Jumat, 19 Agustus 2016


Seiring dengan meningkatnya upaya perbaikan kompetensi dan kinerja tenaga pendidik akhir-akhir ini, penelitian tindakan merupakan pilihan tepat dalam rangka memperbaiki dan memperkuat hubungan antara praktek-praktek pembelajaran dan penelitian. Model penelitian tindakan, (di samping penelitian evaluasi dan penelitian dan pengembangan) termasuk kategori penelitian aplikasi yang diarahkan pada isu-isu spesifik dan praktis. Penelitian tindakan menekankan pada praktek sosial, bertujuan ke arah peningkatan, suatu proses siklus, diikuti oleh penemuan yang sistematis, proses reflektif, bersifat partisipatif, dan ditentukan oleh pelaksana (Creswell, 2008).
Dalam bidang pendidikan, penelitian tindakan dimaksudkan untuk menguji praktek-praktek pendidikan secara sistematis dan hati-hati dengan menggunakan teknik-teknik tertentu berdasarkan asumsi bahwa penyelenggaraan pendidikan akan menjadi semakin baik jika dilakukan kajian mendalam untuk mencari solusi terhadap masalah-masalah yang dihadapi, menjadi lebih efektif bila didorong untuk memeriksa dan menilai pekerjaan yang dihasilkan dan kemudian saling membantu dan bekerja  sama dalam pengembangan profesi. Namun, penelitian tindakan sering dipahami hanya dalam ruang lingkup yang mikro, ruang kelas, saja sehingga penelitian tindakan hanya dimaknai dengan penelitian tindakan kelas (classroom action research). Padahal penelitian tindakan bukan hanya diarahkan pada tingkat ruang kelas saja, melainkan juga pada tingkat sekolah, kecamatan dan kabupaten, bahkan lebih tinggi lagi ke tingkat provinsi dan nasional untuk kasus pendidikan di Indonesia yang menganut sistem desentralisasi pendidikan. Semakin tinggi tingkat yang diarahkan untuk penelitian tindakan, semakin kompleks desain dan siklus penelitian, dan semakin lama pula jangka waktu yang digunakan.

72 komentar:

  1. in my mind, action research is a very important research to do

  2. I am the first group in Action Research class

  3. this is a good lesson for student

  4. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  5. Action research will be very useful for us

  6. Thank you very much of the book you post,Sir. This is very useful

  7. Thank you very much of the book you post,Sir. This is very useful

  8. Get new lesson get new knowledge. thank you sir

  9. This subject will give us alot of function for today tomorrow and the future..

    Thanks sir

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  14. In my opinion, the action research is giving some impacts for education. It makes us as teachers will know the bad and good way about how to build a perfect education for children. But, in reality this research is not running succesful. Whereas, there are many objects of this researches which can help educator improve the educational quality. The researches does not always give solutions for the problems in education. I do not know what the cause. It might a internal or external causes. I mean, the educators are not good or proper at all. By this research, I know that one of the action researches in education is classroom action research. I am a little understand about this one, but I think it should be better if there is more spesific explaination about what classroom action research is. What the objects and how to evaluate the students.

    Aulia Nurul Adiyah

    1. I don't think it's because the educators are not good. It depends on the objectives of the research. most research are conducted only to define the problems which can help other researchers who wants to focus on finding out the solutions.

    2. Thanks for your opinion. You can bold the words "it might" in mine. I give more explanation about that one by saying "I mean". I didn't say the educators really bad or not proper. Thank you:)

  15. PBI 2

    Thank u you for the informatiom sir. Actually I don't know exactly what action research is. I hope I'll get more explanation about what action research n goal of action research are.

  16. PBI 2

    Thank u you for the informatiom sir. Actually I don't know exactly what action research is. I hope I'll get more explanation about what action research n goal of action research are.

  17. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  18. Subject of interest (y) big thanks for the information sir. Action research will help us to do the best on our Education.

  19. Name: Nurhikmawati Mus
    NIM : 2400114051
    PBI : 3


    I totally agree that the scope of Action Research is not limited as Classroom Action Research.But it also can be undertaken by larger organizations or institutions which ia guided by professional researchers with the aim of improving their strategies, practices and knowledge of the environments within which they practice.
    Other words, we should find that how most of people understand action research as only classroom action research. What makes them misunderstanding about it ?

