Senin, 26 September 2016


Assignment for PBI 1 & 2

In the last chapter, we saw that manv teachers do have the motivation to do "Search, and the problems that need research, and that some teachers have the opportunity to do so. This chapter first steps back from the classroom to examine general ideas about what research means in various real— world contexts, and then looks at what research specifically in language leaching does, and what special characteristics such research displays. In follows, we will compare and contrast views of research in other evaluate common views about research in language teaching; discuss contrast between basic and applied research; look at the relative of description and intervention in the word in this second sense: however, teachers may be involved in research in both senses in their professional lives.

Group Discussion

Discuss in small group about the following sub-topics!

  1. Examine general ideas about what research means in various real— world contexts!
  2. Looks at what research specifically in language leaching does! 
  3. What do the special characteristics of the research displays?
  4. Discuss about the contrast between basic and applied research!
  5.  Look at the relative of description and intervention in the context of the problem investigation
  6. Explore the differences between quantitative and kinds of research both in terms of methodology and also in underlying assumptions. 

74 komentar:

  1. I'm sorry sir, but I don't understand the second sub-topic. would you mind explaining it, sir?

    1. Well, My beloved brother, You can read more about that in part " Common Views of what research in language teaching does " in page 40-41. I got some informations that there are many attitudes which sharply contradictory within widely differing views between individuals and sometime withib the same individuals. There you will find also about sone attitudes in research such as " Research is systematic and based in data, Research uses experimental data" and so on.

  2. which one? you just answer the question that you understand, the others will take other quetions

  3. Name : Radhiyatul Jamilah
    PBI : 2
    NIM : 20400114033

    well, I will answer the question number 4. about the contrast between basic and applied research.
    basic research is often describe as a research by using theory without practice immediately, this research only encouraged by advancement theory, it also calls as pure research. while applied research is a research that involves some kind of applicability or applied research is a research by doing practice.

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  6. Well, Mrs Mila has answer the question no.4 and i will give Addition about the difference between Applied and Basic Reseacrh. Based on the e-book and some arcticles that i tead before says that The difference between Applied and Basic Research is due to the objectives set for research. If objective is to contribute to the body of knowledge in an academic domain then it is called a Basic Research. And if purpose is to solve the problem by investigating root causes of that problem then it is called Applied Research. Thank you

    1. I'm
      Name: Ibnu Hajar
      Class:PBI 2
      Id: 20400114035

    2. Thanks for the addition Mr. ibnu . if so, I think pure and basic research are related but also sometimes they are not related each other. For example when we make a paper about " learning by using mind mapping " we just talk about that trough the source such as e book, journal, or some article (just like presentation in classroom) . it means we're doing basic research and not applied research. when we go to observe about it that's called as applied research .

    3. Name : UMMUL NASYIRAH
      CLASS : PBI 1
      ID : 20400114020

      I wanna give little additioon about the different between basic research and applid research. I can make conculision based on an article have I read that Applied research is we first find out the problem of what is happening around us or choose one of the problems that we see then we investigate its causes and consequences, after we do research, we will cut the causal factors of the problem, in other words we do research to solve a problem. While Basic research is that we do research only to increase our knowledge. So, the real difference between the two types of research is what they will be used for. Will the research be used to help us understand a real world problem and solve it, or increase our knowladge .

  7. Name : Tut Wuri Handayani
    Nim : 20400114031
    Group: PBI 2

    I will try to answer the question number 1. As I know from that Mr. Yaumi has shared, I got information that "Research" by teachers,both in practice abd its theorical underpinnings, is complex and indeed controversional but We can see that many teachers do have the motivation to do research, the problems that need research and most of them have the opportunity to do so.
    In addition, the term "Research" has other senses beside it is one of professional enquiry. The two senses are about outcome. The first sense, the outcomeof research is establishment,publicizing or utilization of something that someone-not the researcher or person commissioning.The second sense,the outcome is knowledge. Knowledge that nobody had before. Both of these senses are general aims in academic research.
    So, Research is used both for discovery and publication of concealed knowledge and for the creation of new knowledge.

