As we know that experiment
is one of the way in which research that can or should be conducted. Therefore,
we have to know what is the mean of experiment? What is the method of
experiment? Why experiments?
speaking, experiments are carried out in order to explore the strength of relationships between
variables. A variable as the term itself suggests, is anything which does not remain constant. In such a case it
is customary to distinguish between the two variables by giving them different
labels. The label given to the variable that the experimenter expects to influence the other is called the
independent variable(teaching method), while the variable upon which the
independent variable is acting is called the dependent variable(the test
course). An experiment is a controlled look a nature. The experimenter set up a
taks in which the structure of the task is explicit, the nature of the
performance being studied is explicit, and the question that is being asked is
precise (Paivio and Begg, quoted by Cook,1986 : 13).
Doing experiment, certainly
we talk about data or evidence, and there are many ways or method that can we
use in collect them such as we can use statistic to help us gathering data from
the subject. From statistical point of view when studying numerical data of
various sorts, the two things we will be most interested in are extent to which
data are similar and the degree to which the data differ. The most frequently
employed measure of similarity is the mean, which is simply the average of a
set of scores ( obtained by adding the
individual scores together and dividing by the total of number of scores), it
gives us an information about the central tendency of the scores.
Standard Deviation
(SD) on other hand is the most important measure of dispersion, giving us an
information on the extent to which a set scores varies in relation to the mean,
it is calculated by deducting the mean from each individual score, squaring the
resulting figures to get rid of the minus signs, adding these together, and
dividing by the number of sores minus one ( Dividing by one less than the
number of scores is a correction for the fact that the variability of scores
for a single group of subjects tends to be less than the variability for all
possible scores). This gives us the variance, In addition, statistic is the
most important thing when we doing an
itself need not involve a long, protracted period of time; the relationship between
the data sets gathered, their numerical analysis, and the research question is
decided in advance; the interpretation of the results depends on features of
the experiment which are also decided in
advance. Therefore, if a teacher wants answer to precise-enough questions and
has the power to manipulate the learning
context to design an appropriate experiment, there is sense in doing so.
Brown (1988), in
particular, has argued that, while it is
unlikely that teachers will want or be
able to get involved in experimentation (except as subjects themselves), a knowledge
of how experiments are designed and conducted gives them access to valuable
literature which is difficult without such prior knowledge.
Much research in
education today conforms to a design in which a single group is studied only
once, subsequent to some agent or treatment presumed to cause change. But we
have to realize, it is not rigorous enough to allow to claim that there is
causal relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable
because there is always the possibility that some factors other than the
experimental materials has brought about the observed differences in the score.
In doing research
in which the data are obtained from formal experiments, it is usually only
feasible to test a sample of the population, for reasons out lined earlier. The
problem for researcher is to decide whether the data obtained from the sample
are representative of the population as a whole. There are three types of
experiment they are pre-experiment, quasi experiment and true experiment. pre
experiment is the simplest form of research design. Quasi experiment is an
empirical study used to estimate the causal impact of an intervention on its
target population without random assignment. True experiment is a type of
experimental design and is thought to be the most accurate type of experimental
Experiments are
designed to answer precise questions. Therefore, an experiment needs: a precise question, an explicit set of
variables, an explicit task which can be measured (at whatever level of measurement), sufficient participants to enable statistical inferences to be made, controls and counterbalances to
eliminate rival interpretation and a means of ensuring the relevance of the results to the question.
What is the influence of giving the experimental method to the student?
Why are the experiment and quasi experiment important in language learning
research tools?
BalasHapusWe are from the fifth group will answer the question.
1. What is the influence of giving the experimental method to the student?
before we are answer your question, let us comment you your teks. in your teks there is explanation about student experiment, you just focus for teacher. and about the experiment, you just explained about data variable.but it does not matter, we deeply respect your job.