    1. As we see in this article, the higher level of directed to action research, the more complex design and cycle research and also the longer time required. In my opinion, many students know that action research not just in a classroom but they are afraid to take risks.

  20. Name : Tri wulandari
    NIM : 20400114056
    PBI : 3

    In my mind Action research is very important because Action research is a form of study design ,the researchers describe the action research, interpret and explain a social situation at the same time to make changes or interventions with the goal of repairing or participation.

  21. Name : Sri Utami Ridwan
    ID : 20400114064
    Group : PBI 4

    You're absolutely right, sir. Because Action research special in Education system can provide supervision for educators to use method in teaching.

  22. Name: Nurti ningsih
    Nim :20400114044
    Pbi : 3

    I agree that action research is very important research to do.the first my reason because action research have not only on the evaluation of research but on the research and development. And the second reason why I agree on action research has certain techniques based on assumptions for the provision of education, the bettee to examine in depth to seek solution to the problems faced.

  23. Thank you for the information sir. Action research is one of the efforts to improve the quality of education

    Fithra Khaeriah
    PBI 4

  24. Name: Ahmad Asrul Azwar Irfan
    ID: 20400114077
    PBI 4

    Glad to read this article which is inform us general clue to get started the Action research. Thank you for the information Sir. for the further, i want to know that how we can apply the action research in the classroom technically(?)

  25. Nama:Sofiya Hilmia
    A great lesson for me sir.This blog adds my understanding about action research. I agree that action research is the right choice to support an implementation of education. Not only looking for the solution of a problem but also examine and evaluate the results of the work. So that action research presents to strengthen relations between practices of teaching and research.

    PBI 4

    Thank you sir, for the nice material. It will be very useful for every readers, specially the student in this major for the future. Action research is really interested and we do need it

  27. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  28. Name:Amirah Nur Adenia
    NIM: 20400114045
    PBI 3

    Thank you for the information, Sir. I agree that action research not only can be done in classroom but also in a larger institutions in order to diagnose and solve problems in education system that leads to a better result for school or teachers.

  29. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
    Name: Ade Lestari Pasaribu
    NIM : 2400114065
    PBI : 4

    Thank you for the information, Sir. What an interesting lesson!
    I'd go along with this "Action Research" material because I believe that it's one of the best way to solve every problems in education system especially to improve the competences of educators. We strongly need it to makes the quality of education be better. At the end, I recommend that every people should not only do "Action Research" in classroom but also in all instituions. So, what are we waiting for? Let's Do More! :-) #ForBetterEducationInIndonesia

    PBI 4
    NIM 20400114083

    Thank you for the information sir, it is very useful for us. In my mind i agree about action research, because with action research, we can testing practice education, and maybe that would be increase education in our country~

    NIM : 20400114061
    PBI 4

    After reading these passages, I can assume that Action Research refers to social behavior and enhancement especially in education. It is not only in micro environment, but also in macro environment. But, it will be a problem when educational system in Indonesia is being decentralized. the last, I think that if decentralization can be made in effectiveness, it means that micro environment can affect macro environment in assuming to solve this problem.

  32. Thank you Sir. This material is very interesting, I really agree about "Action Research" has to do in every instituion not only in classroom. So, This lesson truly can help to repair education system in indonesia.

    Name: Rifky Nuriansyah
    NIM : 2400114066
    PBI : 4

  33. hisbullah
    pbi 3

    after i red this article, i got informations that for make better this education in our country. for be a theacher not only teach the student but also do the research.

  34. RIDWAN
    PBI 4
    Thank you Sr. You have given us a new knowledge about that and now I can get some ideas about what will I do if I research in the future so I will do research action later and not only in the classroom but also the other such us in the classroom, regency, national, and international.

  35. Muthaharah Basri

    Assalamualaikum wr.wb
    Thank you sir for the best material.
    I agree that action research is very important.
    I think this is a big solution to makes the quality of education in our country be better than now.
    Thank you so much.

