically it become a new information and problem solving at least for people who have a same problem with that case.
However, this case study has disadvantages also, first inability to replicate. Many study from case study, can not be replicated and therefore, it can not be corroborated. Because the study can not be replicated, it means the data and result are only valid for that one person. Off course, when you as researcher investigate about the cause of lower thinking critically in an Indonesian children, you may be can not replicate it with an American children case. Even tough they may have a problem in thinking critically, however they have a different life style, ethic, habit, environment, and other. it would have different result.
3. The differences between single case research and experimental research
We have discussed this experimental research on chapter two. And it clear enough that experimental research is study to compare between two variables. The aim of this research is to see whether variable x have a correlation, or perhaps affect and impact into variable y. therefore, this experimental research attempt to set up control and experimental groups. Unlike experimental research, single case research does not attempt to do this method. It focuses on particular subject and individual or group. Many single case research, has been employed for therapeutic purposes in areas such as psychology and speech pathology.
Thank you
assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. my name is Nurhalima. Nim (20400115018) i just will answer question number 1
BalasHapus1. After reading the text above, could you explain the case study research based on your own opinion?
after i read the text, in my opinion case study is an investigation done to objects to understand the object clearly taken from many sources of evidence used.
from this answer may be will continue by my group's friends :)
BalasHapusAssalamu alaikum Wr.Wb, I Will answer your question, halima. After I Read the text, in my opinion, case study is an account of an activity, event or problem that contains a real situation.
BalasHapusTo Learn from case study analysis, we will be analysing, applying knowledge, reasoning and drawing conclusions about object of research.
And I Think arinda has answer the first question with her own opinion in the second paragraph. Thank you,
Andi maryam
Name : Elasari
BalasHapusNIM : 20400115020
Member of the third group
According to some journals that have I read, I try to get conclusion that case study is comprehensive description of an individual case and its analysis, for example, the characterization of the case and the event, as well as a description of the discovery process of these features that is the process of research itself. A case study is usually a study of a single case or small number of cases. The idea of representative sampling and statistical generalization to a wider population should be rejected, and analytical induction should be chosen instead.
There are some advantages of case studies, namely: their potential to achieve high conceptual validity, strong procedures for fostering new hypotheses, usefulness for closely examining the hypothesized role of causal mechanism in the context of individual cases, and their capacity for addressing causal complexity.
Beside the advantages above, there are some disadvantages of case study also. Such as, some case studies are not scientific. Case studies are generally on one person, but there also tends to only be one experimenter collecting the date. This can lead to bias in data collection, which can influence result more than in different designs. Another word is that researchers sometimes give different definition for the same problem that making the estimation of the final research result confusing.
Thank you.
BalasHapusNIM : 20400115019
Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb
Well, in this page, I would like to answer the first question above.
1. After reading the text above, could you explain the case study research based on your own opinion?
Answer :
As we as know that the case study is one of the qualitative approach where this research focus on one concept or issue. A case study method used to study in depth- a unit of a person, a family, a social group, a social institution, or a community for the purpose of understanding the life cycle of the unit. According to Michael J. Wallace in his book Action Research for Language Teachers said that case study concentrate on what is unique (i.e. with individual units: an individual student; an individual event; a particular group, etc). The results will not therefore be statistically generalisable to the whole population of learners, classes, institutions, or whatever, of this particular example is a member. You as a researcher might decide, of course, that this particular student, let us say that you have investigated is in fact a quite typical member of the group of the population to which he or she belongs, but this is will be your subjective judgement. So In my mind the case study is when a researcher want to know the cause of why does the student can’t memories some vocabularies or why does the students do badly in test through his or her work in otherwise good. In short, the case study is centralise the intention on an certain that raised as a case for investigated deeply until can demolish an reality behind of fenomenon.
Thanks *_*
Thank you to give clear explanation Masira, I want to ask you. could we use quantitative or combine both qualitative and quantitative approach in case study?
HapusMy name is jamila from fourth group
HapusIn study case we cannot combine both of them we just use a qualitative as technique to collect a data
thank you
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Hapusmy name is jamila from fourth group
Hapusin Study case we just use qualitative method to collect a data but you can use quantitative but just as a supporting to prove your data from qualitative
thank you
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HapusMy name is Andi Fatmawati from 6th group.