    1. Well, My beloved sister. would you like to describe more about teacher research, i mean you might be give some example of research in class room form. Thank you

    2. Well, My beloved sister. would you like to describe more about teacher research, i mean you might be give some example of research in class room form. Thank you

    3. Ok thanks for your nice explanation sister Tut Wuri Handayani. As you explain before "but We can see that many teachers do have the motivation to do research, the problems that need research and most of them have the opportunity to do so". Then, as we have learned in Etika Pengembangan dan Profesi Keguruan, it explain that there still many teacher that lack of motivation to do research, in this context I talk about Indonesian teacher in real situation not about what explained in foreign books. Then, the lack of motivation is caused of many struggles that our teacher face nowadays. So, what do you think about it? Could you give more suggestion to Indonesian teacher in face their struggles to do Class Action Research (CAR)? Thank you. ST. AGUSTINA - PBI 1

  8. Thanks for your good question my beloved brother @Ibnu Hajar. In my point of view, According to my understanding as We know, the process of Research, first starts with identifying a problem. Then, you must devise a plan and implement the plan. This is the part of the process where the action is taking place. After you implement the plan, you will observe how the process is working or not working. After you've had time to observe the situation, the entire process of action research is reflected upon. Perhaps the whole process will start over again! This is action research!
    So, If we are talking about classroom where students there are. Of course, We can always find something out there. Simply, We can take an example such as why the students have different views about reading, about their hobby thab we can do research based on what problem we find. Thanks 😄

  9. Thanks for your good question my beloved brother @Ibnu Hajar. In my point of view, According to my understanding as We know, the process of Research, first starts with identifying a problem. Then, you must devise a plan and implement the plan. This is the part of the process where the action is taking place. After you implement the plan, you will observe how the process is working or not working. After you've had time to observe the situation, the entire process of action research is reflected upon. Perhaps the whole process will start over again! This is action research!
    So, If we are talking about classroom where students there are. Of course, We can always find something out there. Simply, We can take an example such as why the students have different views about reading, about their hobby thab we can do research based on what problem we find. Thanks 😄

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  11. Name: Nur Devitasyari
    NIM : 20400114040

    well it is good response my beloved sister (Tut Wuri Handayani) but let me give an addition and try to answer Ibnu hajar's question about the example of research. I will take the example at description and intervention part like the following; if one wanted to know whether success in reading a foreign language was more likely for learners who were good readers in their mother tongue a way to distinguishing good and bad readers in cach language, perhaps by a test, would be termed the dependent variable, mother tongue reading the independent variable. Simple counting of the frequency of people who were good or bad readers in both compare to those whose reading scores were very different in each language might answer the question. I get the information in e-book at page 44. Thanks.

    1. Well ,, a good explanation. So, what is the requirements for being a researcher? am l a researcher when I do some basic research ?? Or the person could be call as a research when they practice their research immediately? I need more explanation. Thanks 😁

    2. Thanks for your nice question I will try to answer your question. Based on another sources beside the e-book I can take a conclusion that everyone has potential to be a researchers as long as they are meets the minimum requirements to be a researcher. According to Sutrisno Hadi (1986) the minimum requirements to become a researcher or prospective researchers is that he must have a competent, objective, factual, open and human relations. Have a competence is mean that researcher must have a scientific field that is nurtured and developed, beside to master the methodology of the study and have the willingness / ability to do research. Reserach should have to be objective and factual. Open is mean that the results of research suggested should be ready and willing to be tested another person, either through seminars / discussioan as well as the research activities by other researchers. In general, research activities will be a lot of interaction between humans, that is why researcher researcher should care about human relations. In order to prepare the prospective researcher, I think that is why we need a book like the useful e-book as given our lecturers were issued to help meet the criteria in preparing to become a researchers. I hope it is able to answer all your questions. Thanks.

  12. Name : vira febridaya
    PBI 2
    NIM : 20400114037
    I will try to answer the question number 3 , the special characteristics of the research display In follows, we will compare and contrast views of research in other evaluate common views about research in language teaching; discuss contrast between basic and applied research; look at the relative of description and intervention in the word in this second sense: however, teachers may be involved in research in both senses in their professional lives

    PBI 2
    Nim : 2040014037

    1. my beloved sister (Vira Febridaya). Actually, I also wanted to answer question number 3, but when i read the e-book i could get a description about the special characteristics which displays the research. Can you explain it more to me so that i was also able to understand the correct answer for question number 3 because I was still dizzy with the real answer.

