Minggu, 01 Oktober 2017



Defining Survey
According to Brown (2001), language surveys are any studies “that gather data on the characteristics and views of informants about the nature of language or language learning through the use of oral interviews or written questionnaires”

As Dornyei (2003) notes, surveys provide a very efficient means for researchers to gather a good deal of information in a short time with little cost. As such, surveys are a particularly effective way for  teachers to find out more about the background, habits, and preferences of their students, information which they can then use in curriculum development.                                                   

Designing surveys
Selecting respondents, In designing a survey, the primary questions the researcher needs to address are what is the purpose of the survey and who will take the survey.
Brown (2001) suggests that researchers
1. Identify clearly the population of interest in the survey.
2. Assign an identification number to each individual in the population.
3. Choose the members of the sample on the basis of a table of random numbers.

Writing questions, the question to ask on survey need to be related to the main topics of research. Therefore, it’s should be decided on the basis of a heoretically-driven list of topics that the researcher wants to address in the survey. There are two main types of question:
-          open-ended question which allow respondents to write in their own answers either fill –in or short answer ways. The advantages of this types is providing a narrower richer data and relatively easy to write, but they can be extremely difficult to code and analyze.
-          Close-ended questions require the respondent to choose one of several specified answers and can also take a variety of forms.

Wording Questions. Typically, survey questions should be short so that respondents can read them quickly and answer them easily. Questions also need to be written at a language level that students understand. Brown (2001) points out several types of questions that should be avoided when give survey questions, one of them is embarrassing questions, that are questions that respondents may find embarrassing to answer for social or cultural reasons should be avoided (e.g., “What is the literacy level of your parents?” “What is your father’s occupation?”).

Final Survey Form. The final form of the survey should be attractive in its layout and carefully edited with these parts. First give a short statement that describes the purpose of the survey and who is
conducting the survey. Next there should be instructions about what the respondents should do. The questions themselves should appear in some organized manner with specific instructions for each part of the questionnaire. The last is, the questionnaire should end with a brief thank you to the respondents for answering the survey.

Piloting a Survey. The purpose of piloting a survey is to find out what problems exist in the clarity of the directions and which items might be confusing or difficult. For instance check the items which almost everyone probably gives the same response, by that manner, we can know that those questions are acceptable and they can give response almost in the same manner.

Reliability, In order to assure the reliability of a survey, several measures can be used. First, the same survey can be given on two occasions to the same individuals. Then the researcher can check to see how consistently the respondents gave the same response to the same item. The second way of assuring reliability is to have two forms of a survey and have individuals take both forms. The consistency of response on these two forms could again be checked. The final way to achieve reliability is to check the internal consistency of responses in a survey. In this case, if a survey
contains several items that ask similar questions but in different forms, then the researcher can check to see how consistently the respondents have answered these questions.

Compiling and Displaying Survey Results

Close-Ended Questions. In compiling survey results the first thing a researcher needs to do is to decide on coding categories. Often with closeended questions, responses are given a particular numerical value.  Numerical scales can be of three types. There are nominal scale categorizes constructs that have no numerical value such as ethnic background or gender. An ordinal or ranked scale is similar to a nominal scale but involves ranked numbers. Interval scales also rank numbers but describe scales that have an equal distance between each number.

After the researcher assign the data by numerical scale then it needs to be corded into some fashion, one of them is to compile it on the table form. Then, the data need to be displayed in the some ways. There are several alternatives can be applied such as:  (1) simply report the frequency of each response. (2) Describe the results in percentages. If researchers choose to describe the results in terms of frequency or percentages they could also display these results in a figure using a bar graph or pie chart.  (3) Interval scales one could describe the data in terms of central tendency. The most common types of central tendency are the mean, mode, and median.

            Open-Ended Questions. As well as the way in coding of close-ended questions, the result of the surveys should begin with transcribing the responses the answer. In analyzing the responses, it is helpful to begin by reading over all of the responses and highlighting key ideas that are expressed. Then go over the data several more times to look for reoccurring themes. Use these reoccurring themes to summarize the data that is included in the responses. For each major theme, select one or two typical responses that characterize most of the response that are given.

Summarizing Finding, summarizing will be done by identifying the whole result of survey researcher both  the close-ended questions and the open-ended questions, after finding the important information related to the aim of research,  make sure that the summarize is  not to over-generalize the findings.


1. How does survey research researcher contribute to teacher’s teaching and student’s study?
2. What are the most important things in conducting survey research? Explain the reason.
3. In what condition do we need to conduct survey research?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of survey research?
4. According to Brown, there are several types of questions that should be avoided when giving survey questions. How bad it would be if those questions are included and how to solve it? 

116 komentar:

  1. assalamualaikum wr.wb
    we are from the fifth group would like to answer the question. but before we answer it, we would like to say thank you for making a good artikel about survey research. this is good idea to discussion.

    1.How does survey research researcher contribute to teacher’s teaching and student’s study?

    survey research give more contribute to teacher's teaching. as dornyei said "As such, surveys are a particularly effective way for teachers to find out more about the background, habits, and preferences of their students, information which they can then use in curriculum development". its too clear to answer this question.

    2. What are the most important things in conducting survey research? Explain the reason.

    the most important thing in conduct the survey research is the subject of research. if we want to make a research, we have to know the subject we choose. you want to make a research and you do not have subject, your research is none sense.

    3. In what condition do we need to conduct survey research?

    what condition? base on our group, we can make a reserach in every condition. we do not need waiting a good time to make a survey research. we can do it when we are teaching in the class.