HapusFrom what have jamila said in her comment before, that we cannot combine both of quantitative and qualitative as the technique to collect the data" but iam still litle bit dont understand. Why we cannot use both of them?,so it Will be good if there are more a specific reason or Clearly explanation about it.
my name is jamila from fourth group
Hapusin Study case we just use qualitative method to collect a data but you can use quantitative but just as a supporting to prove your data from qualitative
thank you
I am Ajeng Hariani (20400115004)
HapusJamila can you give more explanation, why we cannot use the both methods?
Thanks for replied me Sist (Nur Annisa Hidayat).
HapusI like your question because made me to search more sources about can both approach (quantitative and qualitative) be used at the same research.
The source from Muhammad Adnan Latief’s book ‘Research Methods on Language Learning An Introduction’ . Quantitative and qualitative research is based on different assumptions. The assumptions on what is the trustworthy source of data, what kind of instrument is trustworthy to collect data, what is the correct way in analyzing data, etc. are different. In selecting the source of data, for example, quantitative researchers rely on representativeness of the samples, while qualitative researchers rely on authoritativeness of the source of data. So they are different in almost every step of the research. They are different in choosing the source of data, in developing instruments to collect data, in the process data collection, and in the process of data analysis to draw conclusions. So using two opposing approaches, involving different assumptions, different process would be a very difficult job. Bagdan and Biklen (2003). I hope the answer of your question be answered after read the text above. In short, my point of view we can’t used both of them (qualitative and quantitative)because they are different paradigm.
Syukran ..
Good point Masira Nur, I like that
BalasHapusSyukran ustadz.
HapusNama : wiwi satriani
BalasHapusNim : 20400115033
Assalamu Alaikum Wr.wb
A case study is a method for studying, explaining, or interpreting a case in its natural context without any intervention. Usually, case study methods involve researchers in deeper investigation and tohrough examination of the behavior of an individual. And also researchers will discover and identify all the important variables that have contributed of subject's development including past experiences and the subject's environment. Research illustrates the benefits of case studies to solve individual personality problems.
Research subjects can be individuals, groups, institutions or communities. The case study study is an in-depth study of a particular social unit and the results provide a large and deep overview of a particular social unit. The subjects studied were relatively limited, but the variables and focus studied were very broadly dimensional. In conclusion, The case study is a methods of research that analyze a case more specificly than another qualitative research.
Thank you..
thank you for your answer wiwi,i think it will be add new knowledge for us
HapusAssalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
BalasHapusI am Nur Annisa Hidayat from the 4th group would like to answer the questions from the 5th group.
1. After reading the text above, could you explain the case study research based on your own opinion?
From the explanation above, personally I think that case study is a method to for collecting data from an individual unit which conduct in deeply and carefully. This method is not only focus to investigate the cause of a case physically but also involve psycholinguistics viewpoint, thus if other methods ignore specific things on the research that probably have close relation to the result, but case study is different. It objectives is to know deeply certain case and only focus in one case, it will try to analyze the problem’ caused or it exposes the reality behind a phenomenon and give solution (overcome) of that problem. It seems like our final project in last semester, our lecturer gave task to do observation and focus on one subject. We have to know what was the problem’s subject and try to get many detail informations related to subject perhaps from parents, friends, and environment of the subject. After analyzing all factors that probably be the caused, the researchers can help her by giving solutions, probably control her progression to be better.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of case study ?
After read some references related to this method, I got two advantages they are:
- We get new insight and experience in conducting research. When we have done in a research, exactly the result of that research will help the subject to solve her problems because the major objective is to overcome certain case. Also, if we want to share that result example in the blog or in report paper form, it means that we can give benefit for others as long as that result has validity and reliability.
- Richer data. Through this research, the researchers are allowed to collect many data and specific informations from the subject because we can use many methods such as observation, questionnaire, interview, eetc.
3. What is the difference between experimental research and single case research?
Typically experimental research comparing two or more groups. While single case research, like the case study involves a single individual or groupand does not attempts to set up experimental and control groups and it has been employed for therapeuticpurposes in areas such as psychology and speech pathology.
Thank You
4th group:
Widya Nur Faradina
Nur Annisa Hidayat
Ummu Rofikah
Dedi Mizwar
Thanks for your answer fourth group, I do really agree with your statement about It objectives is to know deeply certain case and only focus in one case, it will try to analyze the problem’ caused or it exposes the reality behind a phenomenon and give solution (overcome) of that problem. It is same with my mind, althought our friend consider that focus one case is disadvantage of casestudy, but I consider that it is the advantage.