Every people have an experience by them way. specially student. As a teacher, we did not give a material before we ask our student about the material. teacher is only fasilitator for student, teacher have to be teach them student by them need. in your teks has been explained that we have to look the data before by using variable. when teacher teach the student by them need, learning and teaching proccess will be going well.
2. Why are the experiment and quasi experiment important in language learning research tools?
Quasi experiment is an empirical study used to estimate the causal impact of an intervention on its target population without random assignment. from this statement we can see that quasi experiment can help the teacher to focuss teach about language, teach about the way to know language, the method, and the way that student want.
member of 5th group.
1. Nurpatima
2. Subhan Rahmat
3. Jamila
4. Fadliah
5. Jusnidar
6. Reskianti
7. Nur Insani
Thanks for your comment subhan, we realize that our task is not explain completely but we just touch partly about the material.
HapusI agree with your answer for the first question. But I just wanna make it clear about your statment, based on your group’s opinion you said that “we did not give a material before we ask our student about the material”. So, What do you want to ask for your student about the material?, Do you want to know about their own opinion about your material or what?, Could you please explain more about that!
HapusThank you
NIM : 20400115033
thank for your comment. yes, absolutely. we have to know our student opinion first, this we say "experimental method". when we know our student oponion abi=out the material, we can identify what meterial they don't know.
HapusLet me try to make Subhan's clear. If I am not mistaken, what Subhan means is before you start the course or give the material, at first, you need to ask to your student about the course. The aim for asking them is to know where their level knowledge is and where their prior knowledge is. Then, after asking it, probably you will understand which one the material or lesson that you need to give first that suitable with your students level knowledge.
HapusThank you.
great dewi ! thank you very much.
BalasHapusNIM : 20400115013
Waalaikumussalam. I am from group two will answer about the first question that :
1. What is the influence of giving the experimental method to the student?
1. The first influence is to overcome the boredom of students with the methods and subject matter that is given in the classroom.
2. the second influence is to conduct reWaalaikumussalam. We are from the third group will answer about the first question that :search on the students so that teachers are able to read the character of each student, especially learning methods that match the students, such as students who learn audiotory, visual, or kinestetik, so that teachers can facilitate each student sesua way of learning to be evenly distributed.
Thank you.....
you have a good idea. but let me comment your first idea. in tour teks there is no specific idea. you just say that to overcome the bored. what bored do you mean ? then, the question is experimental method but you are not answer the question. just addition, you have to read the teks clearly. thank you
HapusI just want to give an adition about you idea about the influence of experimental method to the student. By doing experimental method to the research subject, researcher can help the subject to increase their knowledge to be more deeply and specific about something. For example, before the subject was researched, they just know a little about reading strategys and do not know how to apply it, but after the researcher give experimantal method by explaining more about some strategys of reading and how to apply it to their daily reading, therefore they can add their knowledge about it and increase their reading skill and make their scores before and after given experimental method be significant differ.
HapusThans for you suggestion Subhan.
HapusIn my answer just now,I mean that if the teacher give experiment method to the student, the student can get n know a new lessons. Also, If they can use the experiment method, they can learn autodidact.Therefore,they will not overcome bored.
For nurul fajri, thanks for your addition.
HapusAnd for all of you, I'm sorry because my answer in the second question is confused.
Hapusactually from the above explanation, I can not take an important point. the sentence is difficult to understand and I also do not know what it means. maybe you can explain in more detail
Hapusthank you...
Name: Andi Fatmawati
HapusNIm :20400115040
First, i would like to say that i have a same opinion with Subhan. He say that they have a good idea, but they did not explain it more clearly. Just like Subhan's say "you just say that to overcome the bored, what bored do you mean?"
so let me try to explain for you. according to my opinion. Student will get bored in learning process, if the student just get a monotonous learning. just like if teacher teach them, like give them a task and let them find the answer from the text book till the learning process end. but as we know not all of the teacher teach that way.
or according to Carl Rogers addressed, the issue in freedom to learn 1969. said that contributing to boredom is the perception by many students that school learning is meaningless, or not connected with their goals and interest and not valuable in their lives. Meaningless learning is initiated by other, requires little personal involvement by learners' lives and is viewed by learners as not relevant to their goals. unfortunately many classroom teaching reinforces this perception, especially when teacher lecture and students passively listen.
that's why we have to tell the student, what they want to learn before, or explain to them what we will be teach them, in order to make them prepared with the material.
thank you.