    4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of survey research?

    base on our group, there is no disadvantage of survey reserach because as our answer before we said that survey research can help the teacher to find a problem, make a new way to teach.

    5. According to Brown, there are several types of questions that should be avoided when giving survey questions. How bad it would be if those questions are included and how to solve it?

    Brown (2001) points out several types of questions that should be avoided when give survey questions, one of them is embarrassing questions, that are questions that respondents may find embarrassing to answer for social or cultural reasons should be avoided (e.g., “What is the literacy level of your parents?” “What is your father’s occupation?”). this is types of question that we have to avoid. every people have a right, include children. when we ask about their family (like brown explained) it mean that we out of the primciple of survey research. how to solve it ? one thing that we can do it is make sure the validality of the quertioner.

    thank you for share this article.

    the member of fifth group:
    1. Nurpatima
    2. Subhan Rahmat
    3. Rezkianti
    4. jamilah
    5. Fadliah
    6. Nur Insani

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    2. Thank you for answering. Let us from 4th Group add little answer for question 4 to give any enlightenments. So survey research has several advantages, because it is relatively easy to administer, can be developed in less time (compared to other data-collection methods, cost-effective, but cost depends on survey mode, can be administered remotely via online, mobile devices, mail, email, kiosk, or telephone.
      Conducted remotely can reduce or prevent geographical dependence, capable of collecting data from a large number of respondents, numerous questions can be asked about a subject, giving extensive flexibility in data analysis, with survey software, advanced statistical techniques can be utilized to analyze survey data to determine validity, reliability, and statistical significance, including the ability to analyze multiple variables. A broad range of data can be collected (e.g., attitudes, opinions, beliefs, values, behavior, factual).

      Vice versa, it also contains some disadvantages like respondents may not feel encouraged to provide accurate and honest answers, respondents may not feel comfortable providing answers that present themselves in a unfavorable manner, they may not be fully aware of their reasons for any given answer because of lack of memory on the subject, or even boredom.
      Surveys with closed-ended questions may have a lower validity rate than other question types. Data errors due to question non-responses may exist. The number of respondents who choose to respond to a survey question may be different from those who chose not to respond, thus creating bias.
      Survey question answer options could lead to unclear data because certain answer options may be interpreted differently by respondents. For example, the answer option “somewhat agree” may represent different things to different subjects, and have its own meaning to each individual respondent.

    3. Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
      My name is Nur Annisa Hidayat from the 4th group. Thank you for your group that have done to answer those questions. I just want to make clear and give addition about your answer of no. 4. Actually there are some disadvantages of the survey research such as because it can involve many samples or participants on that research, it means that the questions which are given to them are typically general (general questions), so it can’t measure and get specific data from the samples, and the researchers must ascertain them to do not make bias responses. This case is particularly about by given questionnares. Another is, for example the researchers give some questions to the participants. Probably they will give less response or they give answers which not suitable and appropriate with their real condition because they think that their answer will be collected and they do not care about the result of their answers. Thank you

    4. I am nurul magfirah

      Actually i am affraid to dissagre with your answer for number 3, your answer is we do not waiting a good condition for survey, but according to my mine the good condition is important when we do a survey. Why i say like that, because when we are doing a survey in the bad condition, usually the student not care about the question and the answer that we give for them, they are just answer but not focus to answer. And than when the survey that we do in the bad condition, we afraid to get a error data. Like NUR ANNISA HIDYAT said,the student will gave a less response or they give answers which not suitable.therefore the data that we get not like the fact.


    5. Assalamualaikum wr.wb My name is Wiwi Satriani. for addition, I have found any disadvantage of survey research : It is up to the user to ensure they have a representative sample from which to collect data. Survey research is prone to researcher error, where assumptions are made about the sample that may not be accurate. For example, if you are researching low income communities, many may not have email access, so their voice won’t be heard in your data.

    6. I agree with nurul magfirah's opinion. It is important to consider the condition of student when we want to do the survey research. Because it will influace our research if the students do not feel comfortable with the condition.

    7. My name is andi maryam, I agree with your opinion. Before we do survey research, we have to know the condition that student need, so we will get the accurate result. Thank U

    8. My name is andi maryam, I agree with your opinion. Before we do survey research, we have to know the condition that student need, so we will get the accurate result. Thank U

    9. Assalamualaikum, wr.wb.
      My name is Yusrina from the fourth group. Thank you for the answers.
      I agree with Nurul Magfirah that a good condition is important when we do a survey. We have to choose the good condition to give a good approaches so that student can enjoy when we give them some questions. And when we doing a survey without choose a good condition, so the students not care and not focus when they answer the questions that give to them.

      And also about the question of number 5 that the questions should be avoided when giving a survey, I remember our lecturer’s word, Mom Jannah. She said that do not give a question that make the student feel interrogated. So, we should give a good approach so that the student enjoy with us and they do not feel interrogated.Thank you

    10. Thankyou Wiwi and Maryam to agree with my opinion.

      I agree with maryam's statemen also, she said when we do a survey in the good condition we will get a accurate result. Thanks for addition maryam.

    11. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    12. My name is jamila and i agree with nurul magfira's statement and i personally think if we want to have a good result and clear information in our research we have to see the condition and time why if we conduct a research in bad condution or time for example we give a question to subjec and they fell tired or in a rest time probobly they will fill or answer the question with hurry-curry answers of course their answers its not accordance what we want to know or we got wrong information from the subjec
      thank you

    13. Name: Al Amini Indah Sari
      Nim: 20400115037

      I agree with the opinion of Nurul Magfirah, not in any condition we can do research. we must first review the conditions either the environment, culture, or subjects to be in carefully. everything needs careful consideration when choosing conditions when doing research.