    2. thanks for you explanation, but i still quite do not undestand. can you explain more please

    3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    4. I've read ebook n i'm still confused. So, i read article. Based on what i've got in article that is the special characteristics of the research displays  from Emory opinion (1985). He explained there are 7 characterizes research :
      1. Clear and Focus.
      2. Procedure Detailed research.
      3. Procedures Must be meticulous.
      4. The full report and systematic.
      5. Analysis of the right.
      6. Conclusions and Recommendations of the source is not personal.
      7. Researchers integrity.

      That's all.

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  14. Hartina
    PBI 2

    Well, I'm going to try to answer the last question
    That is the kinds of data collected are different those normative research. Whereas normative research require a numeral evaluation, qualitative research usually gather observations, interviews,fields data records, questionneres and transcript.
    Qualitative research is different from quantitative research. Quantitative research distancing between the researcher with the object under study, using the instruments of formal, standard, and are measuring. While qualitative research merges with the situation and the phenomenon under study, using research as an instrument.

    Based on Williams (1988) there are five assumption  the differences between quantitative and qualitative

    1. Characteristically reality
    2. Interaction between the tesearcher with the object
    3. Possibility generalist
    4. The possibility of causal
    5. The role of values

    1. That is good explanation sist, So, How about if We want to conduct a research about students, For example is it any difference between students who take a course outside and Students who only study in their home and school ?? What kinds of research is that ??

    2. Thank u for the question sist. It's a good question. Well, According to what I've got, I'll try to explain 😁. To conduct student research both the student at the  school and the course. Firstly, yo have to know what kind of  research that the researcher will do. If the researcher wants to know how teacher makes situation in the class become interesting, fun,etc. So, method that you do is interview, not observation. While if the researcher wants to know student competence in specific subject, Method that is used is test.
      Thank u. 😄

    3. Ok, I got the point. Thanks for your nice explanation 😄

    4. Not at all bund 😁😁😁

    5. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    6. Waw.. best Explanation and best question. it's interesting conversation :D

  15. Nur Devitasyari

    I will answer the question number 5. It is about the relative of description and intervention in the context of the problem investigation. Whatever the planned, utility of the research based knowledge might be, it is usual to distinguish two kinds of aims or possible routes to the common goal of improving understanding. These two are broadly speaking, description and intervention. Much research proceeds by intervening in the activities or processes in question by manipulating the variables that can be identified and attempting to isolate the influence of one or more on the processs.In the design of interventionist research, control and counterbalances are built in, by using randomization, careful measurement of confounding conclusion to be an ambigous. Descrptive research, on the other hand, aims at making explicit the significant effects within the context itself.

    1. Ms. Devitasyari, what do you mean by "control and counterbalances" in your writing? Would you mind to give me more spesific understanding about your answer? I'm a little bit confused about those one. Just reply if you don't mind. Thank you.

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  17. Name Arizandi
    Pbi 2
    I am sorry sir.i am late cause there is no signal in my little village.
    Sir,i need more expalanation abaout the spesific contrast between basic and applied research!
    Cause i have searched in internet,but in internet just explain that generally.i did not getthe point.

  18. Oke i will try to answer rhe question number 2.As a classroom teacher, I was largely ignorant of, and definitely suspicious of, research. I believed that researchers could make their studies come out any way they wanted them to, and that a good teacher who reflected on her own teaching knew much more about how to be effective with her students than any researcher did. Later, as a university professor, I learned how important good research can be, and how difficult it is to do really good experimental research in a field such as education, where it is impossible to control all the variables.

  19. Name hijriah
    Pbi 1

    Well, i will to try to answer the question number 4. About the contrast between basic and applied reserch.
    basic research is a study that is pure and has the objective to find a generalization or theory or a principle. whereas, applied research is a peneliatan which in practical terms priority goal.

    Uma sekaran in his book Research Methods for Business (1994) states that, if the research is directed to obtain information taht can be used to solve the problem the research is called applied reserch, but when research is directed to merely understand the problem of the organization depth (without want to apply the result) the study is called basic research/pure.