Inform all friends to participate in this forum
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusWe are from the sixth group will answer the question.
BalasHapus1. What is the influence of giving the experimental method to the student?
=> The experimental method is usually taken to be the most scientific of all methods, the 'method of choice'. An experiment is a study of cause and effect. doing experimental learning methods in the classroom, will help students clarify their understanding also build new ideas. using experimental methods in learning will greatly assist students in learning something new, also help teachers in knowing what is required of students in the learning. In addition to checking that the conceptual focus of the experiment has been understood correctly, assessments can push students to describe a follow-up experiment or to extend the concept to another application. The understanding is built on research on learning that shows that most students do not respond best to pure "just talk," but rather to "active learning" environments. Classroom Experiments keep learners engaged because they get a hands-on experience.
6th group member:
Al Amini Indah Sari
Andi Fatmawati
Wiwi Satriani
Nursaidah Nasrul
Nurul Magfirah
Muslimin Hamdani
nah !!! i like your idea. i think that the experimental methode is scientific methode because as a teacher we did not give a material before we ask our students. ask student before teaching can help us to make a good understanding with our student. thank you
HapusThank You...
Hapusi agree with your statement about doing experimental learning methods in the classroom, will help students clarify their understanding also build new ideas.
Hapusexperimental method also make the student can know about what they have about something because they do it by themselves. it can be make the teacher easy to know what the student need to learn. therefore, the teacher just think about how to make the student think about what the teacher give is important to them, so they can accept and pay attention. thank you
HapusNIM : 20400115027
I go with Indah's argument. Why? Because actually after I red the article from the third group, I did not really get the point. But, after I red my another friends' comments, now I got the what exactly the experimental method is.
Experimental method is really good for students and teacher. Why? Because it helps student to get a new knowledge, and also it is good for teacher because they could know what exactly his/her student need is.
Also, thank you, Al Amini. Now I know what Experimental method is.
The main point that i got from your answer is the experiment method is the method which is used for student in learning process. I suppose that you got misunderstanding about experimental method . As i deduce from the article, the experimental method is one of research methods that is conducted to measure how the learning method can be useful in learning teaching process
BalasHapusWe are from the fifth group will answer the question.
1. What is the influence of giving the experimental method to the student?
before we are answer your question, let us comment you your teks. in your teks there is explanation about student experiment, you just focus for teacher. and about the experiment, you just explained about data variable.but it does not matter, we deeply respect your job.
Every people have an experience by them way. specially student. As a teacher, we did not give a material before we ask our student about the material. teacher is only fasilitator for student, teacher have to be teach them student by them need. in your teks has been explained that we have to look the data before by using variable. when teacher teach the student by them need, learning and teaching proccess will be going well.
2. Why are the experiment and quasi experiment important in language learning research tools?
Quasi experiment is an empirical study used to estimate the causal impact of an intervention on its target population without random assignment. from this statement we can see that quasi experiment can help the teacher to focuss teach about language, teach about the way to know language, the method, and the way that student want.
member of 5th group.
1. Nurpatima
2. Subhan Rahmat
3. Jamila
4. Fadliah
5. Jusnidar
6. Reskianti
7. Nur Insani
8. Dedi miswar
thank you for your explanation above and Sorry for late response, I am about trying to get used with this online discussion.
HapusI have read some materials related to Experimental Method and I am about to give some addition about the experimental method specifically.