    14. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    15. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    16. thank you guys, it can make it clear to other

    17. My name is Hasniar from the thir grouop.
      I agree with nurul magfirah's opinion, before we conduct research we need to have good condition because if we do the research in bad condition we will difficult to gethering data from the subject.

      PBI 1

      Okay. First of all, I would like to say thanks for the fifth group that have answered all the questions.

      At this time, I would like to try to make the fifth group's statement clear about "The Good Condition".

      Personally, I think that what fifth group means about "We do not waiting for a good time" is to held a survey research or any research, you as a teacher don't have to wait until all your students have a good grade or anything. I mean, a survey could held when you think that there's something wrong about your method or something miss from your student in the class and I think that it is consider as "The Bad Condition" or "Not a good time" that encourage you as a teacher to make a research.

      Hopefully you guys get what I am trying to explain. I am sorry if it is wrong.

      Thank you

  2. Assalamualaikum wr.wb

    I am Nursaidah Nasrul from the sixth group will be answer the question

    *what are the most important thing to conducting survey research. Explain?

    The most important thing in conduct the survey research is Survey Researcher. This tendency is because the goal of the most survey research is to make accurate estimates about what is the true we are doing in the classroom

    *What are the adveantages and disadvantages of survey research?

    The advantage of survey research is a broad range of data can be collected for example attitudes, opinion, values etc, so we cost effective time
    The disadvantage of survey research is data error due to question non-responses may exist. The number of respondents who choose to respond to a survey question may be different from those who chose not to respond.

    The member of sixth group
    1. Wiwi Satriani
    3. Muslimin Hamdani
    4. Al Amini Indah Sari
    5. Nursaidah Nasrul
    6. Nurul Magfirah
    7. Andi Fatmawati

    Thank you

    1. Assalamualaikum wr.wb
      We are the sixth group will answer the questions.
      •How does survey research researcher contribute to teacher’s teaching and student’s study?
      The survey research researcher contribute to teacher’s teaching and student’s study as the Dornyei said that surveys are a particularly effective way for teachers to find out more about the background, habits, and preferences of their students, information which they can then use in curriculum development.
      •According to Brown, there are several types of questions that should be avoided when giving survey questions. How bad it would be if those questions are included and how to solve it?
      Brown points out several types of questions that should be avoided when give survey questions, one of them is embarrassing questions, that are questions that respondents may find embarrassing to answer for social or cultural reasons should be avoided (e.g., “What is the literacy level of your parents?” “What is your father’s occupation?”). it is really bad if we include those questions because it maybe will offend the respondents if we ask them about their family or the private thing that can not be explained by them.
      The sixth group
      Al Amini Indah Sari
      Wiwi Satriani
      Andi Fatmawati
      Nursaidah Nasrul
      Nurul Magfirah
      Muslimin Hamdani

    2. Thank you very much for answering.
      However, could you explain in clearer way regarding your reasoning for number 1?

    3. Sorry, we are from 4th group (presenter group). Any comment next by pbi01-02.2015.UINAM-group6 refers to us, the 4th group. thank you

    4. Thank you very much for your answer Wiwi Satriani :)

    5. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    6. I'm so sorry for the sixth group, I think that your answer about the firs question is not clear, you just said that the rearcher is a factor that will influence the goal of the survey research but you do not explain why it could be. therefore please answer it clearly!

    7. My name is Andi fatmawati from 6th group. Its seems like some of you little bit need a more clearly explanation, of our answer from question number 1 that is “ what are the most important thing to conducting survey research, explain?” so allow me, explain it for you. According to my opinion and the some of research that i have find, that the most important thing that we have to do so. Before you start researching, make a plan by considering a few aspects of the information you want to gather. Like ask specific questions that must be answered,consider the type of information you want to use, determine where you can find that information, evaluate how much information you need, deciding where to look for resources while conducting research. And of course do not forget to evaluating everything that we have write or planned before.

      Thank you.

    8. If something odd happen when you are conducting your research , it is tempting to write it off as an anomaly and ignore it. However, an anomaly could be important and might lead to a new discovery. And if you ignored it, you could be accused of covering up contradictory evidence, which could be reported as reseacrh misconduct. Therfore when conducting survey research, you need to be prepared for both the expected and the unexpected. thats why evaluating your plan its consider to be very important step. And if the unexpected happen it will be good to ask an expert in your research topic, or someone that have good intelligence or education background that related with your reseach, which is could help your problem.

    9. Name : Nursaidah Nasrul
      Nim : 20400115038

      Thank you for your addition Andi Fatmawati

  3. Assalamu'alaikum..
    I am Susilawati(20400115036) as a member of sixth group will give an addition for a question number four about what is the Advantages and Disadvantages of survey resrarch?
    There are some advantages of survey research. The first is the research produces data based on real-world observations (empirical data). The second is the breadth of coverage of many people or events means that it is more likely than some other approaches to obtain data based on a representative sample, and can therefore be generalizable to a population. The third, surveys can produce a large amount of data in a short time for a fairly low cost. And the last is researchers can therefore set a finite time-span for a project, which can assist in planning and delivering end results. Beside that, survey research also has some disadvantages. The first is significance of the data can become neglected if the researcher focuses too much on the range of coverage to the exclusion of an adequate account of the implications of those data for relevant issues, problems, or theories. The second is the data that are produced are likely to lack details or depth on the topic being investigated. And the last is securing a high response rate to a survey can be hard to control, particularly when it is carried out by post, but is also difficult when the survey is carried out face-to-face or over the telephone.