HapusName : Sulaeha
BalasHapusNim : 20400115013
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
I am from the second group will be answer the second question.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of case study ?
advantages: the first case study research is clearer and deeper because it leverages each side of the subject to be examined and detailed. The second case studies are also usually more accessible than conventional research. The third case studies can mengungapkannya with what it is or naturally from the object being studied.
Disadvatages : the first case studies are focused only on what is in the case. The second case studies can not be measured by parameters or laboratories as they are used in quantitative methods because they examine culture, people,etc. For example, researchers want to examine why a person becomes a drug addict.
Thank you...
Name : Yusrina
BalasHapusNIM :20400115025
I just give a simple answer about the question of number 1. Based on my opinion, case study is doing a research as intensive and detail about individu or specific subject.
And about the question of number 2,one of advantage of case study, by doing a case study we can do research deeply about specific subjek. and for a teacher, case study as a self evaluation so that a teacher can repair and also increase their learning practice in classroom. while, disadvantage of case study, because the study is deeply, so the research is not widely. it just focus on one case.
I hope all of you can comprehend me if I misunderstand about the answers. Thank you
Thanks for your answer Yusrina. About the disadvantages of casestudy, I do really forget that casestudy only focus of one case. It is mean that our research is limited. But I just want to said that cause casestudy focus of one case, it is help us to know going deep of the case and we will know perfectly about the case or problem of what we research. Thank you.
HapusNur Fitriani
Assalamualaykum, We are from the first group will answer the question.
BalasHapusAfter read the text, we can make conclusion that casestudy is a method to solve problem form approaches to know the fact or problem, where researcher should seriously did research. Casestudy need long time and long way to did it, because to know the real fact of problem that researcher research, they should did carefully and structurally. Carefully means that researcher do not did casestudy of what will they know, but about what should they know. Structurally means that researcher should make a good plan before did casestudy. Why ? Because researcher need energy of body and energy of mind to did casestudy.
Second, advantage of casestudy is give us science and knowledge about fact or something important that another method can not do it. And disadvantage of casestudy, as Masirah said that casestudy is kualitatif research, it is mean that we can not measure casestudy of kuantitatif research. Where we only need to interprete the problem of what we got about, and not all of people can interprete the fact only see and listen about the problem.
An the last, single case research need to focus on one case, but researcher should seriously to research the problem. But the experimental research only need to know what should they do without research on going deep the problem.
I am sorry for the error grammar, you may ask if you can not get the point of what I have said.
Members of first group.
1. Dewi Setyowati
2. Nur Fitriani
3. Ajeng Hariani
4. Alwi Suparman
5. Hardianti
I just want to clear that our answer in number three only addition or conclusion of what article explain about the different experimental and single case study in last paragraph of the article. Thank you.
BalasHapus20 400 115 0 12
PBI - 1
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh
I just want to answer the 1st Question “After reading the text above, could you explain the case study research based on your own opinion ?”
Case studies can be interpreted as a method for investigating or studying individuals intensively, integratively and comprehensively, with the aim of helping students / individuals to achieve better self-adjustment. The implementation of case studies is conducted by collecting complete data, confidential, done continuously, scientifically and held by obtaining data from various parties.
The case study itself is a method of collecting data that is comprehensive and integrated. Thorough means the data collected covers all aspects of the individual's personal. Integrated means using various approaches in collecting data. Thus from the collected data will be obtained understanding of the intended individual. Individuals charged in case studies show symptoms of serious difficulty or problems, requiring immediate assistance.
Thanks For Your Nice Attention and participation 😂😊
BalasHapusMy name is Ummu Rofikah, I am from the 4th group.
Well, here are answer for the given questions:
1. What is a Case Study?
What I now about case study is that it is an in depth research of specific object or situation used to explore a very large field of research into one easily researchable topic. Is is to see an object specifically as a ‘case’. It provides some indications and allow further elaboration and hypothesis.
Additionally, the case study research design is beneficial in examining whether scientific theories and models actually work in the real world. We may create a seemingly great theory, but we need a real life experiment or research to examine and ensure its validity. Thus, the sort of fields and diciplines such as psychology, anthropology and social science need a valid method of research such the case study and have been employing it for many years. It is demanded by the developing science that researchers and practitioners should explore research objects deeper (not only the general picture) in order to provide a more complete and valid findings, that is why it is sometimes important to understand specific cases and ensure a more holistic approach to research.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of case study ?