The experimental method in educational research is the application and adaptation of the classical method of experimentation. It is a scientifically sophisticated method. It provides a method of investigation to derive basic relationships among phenomena under controlled condition or, more simply, to identify the conditions underlying the occurrence of a given phenomenon. Experimental research is the description and analysis of what will be, or what will occur, under carefully controlled conditions. besides Experimental Method has four essential characteristic; Cool, Manipulationt, Observation, and Replication.
Thank you.
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Hapusthank you for the explanation widya. So how do you think, whether the use of experimental methods in the class has an important role for students and teachers? can you tell me some good things if the teacher uses the experimental method in the learning process?
HapusNAME : widya nur faradina
HapusNIM : 20400115021
thank you for your fast response sister, actually I got it from another e-book (EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH METHODS by Steven M. Ross and Gary R. Morrison). the use of experimental methods has its important role either for teacher or student. Teachers will enhance their capability in understanding the needed of students by giving methods or treatments appropriately,teacher as researchers can find out the reason for the occurrence of various things (such as the student difficulty in learning) by critically thinking the cause-effect relationship which occur in their research.Teacher also can predict the future act in advocating the successful of teaching and learning process. furthermore both teacher and students get new insight.
Thanks for answering my question .. you gave me a good explanation...
HapusName: Al Amini Indah Sari
Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
BalasHapusName: Nur Annisa Hidayat
NIM: 20400115022
Before I answer that questions, let me check your summary or describe task from this material. According to me, your material is an assential part and we need to really understand of it. I really appreciate your work to give explanation for us, but as I read that E-book and if I am not mistaken, I found 2 materials which not explain clearly by your group and I think these are the main points also from this material, they are: what do we mean by inferential statistics and when it is appropriate to use the following statistical procedures:t-test analysis of varience, correlation, and chi-square?
Ok, I just want to answer the question of number 1:
What is the influence of giving the experimental method to the student?
Doing an experimental method by the researchers or teachers is very usefull for the students, because when talk about experimental method certainly it is related to apply statistic in research. It means that the data which we had gotten from our experiment either pre- or post treatment test can be measured and it is the true experiment, so the result of the research has reliability and validity. The good influence when researchers have done in research is the result of the research can help students to develop their skill and overcome their difficulties.. Example researchers apply one method to improve students skill in listening. Researchers do experimental method in one class that all students have the same level, students devided into two groups, they are control group(no treatment) and experimental group (given treatment in certain method). At the end of this experiment, researchers can compare the score from both of the groups, finally they can take conclusion that the experimental group get high score than the control group. that result which they get can be applied to be one of new method and give advantages both teachers and specially for students.
Thank you
I totally agree with your opinion. thank you also have given examples of the use of experimental method in teaching and learning process.
Hapusyou are welcome, but in my previous statement actually I give questions to 3rd group related to experimental method. so for 3rd group, could you give simple exlanation about these questions?
HapusThanks for comment Nisa.. nice explanation.
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
HapusName :Muslimin Hamdani
HapusNim :20400115035
I agree with your opinion. I think it is really good because you added example that could make us become more understand about the method
Name :Muslimin Hamdani
HapusNim :20400115035
I agree with your opinion. I think it is really good because you added example that could make us become more understand about the method
Name : Nurindah puspita sari
BalasHapusNim : 20400115014
I am from the 2nd group will answer the question
1. What is the influence of giving the experimental method to the student?
By providing or giving an experimental method to students is an effective way for student to be more active and innovative in the classroom and be able to make an interesting learning situation so that the students more easily to understand the materials and obtain more optimal learning outcomes.
Members of 2nd group
1. Nurindah Puspita Sari
2. Arinda Nurul Widyanigrum
3. Sulaeha
4. Andi Maryam
5. Nurul Fajri
6. Asran
Name : nurul magfirah
HapusNIM : 20400115039
I am affraid i disagree to your answer about experimental research that is conducted to the learning method, because experimented research does not guarante positive result. Sometimes it is found that the learning method, which is experimented does not work being used for students. Basically experimented research method should not provide positive result or success.