    1. Thank you very much Susi. Good addition :)

    2. Thank you very much Susi. Good addition :)

    3. thank you so much susilawati for the good answer.

    4. I agree with the answer from Susilawati, but i will give some addition about what is the Advantages and Disadvantages of survey resrarch ?
      The advantages are also Can reach a large number of respondents and remote residence. And the disadvantages are Possible low rate of return of respondents, This happens if the respondent has a low level of education or involving many elderly people. Then There is no certainty that the question in the questionnaire is known by the respondent.
      Thank you...

    5. good addition for us. thank you.

    6. this's a new information for me, and thanks very much for the all off addition

  4. Assalamu'alaikum....
    I am Sulaeha ( 20400115013) as a member of the second group will answer the question number 2 and 3 :

    2. What are the most important things in conducting survey research? Explain the reason.
    I think the most important thing done in the survey research is the problem to be researched because without determining in advance the problem to be researched then the course of survey or research is not directed.

    3. In what condition do we need to conduct survey research?
    That is in the circumstances in which the research is conducted because it is driven by the fulfillment of the need for curiosity, because Knowledge and understanding of something, raises a new curiosity that is wider, higher, more comprehensive.
    Thank you...

    1. My name is Nursaidah Nasrul.

      I am disagree with your answer number 2, you said that the most important of survey research is "problem researched" but Personally, I think we don't need problem to do survey research. We do survey research because we want to find something that make us easier to do something, for example we do survey research to find the best learning approach to student, and that is not problem.

      Thank you

      Nama : Nursaidah Nasrul
      NIM : 20400115038

    2. let me make it clear. probably sulaeha mean we can make a research when we found a problem, specially for student problem to learn. so thats why we have make survey research to solve the problem.

    3. My name is Al Amini Indah Sari.
      I think all the parts in doing research are just as important, the question of what is more important is only the personal opinions of each. so there is nothing wrong with sulaeha's opinion.
      Thank You

    4. Thanks for you're additions friends....

    5. I agree with you,al amini indah sari. In this discussion, we may to give addition, suggestion and question but remember that we have to appretiate the other opinion.

    6. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    7. Thank you for responding, in my mind one of the most important thing before conducting survey research is establishing the aim of our research, if we already have the purpose of our research, it helps us designing our research, deciding the methodology and respondents, designing and structuring the questionnaire or types of questions even analyzing the data.
      :)Every people have their own opinion therefore there is no right or wrong answer. We really appreciate all of your responses.

    8. I personally agree with you, Widya. Before conducting a research, the first thing to do is find the purpose, aim, or goal of your research.

      By finding your purpose, it helps you to find the respondents that probably suit with your research.

      Also, deciding or finding the purpose of your research could encourage you to do something more or find any solution for any problems that exist in your surrounding or society.

      Thank you.

      PBI 1

    9. I do agree with your opinion about the most important thing before conducting survey research is establishing the purpose of our research. When we have known the purpose of the research so we can do our research sistematicly because we have planed about what will we need for doing this research before.

      Thank you

    10. first i would like to say that,maybe there is misunderstanding between suleha's and nurasaidah narsul's opinion. But i have to say that i agree with nursaidah comment despite its not related what suleha mean on her comment, probably . i agree with her statement "I think we don't need problem to do survey research. We do survey research because we want to find something that make us easier to do something, for example we do survey research to find the best learning approach to student". why? because sometimes we just have to be a creative teacher, we do not have to wait till there is problem with our student to start the research.

      and for all the commentator who have explained also, about the most important thing to conducting survey. like finding the purpose of your research, so you can be easier to designing the research. But you have to remember that evaluating is also the most important part. Why? because we don't know if there is something that we not put in, or forget to delete some part of our research, before we conduct the survey research it probably will make this research little bit confusing in the future.

      thank you
      andi fatmawati

    11. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    12. I am SULAEHA, I deeply appreciate additional answers from friends and it can add to my adherence and complete my lack of answers

    13. I really appreciate your opininion and I realize that evaluating is the important part for conducting research too. But if we talk about which one the most important between them we can say that the purpose is most important because evaluating will be conducted after we have preparations for the research whereas the purpose is the first thing that we need before we have preparations and conduct the research.

      Thank you

    14. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    15. Thanks for your addition Wiwi Satriani, yes also agree with your comment which is the purpose is the most important part for conducting research, because there must be a reason we want to conduct this research. And i just remind that evaluating also the most important part also. why? Because it seems like some of comment that i have read, probably forget to put this step also. For example when we want to publishing a novel or we want to publish a comment we must be read or evaluating it again just like to avoid a typo that Will make a misunderstanding.

      Thank you.

  5. Hello guys... my name is SASDILLAH.
    I would like to answer the quetions of the 4th group. The first question is How does survey research researcher contribute to teacher’s teaching and student’s study? I think the first question is clear because Subhan’s answer is good. So, i’m going to the next question.
    The second question is What are the most important things in conducting survey research? Explain the reason.
    I think the most important things in conducting survey research is like the research we did last semester on psychology courses. Before we do a survey, first we determine the object that we will examine. Because our question have to appropriate with our subject, right..?

    The third question is In what condition do we need to conduct survey research? I agree with the other. If we will get the valid data or the accurate data we have to do a survey in the good condition. Because the condition affect the survey results.

    I think my answer is not much different from the other.

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    2. Nurul magfirah

      Yes i do agree with sasdillah's opinion for the second answer. Choose the subject before we do a survey most important because with we do that,we are easy to get our purpose in the survey.