    1. Yah actually.before, i got confush about the defenition of the both but after read some books,let me to show up something in my mind about that question.

      Basic research is mostly very comprehensive and is conducted to get a deep picture of a field of study or a phenomenon or a theory. It helps in developing new theories in science and, therefore, it is time-consuming. Shapiro (2013. a) in his research defined basic research as advancing knowledge for the sake of knowledge. The purpose of the basic research, therefore, is not to impact the society at present but in the future it has far more benefits. From basic research universities and other institutions can get benefit because it increases the knowledge base to do further studies. Some basic research are conducted to find out new techniques, procedures and tools to conduct the research itself.
      Applied research as the name suggest is conducted to develop new products, ideas, and goods to help the community at large. In other words, an applied research can be conducted to solve a problem or study a situation, phenomenon or idea as in the social science and psychology. The aims of the applied research can be varied, but its scope is for the present and not for some time in the future. Applied research can be conducted on any level, like by, government organizations, agencies, institutions, and even on a personal level too.

    2. Might be it is my answer sister...thanks for answering this question...

    3. well, i got the point. thanks for your explanation, hijriah and your addition, arisandi.

  20. Wow,. Those are good answers guys, Well, I need more explanations based on what My beloved friends @Radyatul Jamila and @Ibnu hajar about Basic and Applied research. So, What do you think about both of them, Which one is suitable for us as students to do ? Could we combine it ? because as we know later of course we will conduct a research . Thanks in advance 😄

    1. In my opinion of course it's better when we applied the research because the application bring much bebenefits such as we directly know the situation the thing that we want to looking for. But it still need a theory to back up our research . so , i think we should be combine both of them .. How about you @ibnu hajar ??

    2. Well.. for my sister @Tut Wuri Handayani, let me respond your question about which one is suitable forus (basic or applied research).In my mind, most of the research that is conducted by students lies in the applied research. Based on the explanation before, Applied research can be used to answer specific question or solve problem. For example, we conduct research to find the right solution for solving the problem that students face in learning English. It means the result of our research can be applied in present. Moreover, it involves some kind applicability.While researches conducted by scientists and experienced researchers may be both basic and applied research, because mostly the purpose of basic research is in developing knowledge or theory in science.

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  22. Name : Nur Khalisa
    Nim : 20400114010
    Pbi 1

    Ok well, let me answer the last question about the difference between quantitative and kinds of research both in terms of methodology and also in uderlying assumptions. Research conducted by terms of methodology includes quantitative and qualitative research. Where quantitative is a systematic scientific research on the parts and phenomena and relationships. According to Kasiram (2008: 149) in his book Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methodology, define quantitative research is a process of finding data in the form of knowledge which uses the numbers as a tool to analyze information about what he wants to know. The purpose of quantitative research is to develop and use of mathematical models, theories and/or hypotheses pertaining to natural phenomena. Quantitative research is often used surveys and experiments. While Qualitative research, according to Strauss anf Corbin (1997: 11-13) is a qualitative research is a type of research that produces finding that can't be achieved (obtained) by using statistical procedures or other means of quantification (measurements). Qualitative research includes 5 main characteristic such as:
    1. Using the natural environment as a source of data.
    2. Have a descriptive and analytical nature.
    3. The pressure in the process not the outcome.
    4. Inductive
    5. Prioritize meaning.

    Thank You

  23. Name : Kasmawanti
    NIM :20400114018
    Group : PBI 1

    I am going to answer the question number 4. It is about the contrast between basic and applied research. Based on the e-book and the other sources that I have read, Basic research is a type of research which is described as a research without immediate utility. It is mostly very comprehensive and is conducted to get a deep picture of a field of study, phenomenon or a theory. This research helps in developing new theories in science. Whereas applied research involves some kind of applicability. It is conducted to develop new products or ideas. In addition, this research is used to answer a specific question that has direct applications to the world. This is the type of research that solve problem by investigating root causes of the problem.

