Assignment for BPI 3 and 4
In the last chapter, we saw that manv teachers
do have the motivation to do "Search, and the problems that need research,
and that some teachers have the
opportunity to do so. This chapter first steps back from the classroom to
examine general ideas about what research means in various real— world
contexts, and then looks at what research specifically in language leaching
does, and what special characteristics such research displays. In follows, we
will compare and contrast views of research in other evaluate common views
about research in language teaching; discuss contrast between basic and applied
research; look at the relative of description and intervention in the word in
this second sense: however, teachers may be involved in research in both senses
in their professional lives.
Group Discussion
Discuss in small group about the following sub-topics!
- Examine general ideas about what research means in various real— world contexts!
- Looks at what research specifically in language leaching does!
- What do the special characteristics of the research displays?
- Discuss about the contrast between basic and applied research!
- Look at the relative of description and intervention in the context of the problem investigation
- Explore the differences between quantitative and kinds of research both in terms of methodology and also in underlying assumptions.
Name: hisbullah
BalasHapusClass: PBI 3
Id no: 20400114042
Oke, I would answer the question of number 4. about the contrast between basic and applied research.
Based on the e-book that i have red. The difference between Applied and Basic Research is the objectives set for research. basic research is contributing the body of knowledge in an academic domain by using theories whitout practice immediately and also call pure research , and applied research is solving the problem by doing practice and investigate the root cause of the problems.
This research is very important because one is doing theory immediately before practice, and the other one is solving the theory for being the better.
Name: Nurhikmawati Mus
HapusNIM : 20400114051
What a really good explanation brother :)
You have said that the difference between applied and basic research is the objectives set of research.How interesting sentence it is.
But could you please explain clearly about the objectives set of research ? Please give me the more explanation by giving an example. Thax in advance :)
Name : Ridwan
HapusNIM : 20400114051
I strongly agree with you hikmah I need more explanation about that with the example or the other word not in the book so we can get it what the mean !
BalasHapusClass :PBI 4
Id num:20400114071
Well,firstly I would like to exspress a lot of thanks to our lecturer who has shared an important article or E-Book to us.I will answer the third question that is"What do the special characteristics of the research displays?".
Before discussing the answer one,we should know what research is.According to ourlecturer at the first meeting that research is defined as the scientific investigation of phenomena which includes collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of facts that lines an individual’s speculation with reality to find the solution of the problem.
There are several characteristics of Research
1. Empirical. Research is based on direct experience or observation by the researcher.
2. Logical. Research is based on valid procedures and principles.
3. Cyclical. Research is a cyclical process because it starts with a problem and ends with a problem.
4. Analytical. Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering the data, whether historical, descriptive, experimental and case study.
5. Critical. Research exhibits careful and precise judgment.
6. Methodical. Research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using systematic method and procedures.
7. Replicability. The research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to enable the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results.
Source :
Nice an expalanation from my best Brothr. but i am really strong confuse about Cyclical characteristic, it starts with a problem and ends with a problem. could u give an explanation ? Thanks.
HapusName: Nurhikmawati Mus
HapusNIM : PBI 3
What a very nice question Ayu :)
Let me answer your question. Generally, research is done by a researcher to solve a problem. But in the other hand, we have to understand that in deepper meaning research is something started by finding a problem and ended by a problem also. For instance, you will conduct a research about the relationship between student's grammar ability and student's speaking ability. In this case you find two different arguments or the sources from some journals. The first argument stated that the more students' grammar ability the lower their speaking ability. But in the other words, they stated that the lower student's grammar speaking the better their speaking ability. That's PROBLEM for you because you are confused which one the correct statement based on their research.So, you have to conduct a research to determine which one the correct. If you have done it, of course you get the answer. Example : you can give scientific evidence that the less student's grammar ability , the more they can speak English fluently. Don't you know that the result of your research is a PROBLEM. The next researcher will look for the exactly teaching method to make students who have more ability in grammar skill can speak English fluently.
Do I answer your question sist. ?
Well, thanks for our sister's question.
HapusBased on Oxford dictionary(2010;pg 111), cylical(adj) means"repeated many times and always happening in the same order".it is also related by cycle.
when we do a research, we have same goal to overcome the problem but it doesn't mean that new problems will not rise. Therefore we conduct a research to find the solution, it will be a new problem for the next researchers.
That is the definition about Cyclical.I do hope it can answer you question.