    3. Thank you for answering, since there are some people here talking about good condition and bad condition, you may explain more about conducting survey research in good condition, therefor our friends will get clear explanation

    4. My name is jamila
      I also agree with sasdilla's opinion before we conducting a research first is decide the subject that according our research and also we have to know their condition including their psycholigy therefor we know how to treat them
      thank you

    5. thank you for your addition Sasdillah,,I remember about my subject when I do a survey at last semester..

    6. For Widya, i think jamila has answered your question about bad and good condition. Even Jamila gives an example.

    7. I also remember Yusrina when our friend lost the subject and then changed the subject and had to start again from the beginning when it was deadline.

    8. My name is Nur Fitriani, I do agree with Dilla's said, as we know that if we do not determine object firstly, we do not know what schedul that should we planned then. So thank you Dilla for remind me to determine subject firstly.

    9. Nama : Asran
      Nim : 20 400 115 0 12
      Kelas : PBI 1

      thank's for the Information that You're Give to Us, and I do Hope You'll Never Boring to give us an information like this.

  6. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  7. My name is Nurpatima (20400115032), I would like to answer the question.
    1. How does survey research researcher contribute to teacher’s teaching and student’s study?

    In my mind, Survey research gives a big influence on teacher's teaching and student learning. As mentioned above, Survey research is a very effective way for teachers to know more about their students' background, habits, and preferences, information they can then use in curriculum development. Thus, if the teacher knows the need of the students, they will treat students well, and it will have a positive impact on student learning. The students will feel comfortable and enjoy the learning process.

    4. According to Brown, there are several types of questions that should be avoided when giving survey questions. How bad it would be if those questions are included and how to solve it?

    That survey question is one of the types of question that should be avoided when give survey question. The respondents will feel their personal life intervened, the respondents will feel offended and will feel ashamed to answer the question because of the social inequality. So it should be avoided. And if the information is so needed, then we should replace the question with another question that has a relationship with the question.

    thank you

    1. I just want to say that, the answer of number one have relation with last material, and the question have the same goal, and I have answered the question same with your opinion. so I going with you Fatima. (Nur Fitriani)

  8. sorry, for the forth group,
    could you make it clear, what "condition" did you mean in your question? is it related to the researcher, the respondent of research, or the situation?
    thank you.
    Nurpatima (20400115032)

    1. yah !! that is my question too. you may make it clear

    2. Yah.. Actually, i'm little bit confused about what "condition" did you mean?. Cause if i read several comments from our friends, i guess the condition is related to the students or respondent. Can you explain it to us? 😄

  9. Name : Elasari
    NIM : 20400115020
    Member of the 3td group

    Before I answer the questions, I want to ask to the fourth group, have you consulted with the concerned of lecturer about how many questions that you can ask? Due to experience in previous discussions we are only allowed to ask a maximum of 2 questions in this online discussion.
    Ok, Let’s answer the questions.

    1. How does survey research researcher contribute to teacher’s teaching and student’s study?
    As we know that survey research can give more contribute to the educators and students. To educators, for example, survey research can help them in many things, like Dornyei said "As such, surveys are a particularly effective way for teachers to find out more about the background, habits, and preferences of their students, information which they can then use in curriculum development”. While to students, survey research can give them the new information. For example, the student will have the opportunity to realize and recall what they have learned during the school year.

    2. What are the most important things in conducting survey research? Explain the reason.
    In my opinion, the most important thing in conducting a research survey is the "reason / purpose" for what to do the survey. It means that before conducting the survey, firstly we determine what is the purpose of doing this research survey ?. What questions to answer at the end of this survey. With a concrete and accurate reason / purpose, we will be easier in doing the survey research. For example, when we want to survey a student's way of learn, it is easier to prepare the questions that related to the way of learn that will be submitted to the subject of survey research.

    3. In what condition do we need to conduct survey research?
    Actually, the best condition when we want to survey research is when we need information / data related to the survey that we will doing. But do not rule out that anytime we can do the survey with a logical/concrete reason.

    4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of survey research?
    Conducting research surveys that provide advantages to various parties, such as schools, teachers and students.
    - Evaluate student learning outcomes.
    Teachers can recognize the level of ability and satisfaction of students in the learning process.
    Conduct an evaluation and comparison of what other people have done in handling similar things.
    The results of the survey can be used for planning and decision making.
    To the disadvantages, I more directed at weakness. For example, respondents may find it difficult to recall information or tell the truth about controversial questions so that the data obtained is not very accurate.

    5. According to Brown, there are several types of questions that should be avoided when giving survey questions. How bad it would be if those questions are included and how to solve it?
    Brown (2001) points out several types of questions that should be avoided when give survey questions, one of them is embarrassing questions, that are questions that respondents may find embarrassing to answer for social or cultural reasons should be avoided (e.g., “What is the literacy level of your parents?” “What is your father’s occupation?”). This is types of question that we have to avoid. Why? Because every people have a privacy and righ. And if we ask something like that, it will make the subject embarrassed. How to solve it? Before we conduct a survey, we have to know what we can ask to the subject in accordance with the rules that apply.
    Thank you.

  10. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    1. Awesome Elasari, Thank you for responding, what do you think about conducting survey research in every condition? we may have an interesting discussion about this issue because some of our friends have their own opinion.

    2. yah !! you have a good opinion but you have to see the test. we have to discuss about survey research in every condition.

    3. You're welcome widya.
      I can't justice that it's true or fals. Because I think that we can conducting survey research in every condition but provided that we have a concrete respon.

  11. Sorry, I mean that we can conducting survey research but provided that we have a logic/concrete reason. But it's not mean that we can do it without the logic reason every condition.