    PBI 1
    I will try to answer the last question, according to (Blaxter, Hughes and Tight, 1996: 61) Quantitative research is, as the term suggests, concerned with the collection and analysis of data in numeric form. It tends to emphasize relatively large-scale and representative sets of data, and is often, falsely in our view, presented or perceived as being about the gathering of `facts'. Qualitative research, on the other hand, is concerned with collecting and analysing information in as many forms, chiefly non-numeric, as possible. It tends to focus on exploring, in as much detail as possible, smaller numbers of instances or examples which are seen as being interesting or illuminating, and aims to achieve `depth' rather than `breadth'.

  25. St. Agustina
    PBI 1

    Well, I will try to answer the question of number 6. Talk about quantitative research, let we start from the definition of it. According to Burns N, Grove SK (2005) The Practice of Nursing Research: Conduct, Critique, and Utilization (5th Ed.). St. Louis, Elsevier Saunders book; Quantitative research is a formal, objective, systematic process in which numerical data are used to obtain information about the world. Then according to
    Babbie, Earl R. The Practice of Social Research. 12th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage, 2010; Muijs, Daniel. Doing Quantitative Research in Education with SPSS. 2nd edition. London: SAGE Publications, 2010; Quantitative methods emphasize objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through polls, questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing statistical data using computational techniques. Quantitative research focuses on gathering numerical data and generalizing it across groups of people or to explain a particular phenomenon.
    .From those explanation above we can take the key point of quantitative research is about numerical data. Well we have know about the definition, so let me try to explain more about it. Quantitative research method is used to describe variables;to examine relationships among variables; and to determine cause-and-effect interactions between variables.' (Burns & Grove 2005:23).

  26. St. Agustina
    PBI 1

    In addition; So, what is the difference between quantitative and another research method? Quantitative is related to qualitative method. Both of the method is prominent to know because those method are general in used. In the handbook of qualitative research Denzin and Lincoln (2005) describe qualitative research as involving “… an interpretive naturalistic approach to the world. This means that qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of or interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them.” When applying qualitative research methods, the emphasis is put on the natural setting and the pointsof views of the research participants. Additionally, special consideration is given to the researcher as person. So, from the definition above, we can conclude that qualitative research is about description.

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  28. Thank you so much for the question, Sir. I will try to answer the question number 2 since the first is already done.

    The question is about what research specifically in language teaching does, so this is my answer.

    1. Research is systematic and based on data. It means that research should give coherent theory, and data here means numbers, statements, responses, errors, and so on.

    2. Research uses experimental methods with treatment and control groups. it could exclude description and classification ad valid kinds of research.

    3. Research involves a hypothesis which is then tested.
    4. Research is objective.

    Name: Arsi Haruna
    ID Number: 20400114024
    EED: 2

  29. name : nur intan natsir
    ID Number: 20400114004
    group: pbi 1
    well, i will try to answer the last question about the differences between quantitative and kinds of research both in terms of methodology and also in underlying assumptions.
    Quantitative research is based more directly on its original plans and its results are more readily analysed and interpreted. Qualitative research is more open and responsive to its subject. Both types of research are valid and useful. They are not mutually exclusive. It is possible for a single investigation to use both methods.
    Quantitative research is, as the term suggests, concerned with the collection and analysis of data in numeric form. It tends to emphasize relatively large-scale and representative sets of data, and is often, falsely in our view, presented or perceived as being about the gathering of `facts'. (Blaxter, Hughes and Tight, 1996: 61)
    Bryman (1988) argued for a `best of both worlds' approach and suggested that qualitative and quantitative approaches should be combined. Hughes (1997), nevertheless, warns that such technicist solutions underestimate the politics of legitimacy that are associated with choice of methods. In particular, quantitative approaches have been seen as more scientific and `objective'.
    The main aim of this package is to introduce you to, and facilitate your understanding of, the key debates concerning qualitative and quantitative approaches:
    •To outline the qualitative and quantitative paradigms
    •To illustrate the distinctiveness of each paradigm
    •To illustrate issues of similarity between each paradigms
    •To outline the ways in which qualitative and quantitative methods can be combined
    •To apply this learning to individual research projects