Big thanks to u my beloved sist Hikmah.. alhamdulillah i got ur explanation and also thnks for Sul fadli.
HapusAssalamualaikum wrwb...
BalasHapusMy namr is nurul hikmah asmawanti from pbi 3
Bacic of the book that i have read before and what hisbullah said maybe i have some addition about that. Well i will get it simple
Applied research is one type of research that is used to answer a specific question that has direct applications to the world. This is the type of research that solves a problem. We will look at an example later... Meanwhile basic research is another type of research, and it is driven purely by curiosity and a desire to expand our knowledge. This type of research tends not to be directly applicable to the real world in a direct way, but enhances our understanding of the world around us. So, the real difference between the two types of research is what they will be used for.
Thanks assalamualaikum wr.wb
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BalasHapusWaalaikum salam wr.wb @Nurul Hikmah
I am Nur Ayu Puspita From PBI 4.
Let me say this is one of the best method of teaching by using technology in the modern era.
and a lot of thanks to my lecturer who had given a great E-Book for us. And also thanksfull to my best friend @Hisbullah to remind us to comment this material. I am going to answer the question "The contrass between basic and applied research" Based on the E-book and articles what i have read. i will conclude that Basic research is often discribed without immediate practical utility driven only by Advancement of theory and it is driven purely by curiosity and a desire to expand our knowledge. This type of research tends not to be directly applicable to the real world in a direct way, but enhances our understanding of the world around us.for Example of basic researh in psychology is an investigation looking at what whether stress levels influence how often students engage in academic cheating. Whereas applied research is involves some kind of applicability used to answer a specific question that has direct applications to the world and purpose to solve the problem by investigating root. For Example "How should a student study?" There are many ways to go about answering this question,and the ones we will look at have a direct and applicable finding. For example, what can research tell us about how a student studies? So the contrass between basic and applied research can see from my explanation before. Syukron katsiran
Name : Nurti ningsih
BalasHapusNim : 20400114044
PBI : 3
well, I will answer the second question that is "Looks at what research specifically in language leaching does"!. based on e-book what I have read. i will give short explanation. research in language teaching does as apart of a course applied linguistics and english language teaching we regularly ask experienced teachers how they conceive of research, and we have polled teachers at in international conference on the same question(Mcdonough, 1990). they are answer as there are respondents, but they tend to group around a number of popular issues. here follows a selection
a. research is systemaic and based on data
the atitude provokes several interesting questios. the belief that research is based on data begs questions about what actually counts as data : numbers, statements, questionnaire responses, errors,learner language, but perhaps also pictures, film, vidio,tipe recordings, even feelings and emotional encounters.
b. research uses experimental methods with treatment and control groups.
the identification of true research with experimental methods as used in the hard sciences or in laboratory psychology which involve controlled comparisons is a frequent attitude. belief that research is actually irrelevant to the normal professional activities of a teacher.
c. research involves a hypothesis which is then tasted.
this quite sophisicated view reflects an important traditional principle : that research, as perhaps opposed to more curiosity, requires a formal statement, graced by the technical word hypothesis, whose truth is put to the test. this attitude aalso ilustrates a frequent preference for traditional types of research rather than some of the principles of qualitative research, in particular the idea that theory can be derrived from data collected.
d. research is objective.
the quality of objective usually refers to imperviousness to the actions or judgement of the research, that is to external reality which is independent of the wishes or hopes of the person in the situation.they roles and the individual ways the participant, here the teacher researcher, carries out those roles within the context in which the research takes place become a factor in the research.
For the last sentence i will say that the conclution is Research is based on data begs question about what actually counts as data, research uses experimental method as used in the hard sciences, research hypothesis truth is put to the test and research objective refers to imperviousness to the action. Thank you.
Thank you very much for the answer Nurti.
HapusIn your explanation, you mentioned four points. They are (1) research is systemaic and based on data, (2) research uses experimental methods with treatment and control groups, (3) research involves a hypothesis which is then tasted, and (4) research is objective.
Could you explain those points briefly and what is the role of the four points in language teaching?
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HapusFirst of all thanks for the nice answer my friend @nurtiningsih. Honestly, I agree with @jannah's comment that she need the role from those points in language teaching, so can you give us explanation about the role?