  12. Assalamualaikum.
    Iam Arinda Nurul Widyaningrum

    Let me answer some questions from fourth group :

    1.How does survey research researcher contribute to teacher’s teaching and student’s study?

    Survey research contribute to teacher, because it could give them more new insight about how to act in classroom, and how to treat their students. and this process (SURVEY RESEARCH)can give more information about students difference. For example, with survey teacher could see what learning goals that student have and what skills areas they most interested in. Therefore, teacher will not judge student’s performance just because some of them do not mastering particular subject. They have information from survey that every student have their own skills.
    Another example, by undertaking survey research, it will give teacher opportunity to analyze or ensure existing research or existing theory in learning, before they use it in classroom. For instance, theory of behaviorism about giving reward and punishment could give impact on student’s behavior in classroom. Before applying this theory teacher could survey about students’ perspective on this theory. Hence, teacher could analyze is it applicable or not in their classroom. In other words, according to me, survey research give more contribute to teacher, particularly for teacher who are care with students progress in learning.

    The second, how survey research contribute to student? First and foremost I would like to convey that it seems like student become a center in learning process. Every teacher sometime struggle to look for best method, best approaches, to make students enthusiastic in learning. Even, they are willing to spend much time to analyze every student’s difference.
    It means that student become important thing that for teacher. And, with survey research, every opinion, every feeling, every information, about student can be analyzed by teacher. Automatically, student have opportunity to get best treatment from teacher. Because of the result of the survey research.
    I do hope you could understand what I convey above.

    3. In what condition do we need to conduct survey research?
    According to my point of view, People need to conduct survey research when they need it. For instance, to fix problem in classroom, to look for best treatment, or just want to ensure some existing theory that teacher will apply in their classroom.

    4.What are the advantages and disadvantages of survey research?
    Many advantage of survey research, can be seen from the easy way to gather information and data. Because Survey research can be developed in less time. can be administered remotely via online, mobile devices, mail, email, kiosk, or telephone. A broad range of data can be collected (e.g., attitudes, opinions, beliefs, values, behavior, factual).

    However, there are many disadvantage of surveys research also:
    First, Respondents may not be fully aware of their reasons for any given answer because of lack of memory on the subject, or even boredom. Then, surveys with closed-ended questions may have a lower validity rate than other question types, because student may feel difficult to choose the appropriate answer because they must rank that item. Even tough this type is easy to administer and coded, but it sometimes can not give richer data and information.

    Thank you.

    1. what a great answer Arinda :) Thank you.

    2. Name :Nurindah puspita Sari
      Nim : 20400115014

      I agree with Arinda's Point of view about people need to conduct survey research when they need it, and also we need to look at the condition of the students. the condition of the students that I mean here is about the willingness of students. I think the willingness of students is important enough,because when students are not ready or unwilling to participate in the survey research the data obtained will be invalid. Thanks

    3. Thanks for answering those questions Arinda. I only want to give an addition about the answer of no.3 " In what condition do we need to conduct survey research?"
      According to my opinion, when a researcher find a problem or phenomenon in the classroom then she wants to find out the causal of a phenomenon, example why is a student so difficult to study and very naughty in the classroom? she can conduct survey research abaut the causes and how to overcome that problem. Thus, to get many information about that subject, she decides to give questionnaire. If the information still lack, she can conduct interview to know more about that subject by polite manner and previously extend the reason why she does it. The most important thing also is the researcher has to keep privacy, even the secret of the subject. After collect data which appropriate about the real condition, probably the subject is a broken home person. By this finding, she can give some suggestions or even tell the teacher to treat and help to overcome student’s problem rather different than others, example approach that student so he can get sollution or motivation, he could be comfortable to study.

    4. Thank you for your explanation,Annisa. Like i said before, i'm little bit confused about what "condition" the 4th group mean. But from your respon to Arinda i've been able to catch the mean of " condition" here.

    5. i agree with you arinda about advanteges and disadvantages of survey research.

    6. What a comprehensive answer. You also have provided some examples which make it clearer. Thank you very much.

      and it's a good writing as well. We do appreciate it

    7. i'm so agree with Your explanations, Welldone :)

    8. Thanks for your answer Nisa, as Indah said that, as long as our friend ask what "opinion" that they mean, I'm looking for what condition it, because our friend confused made me confused also. 😅, so thank you so much Nisa.

  13. my name is megawati from the fourth group, i am very appreciate about your explanation, especially this word "student become a center in learning process". we can imagine this word about the situation. i also want to give an explanation. the teacher not just to be a teacher who wait the student to active, but the teacher should try to make the student active with give them some questions.the question not always formal question but also we can give them base question about their experience. it can make them confident, because sometimes someone feel happy if they tell about themselves to other, especially good experience. it just a tool to make them start to active.
    thank you..

    1. I agree with mega's opinion.
      A question will make the students be active in the class especially question about their good experience because all of poeple surely feel happy when they tell their experience to other seems like what the sudents feel.

    2. I'm Hasniar from the third group.
      I agree with megawati's opinion.
      A question will make the students active in the class especially question about their good experience,all of people surely feel happy when they tell their experience to others seems like what the students feel.

    3. I do agree with Mega's statement, give the student some question it can make the student active in thr class. And beside that, i think another way to make a student can active in the class is have many method in teaching, because when a teacher have many method, the student not bored fastly.

      I am sorry for my bad grammar.


    4. My name is Nur Fitriani, I do agree with Mega's opinion, It is because I'm student who need teacher wake up me to be active in the class, why ? Because student like me need more stimulus which can make student interest of the subject that we learn about. If teacher did not care with student who did not care also. Learning and teaching process can not did. Thank you.