  36. Siti hardianti pratiwi
    pbi 4

    Thank you very much for the nice article you have post, sir.
    Lucky me to read this article, cause for me this article is a new knowledge and very useful for a teacher and also "candidate of teacher" like me.
    I totally agree, that we as a teacher have to use the action research for education!
    But, could you sir give me the example how to apply the action research?

  37. Name:Dita Aristiyasari
    NIM :20400114055
    PBI 3
    Thank you for the information, sir. In my mind, action research is an important component of education development.

  38. Name : M. Agus
    Reg. No : 204 001 14 052
    Class. : PBI 3

    Thank you for the information, sir. Actually, i don't understand what the topic is. So, i hope that i can follow your class well to make me understand about the subject.

  39. Name : Femy Rahmadani
    Nim : 20400114043
    PBI : 3

    How wonderful lesson! Thank you for information sir.
    We do need this action research not only for improve our education but also our knowledge.

  40. Nurjannah
    PBI 3

    Thank you sir for your article about action reseach. From this article, I have known that action research is an important thing to do to make a better education, especially for education in Indonesia.

    1. Name Sulfadli
      PBI 4

      I strongly go with you. It is also useful for when conducting a research.

  41. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  42. Muh. Fadly Hidayat
    PBI 4

    Now, I know about action research so we hope we can do this lesson in our research as well as possible in the future

  43. Sulfahmi
    PBI 4
    Thanks for this nice information sir. By seeing this article I've known that Action Research is very helpfull to increase our knowledge especially for our major English Education

  44. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  45. Thankyou sir. What a good material. We can apply what we have readed in this article to make education in Indonesia going better.

    Riyan Reinaldi
    PBI 3

  46. name: sulfadli
    pbi 4
    thanks for the article sir.
    i can conclude that action research is an important thing for this education, so that i have question why there is no constraint to do the research that is your article may u can tell us in the class. thanks

    NIM : 20400114053
    PBI : 3

    Thank you for the article sir.Of this article we can understand how important the role of research actions at shutter education, especially of us which will be a teacher. Not only that, from the above explanation we can understand and compare how research action to test practices of education systematically.

  48. Thank you for this nice article, Sir. You explain in a very brief way, and I can understad that action research is very important to make educational development, eventhough there are some people did not understand about it then Iam not a part of them because I have read this.
    Iam waiting for the next material, Sir!

    PBI 4

  49. Name: sitti puspitha zari
    Nim: 20400114068
    Kelas: pbi 4
    Thank you,of course I agree sir because action research must continue to be improved not only in school but outside school very important it aims to achieve better research results again

  50. Nurhamdy Satrio Utomo
    Pbi 4
    Thx sir. This article show us how important action research is.

  51. Name : Hasnidar B
    Reg.No: 20400114074
    Class : PBI 4

    Thank you sir. I agree with you, because the action research is highly influential on education. Which with the action research this we easily know what we should do the future.

  52. nama :haera
    nim :20400114081

    thank you very much for the nice article sir.in my mind action research is very important because it can examine and assess the work produced systematically and can understand the problems that exist.

  53. Name : Irhamia
    Nim : 20400114084
    PBI 4

    Thank for your information sir, I really agree with the action research, becouse of the application research is a form of small-scale intervention in the functioning of the real world.so that we can check carefully whether the intervention was effective or not,

  54. Muthemainnah

    thanks for your information sir, i agree about action research because is very important of education development, especially in indonesia

  55. Wahyuningsi
    Pbi 3

    Thanks for the nice information, can't wait for the next article.

  56. Jusnaeni

    Thanks you for the information sir, what a nice article.
    I agree that research is not only on the scope of the classroom but also in a large intitution to solve the problem.

  57. Zulfadli
    Thanks for the information.i agree about action research because it is very useful.teacher has to do this research not just expectation. Sorry i send it lately i have trouble with my email

  58. Nugroho Sujayanto
    PBI 3
    Thanks for this awesome article, I can conclude that this subject is very important for us to develop our educational system in our country

  59. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    PBI 1

    That's why we need to learn about classroom action research, first. As a candidate of teacher, its prominent to know about this lecture. I hope that it will be great opportunity for us to learn for better education in Indonesia :)

    PBI 1

    What a nice article. It makes me know that it is important to learn about this lecture. I hope that I can enjoy this semester with this great lecture and lecturer.



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