HapusCase study provides a number of benefits that are really helpful in research realm. Because it is an in depth study in examining a unit of case, thus it is very intensive and provide a deeper and richer findings. Researchers can conduct case study on rare cases which needs deeper analysis where large samples of similar participants are not available. For example the study of Phineas Gage, the first man who got a terrible injury to his brain that being researched, this case encouraged researcher named Harlow, J.M. to conduct a specific research about this. This example also connects with the point above with the depth of data obtained. Cases of brain damage are quite minimal and it is extremely rare to find people with the exact same parts of the brain affected. To be able to gain knowledge of brain functions the damage between people have to be exact to ensure you are testing the right thing, this can generally only be done through case studies.
It also consists of continuous analysis which allow the researchers to dig out the facts. In order to dig out the more information, it helps experimenters adapt ideas and produce novel hypotheses which can be used for later testing, for example in the case of Phineas Cage again, it encouraged another researchers to examine further about that, that is why the theory of Broca and Wernicky appeared years after that. It also provides a comprehensive method of data collection, comparison analysis, and allow researcher in farming questionarre or schedule. Additionally, it helps researchers in enhancing their knowlegde about specific phenomena, like what we gain from Phineas Gage’s case contributions to neuropsychology and the workings of the brain which is priceless
Despite of having a dozen of advantages, case study also contains some disadvantages for example:
It is costly and time consuming, this method is more costly and time consuming as compare to other methods of data collection, because it requires an in depth experiment or research process. Besides, it has no clear limits, this method depends on situation and have no fixed limits of investigation of the researcher.
3. What is the difference between experimental research and single case research?
HapusBased on a blog page of Number and Psychology, a single case design is basically one where the subject serves as their own control group. They’re used more often to see how effective interventions are, as we’ve seen in our behavioural lectures. In a single-subject design, there are three phases. The first is the baseline phase. This phase is where the subject is measured on their behaviour with no interventions or behaviour changes taken. The next stage is the intervention stage. This is where the subject is measured on their behaviour when the independent variable has been introduced. The final stage is the reversal stage. This is where the independent variable is removed again. The researcher should only move onto the next stage when the data is stable, so stronger results are found. Single case designs are often used because they’re far more sensitive to individual differences than cases with more than one participants.
A case study is an analysis of a single unit. It is not necessarily on just an individual person, it can also on a specific group of people or on an event. In a case study, researchers collect detailed information about the subject. An advantage of case studies is that they give very detailed information, which is sometimes on very unique and interesting cases. An example of this kind of case study would be David Reimer, who was born as a male but was raised female due to an accident in a routine circumcision. A disadvantage of case studies is that they are very subjective, both because they are only on an individual unit and also because of the researchers. Another problem is that it is hard to generalise from case studies, as they are only one person and so you can’t apply the results to the general population.
There is a big difference between case studies and single case designs, despite them superficially sounding similar. In a single case design, the researcher has much more control over the participant. They introduce an independent variable and measure the behaviour, so this allows cause and effect to be more readily established. Case studies, on the other hand, the researcher simply observes the behaviour. This means that they are not very effective at testing theories. One effective way of utilizing both designs is using a case study to initially research an unknown area, and then using single case studies to test the hypothesis more effectively.
So overall, case studies and single case designs are two different kinds of experiment design that use individuals as subjects. They both have their advantages and disadvantages, and can be effectively used in different cases.
Hopefully it is understandable and helpful
thank you, and sorry if there any misconception
For additional reference, it would be helpful to read Raya Fidels Writing about The Case Study Method: A Case Study, you can access his article here: http://faculty.washington.edu/fidelr/RayaPubs/TheCaseStudyMethod.pdf
HapusAdditionally, Monash University's instruction in writing a case study is expected to help us in giving a picture of Case Study which can be accessed here:
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1. Research in the field of guidance illustrates the benefits of case studies to solve individual personality problems. This study aims to study intensively about the background of the current state of affairs and the position of an ongoing event, as well as the interaction of the particular social unit environment that is as it is. Research subjects can be individuals, groups, institutions or communities.
2. The advantages, By doing case studies, then we can do more in-depth research. By digging deeper into the personality of a person as it is now, his past experience, his background and environment allow us to know why someone acts like that? In addition, we also get the opportunity to gain insight into the basic concepts of human behavior, by conducting intensive investigations, we can find unexpected relationships before.
The drawbacks are, The findings of this case study are difficult to generalize with generally accepted circumstances, since the results of the invention are only obtained from one particular circumstance.