  14. Assalamualaikum warahmatullah
    My name is Ajeng Hariani (20400115004)

    The author has explains about writing questions, that is the question to ask on survey need to be related to the main topics of research. There are two main types of question, Open-ended question and Closed-ended question.
    Well my question is from the explaining about two types of writing questions above, which are the best to use in surveys research?
    Thank you..

    1. Good Question Ajeng Hariani. Deciding which one is better open-ended or close-ended question can be done by considering the respondents. Open-ended questions can be useful for surveys that are targeting a small group of people because there is no need for complex statistical analysis and the qualitative nature of the questions will give you more valuable input from each respondent. if you are surveying large of population, it's better to apply close-ended questions.
      If any of you have another point of view or additional answer let's discuss it. Thank you

    2. Thank you for your answer about my question widya and I think the explanation is clear enough.

  15. My name is Fadliah (20400115029),
    Thank you for the fourth group, that is a nice explanation.
    I have a question related to survey research.
    Technology with its development helping people in a huge field of aspect, such as business, communication, even in academic, it is also affect the research aspect. I have found some researchers conduct online survey research, where they linked respondents to fullfill the questionnare via online. What is your opinion related to this phenomena?
    Which is better online survey research or common survey research?

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    2. Widya Nur Faradina
      PBI 2
      Member of 4th group

    3. Thank you Fadliah, it’s very interesting response. This is new issue and have already thought by many people, either pro or contra. Let me explain my point of view.
      In this millennium era, one of the most widely utilized survey methods is online survey which is the systematic gathering of data from the target audience characterized by the invitation of the respondents and the completion of the questionnaire over the World Wide Web. We can’t judge which one is better because both of them have advantages and disadvantages, furthermore online survey research and common survey research can be used depend on the researchers needed.
      In addition, online survey research requires a hundred or more respondents can be conducted faster via the Internet. The survey questionnaire can be rapidly deployed and completed by the respondents. Besides, it needs low costs and less time. It also easy to input the data and automatically stored in a survey database, providing hassle-free handling of data and a smaller possibility of data errors. There are also some disadvantages conducting online survey research, such as it is not suitable for surveys which ask open-ended questions because there is no trained interviewer to explore the answers of the respondents. This method is not applicable for surveys that require respondents who do not have an access to the Internet. Some examples of these respondents include the elderly and people who reside in limited internet access areas. It’s hard knowing the identity of the respondents because some of them may use fake profile and others are unidentified person.
      In conclusion, both of them can be used regarding the situation and the needed of researcher, as far as the data can be collected appropriately both of them are useful.
      Thank you, if you have any additions I would love to discuss it.

    4. Assalamualaikum
      I am Ajeng Hariani
      That is the good question Fadliah. Well I will try to answer your question about which is better online survey research and common survey research?
      According to me, actually based on technological developments and the style of the modern society in using the internet, then online research will make it easier for researchers in collecting data, because it saves more time and cost.

    5. i am jamila
      and that good answer widya but i personally prefer common research survey because data and information from common research more accurate than online research even its save more time and cost, common research we direct action to the subject so the information and data that we got more clearly than in online research
      thank you

    6. Assalamualaikum..
      very critical question from Fadliah.
      I would like to try to answer your question.

      first is about the advantage of web-based survey.
      it is actually can be a good alternative way to do survey, because It is more practical. By designing survey research such provide clear font,images, background, and clear direction, it help researcher to do not spend much time in manage that survey in real life. I mean when you design it in web-based, it easier to spread detailed information for everyone that you need to be participant.

      the other advantage maybe are performed faster and at lower cost than more traditional approaches with personal interviews. you do not need to prepare more paper.

      But survey research also have disadvantage. For example in choosing type of questions. researcher will choose close-ended question because it is practical. while It does not give deeping information.


    7. Thank you very much. it is interesting to get a critical question.
      I am Ummu Rofikah from 4th group.
      So, today, depending on topic, goal and budget, all kinds of sampling methods are being used, in order to collect data for research. However, it is questionable which survey method is able to generate data that does represent the entire population. According to a journal from UniCeSV, University of Florence with tittle “Online, face-to-face and telephone surveys—Comparing different sampling methods in wine consumer research”, a representative face-to-face survey and a telephone survey were compared with two online surveys, one based on quota sampling and the other on snowball sampling using identical questions. The findings shown that the online survey had large biases concerning representativeness. Regarding the behavioural characteristics of consumers, the face-to-face data shown the best results, followed by the telephone interviews and finally the online quota survey. Face-to-face surveys still deliver the most representative results. Telephone surveys may provide a good alternative, but we would advise use of a larger sample. The online quota survey needs to be corrected, while in the case of snowball sampling, one should relinquish representativeness.

      Snowball sampling is where research participants recruit other participants for a test or study. It is used where potential participants are hard to find.

      Snowball sampling consists of two steps:
      1. Identify potential subjects in the population. Often, only one or two subjects can be found initially.
      2. Ask those subjects to recruit other people (and then ask those people to recruit others)

      thank you

    8. Hey sister Arinda Nurul W.N..
      Honest, i really like when you answer the question from the other friend, give an explanation or give an addition. You always answer or write down your opinion with good arragement and very clearly. Very inspires me 😊

  16. Assalamu alaikum, I'm Nurul Fajri and I just want to ask you to give me additions expalanation about a theory. According to Brown (2001) points out several types of questions that should be avoided when give survey questions, one of them is embarrassing questions, that are questions that respondents may find embarrassing to answer for social or cultural reasons should be avoided (e.g., “What is the literacy level of your parents?” “What is your father’s occupation?”). In this case, Brown just give one example about a type of the question that we have to avoid and explain it, but he had said that there are several types, so please mention the other types and expain more!