    PBI 1

    Ok sir, let me try to answer the question number 4.
    - Basic research is mostly very comprehensive and is conducted to get a deep picture of a field of study or a phenomenon or a theory.
    - Applied research as the name suggest is conducted to develop new products, ideas, and goods to help the community at large.
    From those definition above, we can conclude that basic research is conduct to get idea but applied research is conduct to develop idea. Then, we can see the difference between basic and applied research.
    Basic research, therefore, can bring out new ideas, innovations and develop theories that can bring forward entirely new possibilities for the industries.n the industries, applied research is conducted to bring new ideas about products and test the efficiency of some of the products. Applied research is conducted on a daily basis in the industries. In marketing, surveys and observations are conducted to benefit the business. In colleges and universities, applied research is conducted to examine and search the facts that are already present, but hidden. Applied research, provides vital benefits to the countries’ economy. Basic research is conducted without a specific goal in mind, whereas applied research is carried out with the goal of solving a problem or answering a specific question.

    That's all from me, sir.

  31. Putri Ananda
    PBI 2

    I will try to answer the question no 5, The relative of description and invention in the context of the problem investigation. Whatever the planned, utility of the research based knowledge might be, it is usual to distinguish two kinds of aims or possible routes to the common goal of improving understanding. These two are broadly speaking, description and intervention.
    The term descriptive research refers to the type of research question, design, and data analysis that will be applied to a given topic. Descriptive statistics tell what is, while inferential statistics try to determine cause and effect. Descriptive studies, primarily concerned with finding out "what is," might be applied to investigate the following questions: Do teachers hold favorable attitudes toward using computers in schools? What kinds of activities that involve technology occur in sixth-grade classrooms and how frequently do they occur? What have been the reactions of school administrators to technological innovations in teaching the social sciences?, etc.Descriptive research aims at making explicit the significant effects wihtin the context itself.
    On the other hand, intervention research includes studies in which researchers arrange (or follow) a systematic change in conditions to determine the effects on a physical capacity, skill, etc. Clinical and experimental research are the most common types of intervention research but other systematic efforts to measure the effects of an intervention, including intervention-based case studies and qualitative studies, may be included. In the design of interventionist research, control and counterbalances are built in, by using randomization, careful measurement of confounding conclusion to be an ambigous.

    that's all from me
    thank you

  32. Let me try to answer the fourth question, Sir. It is about the contrast between basic and applied research.

    Both basic and applied research are important to the advancement of human knowledge, but they work slightly different ways, and they have different end goals in sight. Basic is well-known as pure research is conducted solely for the purpose of gathering information and building on existing knowledge, as opposed to applied research, which is geared towards the resolution of a paticular question. For example, a neurologist who studies te brain to learn about its general working is doing basic research, while a neurologist who is searching for the origins of Alzheimer's disease is involved in applied research.
    Thank you.

    Aulia Nurul Adiyah / PBI 2

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  34. Well, I'm Nurmagfirah Mutmainna from PBI 1.2. I'm going to answer the second question. It's about what is research in specially language teaching exactly? Research is a careful and detailed study into a specific problem, concern, or issue using the scientific method. It's the adult form of the science fair projects back in elementary school, where you try and learn something by performing an experiment. This is best accomplished by turning the issue into a question, with the intent of the research to answer the question.

    Research can be about anything, and we hear about all different types of research in the news. If we talk about what is research in language teaching, what is The purpose? The purpose to do research in language teaching is to know what is the problem that we got when we were teaching and try to solve the problem by research. It actually help the teacher to find out the best way to teach, to know what problem of their student have.

  35. Nur Aisyah
    PBI 1
    I will try to answer the last question
    Explore the differences between quantitative and kinds of research both in terms of methodology and also in underlying assumptions.
    research is about numerical data. Well we have know about the definition, so let me try to explain more about it. Quantitative research method is used to describe variables;to examine relationships among variables; and to determine cause-and-effect interactions between variables.
    what is the difference between quantitative and another research method? Quantitative is related to qualitative method. Both of the method is prominent to know because those method are general in used. In the handbook of qualitative research Denzin and Lincoln (2005) describe qualitative research as involving “… an interpretive naturalistic approach to the world. This means that qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of or interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them.” When applying qualitative research methods, the emphasis is put on the natural setting and the pointsof views of the research participants. Additionally, special consideration is given to the researcher as person. So, from the definition above, we can conclude that qualitative research is about description.
    Thank you