I am agree with your group opinion, especially about the statement "giving an experiment method is an effective way for student to be more active and innovative". As Djamarah ( 2002:95 ) said, an experimental method is presentate teaching, where student did experiment by experience thing that they learn by themselves. In teaching and learning process, with experiment method, students have been given opportunity to experience and did by themselves, follow the process, observate an object, situation, and another process. Therefor, student was demanded to experience by themselves, looking for right, or try to looking for science, and make a conclusion by the process that they experienced.
HapusNamr : Nur Fitriani
Class : PBI 1
Nim : 20400115002
I am totally agree with nurul magfirah statement. Because, i think the articel talk about experimental method which is one of "research" methods, not about "learning" method.
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
HapusName :Andi Fatmawati
HapusNim :20400115040
I agree with your group opinion,
According to what i get from this discucssion. Experiment is a study of cause and effect doing learning in the classroom. it will help the students to clarified their understanding and also build a new idea. And as a teacher it more beneficial, we also know how to treat them. in otherwise it will be easier for teacher to make concept and applying it to the student.
And i also know, there will be a pro contra about applying an experimental methode to the students. at least after we conduct an experimental methode, we know the effect from Even if get a bad effetc from applying the experimental methode. We can learn to avoid applying that kind of methode again, and find a new methode that match with our classroom.
Thank you.
Name : nurul magfirah
HapusNIM : 20400115039
I am affraid i disagree to your answer about experimental research that is conducted to the learning method, because experimented research does not guarante positive result. Sometimes it is found that the learning method, which is experimented does not work being used for students. Basically experimented research method should not provide positive result or success.
BalasHapusNIM : 20400115029
Nice explanation,since your group did not give us more specific description about experimental research but I really apreciate it. I just want to know about true experiment and quasi experiment. When we have to use true experiment and quasi experiment, and can we use both of them or mix them in one experimen?
Thank you.
Thanks for your comment Mrs. Fadliah I will add little explanation about true experiment and quasi-experiment. According to the Creswell's book said that true experiment we have to use if our research use randomly assignment, and in the our research please explain about how we assign randomly each treatment group. While quasi experiment we have to use if we use nonrandomly assignment, it means that at the some experimental research, only convinience sample that have possibility to be choosen because researcher have formed naturaly.
HapusI am sorry Masirah, but I did not understand with your statement about true experiment use rondomly assignment, and quasi experiment use nonrandomly assignment, can you help me to get the point by give example about the both of experiment. Thank you.
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusmy name is Arinda Nurul Widyaningrum
NIM 20400115008
soory for being late to answer your question.
and I would like to answer first question. by the way, please correct my opinion when it is wrong.
For me, The influence of giving the experimental method is :
As you have mentioned above, that it is to explore the strength of relationships between variables. And I Think it will give advantage for students learning process, based on your experimental method’s result.
Because by doing it, as a teacher you could reduce more variable that unadaptable or unacceptable in teaching. Then you could change with another will be more suitable. For instance, you probably have conducted the techniques feedback on student’s writing project by giving score A B C or just put a good or bad on their writing. Then, it seems like there is no good impact on students writing performance in next level.
In this case, doing experimental method you could make some scientific process to find the solution. for example you take some participant on your experimental to find the solution. At the end, you find that student can increase their writing ability by giving more detail feedback on their writing project. Such as give comment and suggestion, and show them their weakness and strength in writing.
Automatically it could give a good impact on student because you as a teacher provide a suitable method.
thank you.
Thank you for your explanation, Arinda. I do love the example that you gave to us. If I am not mistaken, based on the example that you gave, in Language Testing and Assessment, it called as 'Wash Back'. Wash back itself is giving a feedback to the students' task, and it is also another way to give assessment to the students that will help them to increase their skill on a certain course. The example that you gave is really suitable with the theory of Wash Back.
HapusThank you.