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    2. Name : Nurindah puspita Sari

      Nurul fajri, You can find another types of question that we have to avoid in the Sandra's ebook. But i will mention several types of the question from the Ebook.
      Brown (2001) points out several types of questions that should be avoided including the following.
      1. Negative questions. Because they can be confusing, negative questions should be avoided (e.g., “Spelling words correctly in English is not difficult for me.” TRUE/FALSE).
      2. Doubled-barreled questions. Double-barreled questions ask two or more questions at the same time and thus they should be avoided (e.g., “In our class we should spend more time on reading and less time on speaking.” AGREE/DISAGREE).
      3. Leading questions. Leading questions are questions that encourage learners to respond in a certain way (e.g., “Do you use the effective learning strategy of keeping a vocabulary log?” YES NO).
      4. Embarrassing questions. Questions that respondents may find embarrassing to answer for social or cultural reasons should be avoided (e.g., “What is the literacy level of your parents?” “What is your father’s occupation?”).
      5. Biased questions. Questions that are biased in terms of race, gender, religion, or nationality should not be used (e.g., “I like working in small groups with women because they are better language learners than men.”).

    3. I'm Asran, from PBI 1... I hope we can Use it later on, thank You Nur Indah Puspita sari and Nurul Fajri for the addition and the information..

  17. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  18. Assalamualaikum wr.wb
    I am Hardianti from the first group will be answer the question

    2. What are the most important things in conducting survey research?

    The first thing that most important in a research is the purpose of research. For what we do the research. Like we want to find detailed factual information from a someone.
    Second, subject. When we examine, of course we have the questions to get information from the subject to collect data. So, it's useless to have questions if we don't have people to ask.

    3. In what condition do we need to conduct survey research?

    Research can be done when we look around us and we feel something is wrong. Usually, the research we do is a form of our moral responsibility towards our surrounding by providing solutions obtained from the results of our research. Then research is usually done when we need information from certain things. For example, when a student is at the final level of the semester, then he is obliged to conduct research as a condition and final task to complete his studies.

    The first group :
    Dewi setyowaty
    Ajeng hariani
    Alwi suparman

    1. Thank you very much for elucidating.

      I am Ummu Rofikah would like to attach additional answer regarding question 2 (What are the most important things in conducting survey research? Explain the reason.)
      Based on my analysis, arranging the valid and reliable quastionare is one of the most vital thing in research, because it does determine how accurate and valid the result is. Regarding survey research, it is important to add "no response" option as one of alternative in multiple chioce question. Think,what happen when people are asked about an object regarding which they have
      no knowledge and no opinion? We hope that in such cases, respondents would say
      that they have no opinion or aren't familiar with the object or don't know how they
      feel about it.
      But when respondents are asked a question in such a way as to suggest
      that they ought to have opinions on the matter, they may wish not to appear foolishly
      uninformed and may therefore give arbitrary answers. In order to reduce the such behavior, Jon A. Krosnick in his book "The Causes of No-Opinion
      Responses to Attitude Measures
      in Surveys: They Are Rarely
      What They Appear to Be " also recommend that no-opinion
      options should routinely be included in questions. In essence, this tells respondents that it
      is acceptable to say they have no belief or attitude on a matter.

      I hope it helps you
      Thank you

  19. My name is Nursaidah Nasrul (20400115038)

    I am really apreciate your answer guys.
    And I hope this is topic can useful for us in the future🙏

    1. Of course sist Nursaidah..
      Because with knowledge that we get from this topic can help us when we want to conduct survey research in the future and if there is some problem when do survey research, directly we know what we want to do also ��
      I think this is very "useful" for us. Cited from what sister Nursaidah says before.

    2. thank you for your participation in this discussion. if you have any questions regarding this topic which are not included in the explanation below, we would answer them with pleasure :)

      *Ummu Rofikah

    3. Thank you sist Ummu Rofikah
      But the explanation is very clearly i think.
      Good topic and good explanation.
      Very interested 😊

  20. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  21. Nis Musfirah Pulana

    So the concluding is we need to be careful in our examination because research is not only an activity,but we need to investigate the problem in a systematic, critical, scientific, and meticulous way to find answers or solve a problem.Am I wrong? Correct me:)) thank you

    1. Ya that's right, Musfirah.
      We need to be extra careful in investigating data. because it affect the last result. when the result of research has been published, public will read it and rely on it. So when it provides unclear information and being analyzed in unaccurate way, it will affect to public's comprehension. So becaruful and be professional researcher so you can give contributions to world polulation's lives :)

      thank you

      *Ummu Rofikah


  22. Assalamu Alaikum wr.wb
    I’m from the third group. Allow me to answer the questions above :
    1.How does survey research researcher contribute to teacher’s teaching and student’s study?
    Talk about the contribute of the survey research to the teacher’s teaching and student’s study is very important, and some the contributes are : a) For the teacher survey research can make them understand about the student’s problem and search the solution for their method in teaching that can solve the student’s problem, b) the teacher can recognize their students’ skill or some difficultness that were happened of their students.

    3. In what condition do we need to conduct survey research?
    a) When the problem which is the starting point of the research is clear. The problem is the discrepancy between the rules of the implementation, between the theory with practice, , and between plans with implementation. For example will examine to find the eradication patterns of poverty, then the data is poor as a problem must to be showed.
    b) If the researcher want to get accurate data, based on the empirical phenomena and can be measured. For example, want to know the IQ of children from a particular community, then performed with the measurement of IQ test.



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