  36. Ainul Bayani Asdar
    Pbi 2
    Ok,I will try to answer the last question,Explore the differnces between quantitative and kinds of research both in terms of methodology and also in underlying assumptions.
    Bryman (1988) believed in the best of both worlds approach and suggested that qualitative and quantitative approaches should be combined.
    Quantitative research is based more directly on its original plans and its result areore readily analysed and interpreted.Quantitative research is more open and responsive to its subject.Both types of research are valid and useful.
    ( Best and Khan,1989:89-90).
    Quantitative research is as the term suggest, concerned with the collection and analysis of data in numeric form.It tends to emphasize relatively large-scale and representative sets of data,and is often,falsely in our view,presented or perceived as being about the gathering of facts.(Blaxter,Hughes,and Tigh,1996:61).

    1. It's a good explanation but could you like to give me more explanation which one in your explanation the mothodology of quantitative and qualitative ? and what is the different ??

  37. Ainul Bayani Asdar
    Pbi 2
    Ok,I will try to answer the last question,Explore the differnces between quantitative and kinds of research both in terms of methodology and also in underlying assumptions.
    Bryman (1988) believed in the best of both worlds approach and suggested that qualitative and quantitative approaches should be combined.
    Quantitative research is based more directly on its original plans and its result areore readily analysed and interpreted.Quantitative research is more open and responsive to its subject.Both types of research are valid and useful.
    ( Best and Khan,1989:89-90).
    Quantitative research is as the term suggest, concerned with the collection and analysis of data in numeric form.It tends to emphasize relatively large-scale and representative sets of data,and is often,falsely in our view,presented or perceived as being about the gathering of facts.(Blaxter,Hughes,and Tigh,1996:61).

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  41. Let me try to answer the question of number 4.
    Well, according to the sources that i have got, there are some specific differences between basic and applied research.
    Basic research (pure research) or also known as academic research is done for sake of knowledge gathering or to contribute in body of knowledge and has goal to find a generalization or a particular theory or principle . Basic research is not concerned to the practical aspect. The researchers in conducting basic research (pure research) attention to every activity closely. They will control all of the variables which will probably affect the results. So, that they will earn something valid completely.

    Applied Research on the other hand will be an extension to basic research. It is executed to find solutions to certain problem faced. The purpose behind this research activity is to discover and eliminate causes of the problem. In contrast to basic research, applied research is research that prioritizes practical terms (field application). This research does not focus on the development of an idea, a theory, or idea, but it is more focused on the application of such research in everyday life. The main characteristic of this research is the low level of abstraction, and the benefits or impact can be felt directly.

    Ainun Inayah
    PBI 1

  42. Let me try to answer the question of number 3.
    About the special characteristics of the reserceh
    the special characteristics of the research is:

    PBI 2

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  44. Marliana UB
    PBI 1
    I will try to answer the last question
    Explore the differences between quantitative and kinds of research both in terms methodology also in underlying assumptions.
    Quantitative research is research based on traditional scientific methods, which generates numerical data and usually seeks to establish causal relationships between two or more variables, using statistical methods to test the strength and significance of the relationships.quantitative research is as the term suggest, concerned with the collection and analysis of data and numeric form. It tends to emphasize relatively large-scale and representative sets of data and is often , faisely , in our view presented or preceived as being about the gathering of 'facts' (Blaxter, Hughes,and Tight , 1996:61). On the other hand, Quantitative research is the systematic empirical investigation of observable phenomena via statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques. The objective of quantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and/or hyphotheses pertaining to phenomena.

  45. I'm Nur Fadilah Rahman from PBI 1.2. I intending to answer the number three question.
    Characteristics of Research
    1.Empirical. Research is based on direct experience or observation by the researcher.
    2.Logical. Research is based on valid procedures and principles.
    3.Cyclical. Research is a cyclical process because it starts with a problem and ends with a problem.
    4.Analytical. Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering the data, whether historical, descriptive, experimental and case study.
    5.Critical. Research exhibits careful and precise judgment.
    6.Methodical. Research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using systematic method and procedures.
    7.Replicability. The research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to enable the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results.


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