HapusThank you :)
well, thanks for your question. based on e-book i get those point: Research are based on data begs question about what actually counts as data, research uses experimental method as used in the hard sciences, research hypothesis truth is put to the test and research objective refers to imperviousness to the action. and the role of the four points in language teaching : (1) research is systemaic and based on data,yhe the reference to systemacity could imply the application of coherent theory,but it is more likely to mean the use of more or less merticulously planned method for carrying out the research. (2) research uses experimental methods with treatment and control groups,contemplation of the many difficulties of executing such a model of research in normal classrooms probably means that this attitude correlates with belief that research is actually irrelevant to the normal professional activities of a teacher. (3) research involves a hypothesis which is then tasted, where language teaching posit that research values precision, control, replication, and attempts to generalise from specific evants. and (4) research is objective, the roles and the individual ways the participant, here the teacherresearcher, carries out those role within the context in which the researchtakes place become a factor in the research itself.
HapusName : Nurjannah
BalasHapusID No. : 20400114050
Class : PBI 3
Assalamuaalaikum wr. Wb
Thank you very much for all of the good answers guys. Now, I want to answer the fifth question that is about invention and description.
Much research proceeds by intervenibg in the activities or processes in question by manipulating of one or more on the process. In the design of interventionist research, control and counterbalance are built in using randomization, careful measurement of confounding variables and strict adherence to procedure, in order to allow the conclition to be unambiguous.
On the other hand, descriptive aims at making explicit the significant effect whitin the context itself. To this end the research attempts to provide a reach account of the whole situation rather than minimizing it.
Name: Fadilah Gessa
BalasHapusId num. : 20400114072
Group : PBI 4
First thank you very much to our lecturer who has given us this article and task.
Okay I will answer the last question about the difference between quantitative and other kinds of research.
So iam going to break it into points:
1. Qualitative
This type of research methods involved describing in detail spesific situation using research tools like interviews, surveys,and observations. It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons,opinions,and motivations.
Requires quantifiable data involving numerical and statistical explanations. It used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data, also attitudes, opinions,behaviors,in other defined variabled.
Involves detemining the strength of the relationship between two or more variables.
Name: Fadilah Gessa
BalasHapusId num. : 20400114072
Group : PBI 4
First thank you very much to our lecturer who has given us this article and task.
Okay I will answer the last question about the difference between quantitative and other kinds of research.
So iam going to break it into points:
1. Qualitative
This type of research methods involved describing in detail spesific situation using research tools like interviews, surveys,and observations. It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons,opinions,and motivations.
Requires quantifiable data involving numerical and statistical explanations. It used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data, also attitudes, opinions,behaviors,in other defined variabled.
Involves detemining the strength of the relationship between two or more variables.
Name : Fithra Khaeriah
BalasHapusID No.: 20400114069
Class : PBI 4
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Well, I will try to answer the first question that is examine general ideas about what research means in various real-world context. According to our lecturer in the second meeting , research is the systematic investigation to find resolution of the problem. Based on the e-book I have read, the term “research” has other sense. In the first sense, the outcome of research is the establishment, publicizing, or utilization of something that somebody (not the researchers, or the person commissioning it) already knows. For example : for many novelist, it is essential to prepare for their writing by researching the background in which they wish to set their narrative for accuracy of description ,sensitivity to atmosphere, history of the period in which their fiction takes place and authenticity of the language. In the second sense, the outcome is knowledge nobody had before. This is the general aim of academic research. For example : in the medical world , research is conducted at many levels, and apart from the commercial aspects of competition to sell drugs, it includes methods of asssessing diagnoses and treatments, drug development, side effects, and so on.
Name : Amirah Nur Adenia
BalasHapusClass : PBI 3
NIM : 20400114045
First of all thank you to our lecturer for the article. I would like to answer the fourth question about the basic and applied research. Based on ‘Research Methods for English Language Teachers’ book, basic research is often described as a research without immediate practical utility, driven only by the advancement of theory, whereas applied research involves some kind of applicability.
For more explanation, basic research helps in developing new theories. From basic research, universities and other institutions can get benefit because it increases the knowledge base to do further studies. Meanwhile, applied research is conducted to seek the problem and solve it.
Name : Siti Hardianti Pratiwi
BalasHapusNim : 20400114086
Well, I’m going to answer the last question. It’s about the difference between quantitative research and kind of research, first I would like to clarify that quantitative is a part of the kind of research. So, what kind of research is?
There are many kinds of personel research. Three dimensions are particularly important in classifying types of research, is:
1. Applied vs Basic research.
Applied research is research designed to solve a particular problem in a particular circumstance, such as determining the cause of low morale in a given department of an organization. So in applied research we try to find the fact or information of the problem and then we just have to solve that’s particular problem.