Yes I agree with your opinion guys that experimental method very influence to the student because as a teacher when he or she apply the experimental method it means the teacher apply a methode which is the learning process emphasize to the direct practical activity that can teacher do in the class or out of class. So that's why experimental method as important tool in learning process because the teacher undertake the experimental methode, it means the teacher gives an opportunity to the students in exploring their skill, empower students in their learning process, I mean make a good learning environment and the way students learning which more effective and invite student to be productive in learning. Thank you I hope you can understand what I mean guys.
HapusActually, this topic is our material in other lecture. And in this topic in this forum have a same relation. So, thank you for give us a new information about this
HapusNursaidah Nasrul
NIM : 20400115038
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusName : Nurpatima
BalasHapusNim : 20400115032
Honestly, I do not understand with the text above, it is too difficult for me to understand what the main discussion of the task . Maybe it's because my ability to read English text is still very less.
Know, I just want to add a simple definition about experimental research according to my knowledge.
Experimental research is a study intended to determine whether there is a result of "something" that given to the subject. In other words experimental research is trying to know about the causal relationship between the subject. This method try to compare one or more experimental groups which are given special treatement with one or more comparison groups that do not receive treatment. For instance, in a class, there is a research about improving students' vocabulary mastery. Then, the students are divided into 2 groups, those are the control group and the experimental group. The control group is given special treatment, for example taught mnemonic methods and so forth to improve their vocabulary mastery. While the experimental group, the researcher do not given any treatment. And at the end of the study shows that there is a different result among both of the groups. Thus that different results is the effect of the treatment.
Please correct me if i have wrong understanding.
Thank you.. ^_^
I like your explanation nurpatima. I think it's more better than our explanation. And Thanks for it.
HapusBy. Elasari (member of the third group)
I like your comment Mrs. Fatima because you put an clear example I think.
HapusAssalamu'alaikum warahmatullah
BalasHapusWe are from the first group will answer the question, "What is the influence of giving the experimental method to the student?"
According to us, before the teacher gives their teaching material to the students, they must check the material first. Whether the material they will give to the students has been in accordance with what is needed by students or not. For example by doing pre test to the students so that we can know the level of student's ability, because as a teacher we should not arbitrarily give the material as we want, for the reason we are the teacher. But we must know that we are facilitators who accommodate students to more easily understand the material to be taught. Well, the experimental method is one of the methods that are good enough to use in the classroom, because it can make students more easily understand the material that will be given and also provide practice in accordance with the existing theory so that students can get a new theory from the results of the practice.
The mambers of the first group are:
- Iswandi
- Dewy Setyowaty R.
- Nur Fitriani
- Alwi Suparman
- Ajeng Hariani
- Hardianti
I do agree, with combine theory and practice have a good result
HapusThank you
Nursaidah Nasrul
NIM : 20400115038
Assalamualaikum, wr.wb.
BalasHapusName : Yusrina
Nim: 20400115025
I am sorry for being late to answer the question and please correct me if I am wrong.
I will answer the first question that: What the influence of giving the experimental method to the student?
As we know that experimental method is the way of presenting a lesson with an experiment that involve student do and prove what they learned, and student can get a result of the process they do. And if the teacher gives the experimental method to their students in teaching and learning process, it will give good effect to them. The student will become more active in learning process, train to think scientifically, and conclusion of experiment will be stored in student’s long term memory because they do directly. thank you
Great opinion... thanks yusrina you have just touch little about MEMORY. I think you're still remember about pschology, and that's true that something or activity that we do by our self directly it is make us to be easy to remember some information because at the time we really concentration about the activity that we have done.
HapusName : Elasari
BalasHapusNIM : 20400115020
Member of the third group.
Firstly, I'm sorry for all of you guys. I reply using our friend's account because the network in my home just now until now is very bad and there are some mistakes on my phone. Also sorry for our explanation in the text above that make all of you become confused because we did not give explanation deeply. We are realize about that, therefore thanks for your explanation, addition, and suggestion that have all of you give for us.
The last, I'm sorry because I can't reply the comment from you all one by one now.