Basic research is designed to understand the underlying principles behind human behavior. For example, you might try to understand what motivates people to work hard at their jobs. This distinction is discussed in more detail in another handout.
2. Exploratory vs Confirmatory.
Exploratory research is research into the unknown. It is used when you are investigating something but really don't understand it all, or are not completely sure what you are looking for. It's sort of like a journalist whose curiousity is peaked by something and just starts looking into something without really knowing what they're looking for.
Confirmatory research is where you have a pretty good idea what's going on. That is, you have a theory (or several theories), and the objective of the research is to find out if the theory is supported by the facts.
3. Quantitative vs Qualitative.
Quantitative studies measure variables with some precision using numeric scales. For example, you might measure a person's height and weight. Or you might construct a survey in which you measure how much respondents like President Clinton, using a 1 to 10 scale.
Qualitative studies are based on direct observation of behavior, or on transcripts of unstructured interviews with informants. For example, you might talk to ten female executives about their the decision-making process behind their choice to have children or not, and if so, when. You might interview them for several hours, tape-recording the whole thing, and then transcribe the recordings to written text, and then analyze the text.
So, what’s the difference between quantitative with another type’s of research? The quantitative research is more going to research using a variable, or numeric scales. Quantitative concerned with the collection and analysis of data in numeric form. Whereas the another types its more on explaining or describing by text.
That’s all from me, thankyou
Name : Femy Rahmadani
BalasHapusClass : PBI 3
NIM : 20400114043
I will try to answer the fourth question about the contrast between basic and applied research. Based on source that I have red in, i would like to conclude that, first basic research is mostly very comprehensive and is conducted to get a deep phenomenon or theory. The purpose of the basic research is not to impact the society at present but in the future it has more benefits. For example, basic research used to bring out new ideas, innovations and develop theories. Meanwhile, an applied research can be conducted to solve a problem or a study situation or idea as in the social science and psychology. For example, in business, we can bring new ideas about products and test efficiency of some of the product.
Thank you :)
Sri Utami ridwan
Assalamu alaikum.. according to sister fitrah khaeriah answer and her example about various real-world context.. I have conclusion and I agree with u sist. About research is process to find solution And I have addition that research not only find solution but also to create something new And the second is writer must prepare their narrative. But iam not understand about the outcome is knowledge no body had before. Could you give me other example please.
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BalasHapusPBI 4
Well, thanks to our lecturer for the article. I would like to answer the last question about the differences between quantitative and kinds of research
Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential quantitative research. Qualitative Research is also used to uncover trends in thought and opinions, and dive deeper into the problem.
Quantitative Research is used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data or data that can be transformed into useable statistics. It is used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and other defined variables – and generalize results from a larger sample population. Quantitative Research uses measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research.
Thanks before.. Accprding to my understanding about what research specifically in language testing does ?
BalasHapusThere are Research is systematic and based on data. In this part the research must have real data and evedidence. The second is research uses experimental method with treatment and control group. Its like experimental methods as used in the hard science or in labolator psychology which involve controlled comparism is a frequent attitude. The third is research involves a hypothesis which is then stated. The last is Research is objective. Its mean that objectively also suggest that those result and inyerpretation gained from the one context of research will be true to other
BalasHapusName : Ade Lestari Pasaribu
ID Nu. : 20400114065
Group : PBI 4
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Firstly, Let me express a lot of thanks for our great lecturer (Dr. Muh. Yaumi, M.Hum, M.A.) who has shared this very important article because each and everylessons are really strongly useful for the readers especially for me.
Well, after I read the comments, all the answer from my friends above are amazing, I'm happy with them.
So do I, let me try to share my answer about the question in number four "the contrast between basic and applied research". Based on the source in "azmeco.blogspot", I would like to conclude that as long as I see many people are interested to understand the difference basic and applied research and the difference is clear enough. We may see the different by two angles, they are:
1.From the point of literary meanings
Basic research, also known as academic research is a conventional research activity. It' is done for sake of knowledge gathering or to contribute in body of knowledge. For example some researcher is trying to find the reasons of values deterioration among youth. The results of this research will be a contribution towards social science. It may lead to further investigations and more research findings.
On the other hand, applied research will be an extension to basic research. It is executed to find solutions to certain problem faced by any individual or by any organization, or society. The purpose behind this research activity is to discover and eliminate causes of the problem. For example the high crime rate among youth may invite the attention of policy makers to find the reasons and eliminate such factors which cause this behaviour. Or a manager is worried about the failures in meeting targets and delays in completing tasks. And he truly desires to find the reasons for such delays, so that he can eliminate the factors causing such delays.
2.From the point of hierarchical positioning:
The difference between Applied and Basic Research is due to the objectives set for research. If objective is to contribute to the body of knowledge in an academic domain then it is called a Basic Research. And if purpose is to solve the problem by investigating root causes of that problem then it is called Applied Research.
The common between the two types is that researchers are going through similar research activities and one can not realize that what is the objective of the researcher unless researcher himself tells the objective that whether he is doing applied research or he is on an academic domain of basic research.
At the end, I think I have done my best. I do hope my answer will be useful like others. Sorry if there's mistake because I'm still in learning process :-)
Syukron and Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Nurhamdy Satrio Utomo
BalasHapusPBI 4
Well. Thanks for sharing sir. But this time, i only read it without giving opinion. Probably im in not good condition sir. Im just waiting for the next class.
Name : Riyan Reinaldi
BalasHapusNim : 20400114046
Class: Pbi 3
I will try to answer the fourth question
According to the source that I have red before (, basic research is driven by interest or curiosity in the relationships between two or more variables. When an individual is interested in learning simply for learning's sake, she is conducting pure research. For example, someone interested in financial markets and investor behavior may watch the stock market to gain a better understanding of how markets move. This type of research is generally not economically profitable, but it may provide a catalyst for applied research that leads to future breakthroughs
Applied research is used to solve a specific, practical problem of an individual or group. This type of research is used in a wide number of fields, including medicine, education, agriculture and technology.
Name : sitti puspitha Zari nim : 20400114068 PBi 4
BalasHapusBismillah. I want to answer the fourth question
If a study is pure and has the objective to find a generalization or a particular theory or principle, then we can classify them into basic research.
Basic research is not at all concerned with the practical aspects (applications) in the field. Only prioritize basic research to achieve the goal of "finding something". If a goal is more priority to research in practical terms field application, then the research can be classified into applied research applied research. All applied research is the application of research from basic research
Rifky Nuriansyah
I would like to answer the fourth question about the contrast between basic and applied research. Based on the articel I have read from the source in, I can conclude that:
First, Basic research or pure research is driven by interest or curiosity in the relationships between two or more variables. When an individual is interested in learning simply for learning's sake, she is conducting pure research. For example, someone interested in financial markets and investor behavior may watch the stock market to gain a better understanding of how markets move. This type of research is generally not economically profitable, but it may provide a catalyst for applied research that leads to future breakthroughs.
Second, Applied research is used to solve a specific, practical problem of an individual or group. This type of research is used in a wide number of fields, including medicine, education, agriculture and technology. Examples of applied research include studying the behavior of children to determine the effectiveness of various interventions, looking into the relationship between genetics and cancer, or testing the waters of a river to determine what types of contaminants are making their way into a municipal water supply.
That's from me. Thankyou.
What a great "copy and paste" my friends.
There are a lot of explanations about basic application and applied application and I am really interesting with those things.
Basic research or what we call Pure Research refers to scientific research that improves a deep understanding. in other hand, Applied Research refers to application of scientific theory that used to develop a methods (technique) or to solve a problem. so, what I really understand about those things are that they have a big relation and the more Basic Research can understand about something, the more Applied Research can develop something.
Name : Muh Fadly hidayat
BalasHapusClass : PBI 4
I would like to answer the number
I think the special charasteristic of the research display just in the using of software which means that research just in computer. Thanks
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BalasHapusAnyeongg haseo
BalasHapusDita Aristiyasari
BalasHapusNIM : 20400114055
I would like to answer the fourth question about the contrast between basic research and applied research. Shapiro (2013. a) in his research defined basic research as advancing knowledge for the sake of knowledge. The purpose of the basic research, therefore, is not to impact the society at present but in the future it has far more benefits. From basic research universities and other institutions can get benefit because it increases the knowledge base to do further studies. Some basic research are conducted to find out new techniques, procedures and tools to conduct the research itself. Meanwhile, an applied research can be conducted to solve a problem or study a situation, phenomenon or ideas as is the social science and psychology. The aims of the applied research can be varied, but its scope is for the present and not for some time in the future.